
Saturday, May 31, 2014
Lacunae & crypts at External Border of the Collarette & Pupillary Zone - Rx
Please analyse the above structural signs, they are genetically determined and indication of family medical history for that individual...
Glandular Weakness - Lx
Multiple lacunae attached on the external border of the collarette, that genetic characteristic can be classified as polyglandular structure in relation to general glandular and hormonal weakness tendencies. In this case, a small solitary dark crypt located to the external border of the collarette at 125' should be analyzed first ! Crypt indicate elevation of oxidative stress and loss of substances within organs and tissues.
Lacuna & Minor Ray at 360' - Lx
Observe the lacuna attached on the external border of the collarette & minor ray at pupillary zone, both are important iris signs located at 360' in modern & embryological approaches, explain this genetic condition...
Friday, May 30, 2014
Lacuna Co-Sign with Melanin Pigment at External Collarette Border -160'- Lx
Please explain the melanin pigment co-sign with closed lacuna attached on the external border of the collarette at 160'-Lx, which organ is concerned for this topography area ?
Melanin Pigments at Pupillary & Ciliary Zones - Lx - (g1)
Please explain the genetic weaknesses of pigments located at pupillary & ciliary zones, which one do you analyse first ? Observe the contraction furrows break at 85' nearest to limbus zone !
The melanin pigment at pupillary / stomach zone should be analysed first as it represent a multidimensional iris sign in relation to Classical, Embryological & Emotional aspects.
Tuesday, May 27, 2014
Mammilations are transient nodules, which can appear raised from the iris stromal surface, it covered around the collarette and occasionally in the ciliary zone. Mammilations are signs for elevated intestinal & respiratory immune response of the macrophages. For further information please refer to John Andrews articles on this subject.
Melanin Pigments Intercept with Contraction Furrows - Rx - (g3)
Explain 2 melanin pigments intercept with radial furrows at 165' & 200', what are the major stress and psycho-emotional deficiency ?
Explain 2 melanin pigments intercept with radial furrows at 165' & 200', what are the major stress and psycho-emotional deficiency ?
Let us review some famous iridologist views on Contraction
a) Josef Deck indicates CFs as a psychosomatics etiology and
neuromuscular irritability.
b) Theodore Kriege suggested that CFs indicate poor blood
circulation and muscular tension of organ or tissue sectors concerned.
c) Emilio Ratti’s suggested CFs indicates gastric cramps,
anxiety and endocrine disturbances.
Joachim Broy indicates CFs is hereditary signs and indicates tendencies to
neuromuscular tension and changes in the circulation of blood and lymphatic.
this case, I would recommend that melanin pigments attached on the contraction
furrows at 165’ & 200’ indicates regeneration on kidneys function and
neuromuscular tension on pelvis areas. Psycho-emotional relates to chronic
anxiety, anger & resentment, fear of mortality and sexual dysfunction.
Multiple Major Rays at frontal of the Collarette - Rx - (g3)
Observe the multiple radial furrows / major rays radiate from the pupillary edge crossing pupillary zone towards to ciliary zone, some are adjacent to pupil flatness. Could you explain of this genetic condition ?
Multiple Radial Furrows / Radii Solaris appeared in the frontal
section of the collarette or brain reflexive zone which suggests cerebral
weakness, which enhanced by Superior Temporal Pupil Flatness (STF). In Modern
Iridology, that indicates the person may have entrenched feeling of inferiority
and a conflict with a forceful father figure.
If we found there were 4 frontal radial furrows at frontal
brain reflex zones that suggests stress related epigenetics expressed through
the iris, according to John Andrews.
a) Radial Furrow at 10’ co-sign with brown pigment indicate
a prolactin level imbalance and important of Time Risk marking!
b) The remaining of
the radial furrows or major rays located at frontal section of the brain zones should
be considered in Classical, Time Risk, Embryological & Citric Acid Cycle evaluation!
Sunday, May 25, 2014
Pigments at Collarette Bridge & Ciliary Zone - Rx - (sus)
Observe the pigments located at difference of iris zones leading to different level of interpretations:
a) Small pigment located on the collarette bridge at 140'
b) Dark-brown located at ciliary zone - 135'
c) Light brown with diffuse type uterus topography areas
d) Funnel sign at 140' surrounded by melanin pigments
Small Pigment Adjacent to Pupillary Border - Rx - (sus)
Observe a small pigment adjacent to the pupillary edge of the IPB and corresponded to Superior Nasal Flatness, please interpret the above condition...
The Assessment of Iris Pigmentation - Rx - (sus)
To analyse the iris pigmentation should be considered as follow:
a) The structure, size, shape and border of the pigments.
b) The topographical areas of location of the pigments - pupillary zone, internal collarette border, external border of the collarette, ciliary or limbus zone.
c) Is it a solitary, co-sign with structural signs or more than one pigments ?
d) Differentiation of the iris pigment type/density and color - concentrate, haze, diffuse, orange, brown, yellow, sandy, salmon pink, dark brown and black !
Wednesday, May 21, 2014
Orange & Brown Pigments at Pupillary Zone, Border of the Collarette & Ciliary Zone- Lx - (sus)
Female, Lx
The basic iris assessment as follow:
a) Frontal pupil flatness - tendencies for headaches, migraines, insomnia, fatigue, hypothalamus glands imbalance and possible depression.
b) Orange Central Heterochromia / Pigmented Collarette - hydrochloric acid imbalance, blood sugar imbalance, tendencies to constipation, eating disorder and bowel irregularity when under stress.
c) Ferrum Chromatosis - indicates to liver stress.
d) Melanin Pigment & crypts at pupillary zone - 75' , 190' & 260' - potential of adrenal stress with fatigue, lung stress, urinary bladder infection, family history anemia and blood sugar imbalance.
e) Melanin pigment at external border of the collarette - 150' & Co-sign with lacuna at 210' - medical checking on ovary and uterus should be considered.
f) Multiple lacunae attached on the external border of the collarette - 40', 77', 95', 210', 233' & 275' - refer to as endocrine and glandular system imbalance. Pay attention mainly to cardiovascular risk in her family background !
g) Multiple melanin / brown pigments at ciliary zones - 80', 125', 140', 220' & 270' - You may consider to analyse the conjunction to organs topographies for reference, generally it relates to liver stress involvement and gall bladder disturbances.
h) Linear Collarette (LC) pancreas dysfunction, blood sugar imbalance (Type 2 diabetes).
i) Pterygium - Commonly, it indicates a chronic actinic exposure, dry and windy conditions. In psycho-emotional aspects it relate to feeling of insecure, closed and hypersensitive traits.
Sunday, May 18, 2014
Structural Sign at 325' - Lx
Local Frontal Indentation of the Collarette - 30'-45' - Lx
Local frontal indentation of the collarette - 30' to 45' indicate a personal tendency and family history of depression with more passive and withdrawn experience.That is not direct relation to a prolapse of the transversal colon, instead it associate with Time Risk marking, suppressed of anger, injustice and issues of forgiveness in relation to Emotional Dynamics of the Collarette.
In Modern iridology, we named this as U-Shaped Collarette it associate with Kreb's Cycle imbalance & Embryological deficiency. It indicating tendency to heart disease, kidney insufficiency and gastrointestinal disturbances.
Multiple Crypts at Descending Colon Areas - Lx
Multiple crypts/small lacunae located at pupillary zone of descending colon, medical checking with colonoscopy should be done. In addition, the analysis of Embryological & Kreb's Cycle should also be considered to this condition...especially the concentrated small lacunae -60', 70', 85' & 100 at internal collarette border with linear formation.
Friday, May 16, 2014
Orange Pigment, Collarette Bridge & Crypt at Internal Collarette Border - 180' - Lx
Female, left
Please analyse these three iris signs located at ventral section of the collarette aligned at 180' degree.
a) Orange pigment at stomach zone
b) Collarette Bridge crossing a cry
c) Crypt located at ventral internal collarette border
These three iris signs can be analyse & apply in various iridological aspects. I will demonstrate in more details, refined and comprehensive way of explaining this presentation.
a) Orange pigment located at pupillary zone adjacent to the edge of IPB
- Generally, Orange Pigmentation /Lipochrome relate to pancreatic and hepatic functions, a family medical history of Diabetes mellitus & dysglytcaemia tendency is affirmative.
- In Classical view, this relate to stomachs stress and possible in chronic condition.
- In Modern Iridology view, this location is Breast topography areas, it indicate breast related problems, possible in pain or severe condition, potential of breast carcinoma problem. I will relate this to re-confirm with other signs !
- In emotional perspective, pigment located at stomach zone relate to resentment or crystallization with one's father.
- Orange pigment also relate to betrayal issues, in this case this happened with prominent male figure.
- If you observe carefully, the pigment is adjacent to the edge of IPB, which mean relate to Space Risk evaluation ! It signified as Space Risk 26 it indicate hemorrhoids and sigmoid diverticulosis, possible in pain or severe chronic condition ! This finding is also confirm by a crypt located at sigmoid colon - 180' !!
b) Collarette Bridge at 180'
- Local Collarette Bridge formation, firmly indicate a family genetic history of blood sugar imbalance and pancreas dysfunction. This inherited condition enhanced by orange pigment.
- TIME RISK marking at 180', the traumatic events or deep seated emotional issues - anger & resentment and unresolved betrayal issues, triggered at the age of 29 to 30 !
c) Crypt located at ventral internal collarette border - 180'
- Classical view in relation to sigmoid colon disturbances.
- In Embryological approach, this is an important iris sign to indicate predisposition to breast problems, possible breast cancer, that is also confirmed by the orange pigment located at pupillary zone nearest to the edge of IPB !
- In Cellular level, this sign is associate with Pyruvic acid imbalance, which indicate diabetes mellitus and hepatic steatosis. These inherited weaknesses also amplified by orange pigmentation !
I encourage that a practitioner should practice the skills of combining the different zones of iris signs by applying Modern & Advanced Multidimensional Iridology which is able to enhance the meanings of each other and increase the accuracy of iris assessment .
External Curvature Form of IPB
Thursday, May 15, 2014
Orange Pigment Co-Sign with Contraction Furrows & Break at 285' - Lx
Tiny orange pigment attached on the break point accompanied by the contraction furrows at the reflexive areas of 285' - Lx (left). Identify it genetic deficiency associated with physical & psycho-emotional conditions.
Contraction Furrows - Focus on Break or Terminate !
Contraction Furrows is considered a normal ocular drainage channels, it does not necessary to label a person who has this sign indicate a very stressful condition instead it represent a highly motivated, optimistic and positive minded person ! In Modern Iridology, we only focus on it BREAK , CONVERGE or TERMINATE topography areas, as it indicate the focus for stress, nutritional necessity, cellular regeneration, muscular tension and immunological involvement. Pay more attention if it CO-SIGN with any structural signs or pigments adjacent to the topography organs or glands !
Wednesday, May 14, 2014
The State of Unified
The Iridology regardless of streams - Classical, Holistic, Integrated, Modern , Contemporary and Multidimensional, they have provide a BASIC framework that adequately describes the pathway to genetic illness/weakness/deficiency/insufficiency. However, this framework have to extend to PROVIDE & MAKE further, more detailed, precise, careful and refined analysis of iris signs such as transversals, pigmentation, pupil tonus, dynamics of the collarette, radial furrows, embryological & citric acid cycle topography and the inner pupillary border to provide comprehensive information in spiritual, emotional, mental and physical levels
Tuesday, May 13, 2014
Important Iris Sign in Modern Iridology Approaches - Rx
Please identify which structural sign is vital and takes priority to analyse over other iris signs. This sign could be represent as multidimensional iris sign leading to multilevel of meanings, interpretations and approaches !
The stress in hypothalamus indicate poor adaptability to all situations. This is a hypothalamic embryological sign, patients who found with this sign tendency to have Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS).
1)Classical & Embryological it indicates - increase susceptibility to stress, gastrointestinal function disturbances, greater amount of adverse reactions and impaired adaptability.
2) The great depth of radial furrow at 360', correspond to "Time Risk" sign which relate to " Birth Trauma" - an experienced of premature or late delivery are concerned. If she did not experienced the difficult birth it may relate to her own children. The experience of deep and profound trauma is recorded !
3) In cellular level, it associate with Pyruvic acid imbalance , it will have chronic disease tendency, blood sugar imbalance and hepatic steatosis. We will determine these genetic deficiencies support by other iris signs !!
4) Embryological hypothalamus penetrated the collarette border and ending at the edge of IPB, indicate the patient experience a great emotional impact leading to limbic system imbalance
5) Holistically, misalignment of the integration of spiritual, mental, emotional and physical, nerve depletion, loss of vitality.. We will looking at other important iris signs that support, integrate and enhance our findings ! The following is to access the Inner Pupillary Border tissues. Stay tune !!
a) The radial furrow at 360' co-sign with local absent of the inner pupillary border at 358' signify Space Risk 1 this enhance the tendencies of limbic system deficiency, emotional imbalance, feeling of detachment, tendency to depression, psychological instability, insomnia, vertigo and migraines.
b) The External Cat's Claw IPB indicate tendency to Hypothalamus progesterone deficiency, low resistance to stress with emotional imbalance and migraines tendency.
By combining the iris signs of Hypothalamus stress at 360' , Space Risk 1 & External cat's Claw IPB, that showed her core inheritance weaknesses. Next step is to link and compare the results with other iris signs at pupillary zone, internal & external collarette border and ciliary zone.
a) In Modern Iridology, lacunae located at internal collarette border - 70', 85' & 140' consider in Citric Acid Cycle, its associate with Cis-aconitate & Succinyl-CoA acid imbalance, indicate tendency to stress, diabetes tendency, oxidative stress and cardiac function problems.
b) Crypt located at internal collarette border - 226', this sign can be explained in classical embryological & CAC approaches, indicating duodenum stress, blood sugar imbalance and tendency to heart problem.
c) Small lacunae located at external collarette border - 150' & 155' significantly indicate uterus stress and possible as uterus fibroid.
d) Take note that the Inferior Temporal Pupil Flatness adjacent to multidimensional sign (crypt ) at 226' mutually indicate predisposition to pancreatic dysfunction, Polycystic Ovary Syndrome ( please refer to the Hypothalamus stress at 360' by Radial Furrow !) and impaired hepatic hormonal clearance. Neck & shoulder tension is concerned.
e) Contraction Furrows breaks and terminate at heart lacuna topography areas - 270' indicate high cardiovascular risk which also confirmed and supported by numerous findings via applying MI approaches !
f) Ferrum Chromatosis or punctate pigments, tendency to liver compromise , enzymatic disruption and dysbiosis.
g) Collarette bridge indicate progesterone deficiency, enhanced by Cat's Claw IPB, blood sugar imbalance tendency and sensitivity to stress, triggered by hypothalamus stress.
In summary, she need therapeutic support on emotional imbalance issues and further medical checking on her blood sugar, ovary and uterus condition. Tracing her family members with medical history of heart disease, diabetes mellitus and hepatic related problems is recommended.
Monday, May 12, 2014
Vascularized Intestinal Transversal Co-Sign with Indented Lacuna at 90' - Lx
Observe the Vascularized Intestinal Transversal radiate from the ciliary zone crossing collarette border, pupillary zone toward to the edge of IPB. This relate to autoimmune problems indicate Ulcerative Colitis tendency. In addition, it can link to embryological analysis depend on it location at pupillary zone - 100'-105' relates to a deficiency of the kidneys and adrenals. Predominantly, is the transversal co-sign with indented lacuna at 90' indicate genetic predisposition to heart disease and family history of high tendency of cardiovascular risk. Time Risk & Emotional Dynamics of the Collarette evaluation for local indentation of this heart lacuna is recommended !
Sunday, May 11, 2014
Orange Central Heterochromia, Linear & Multi-Bridged Collarette and Minor Ray at Internal Collarette Border - Lx
Could you identify what is the Major genetic weakness by combining the above iris signs ? In my experience, majority of the core genetic weakness are stored at the cell zone & DNA/SNPs areas !
Vascular Transversal & Crypts at Internal / External Collarette Border - Rx
Could you identify which structural signs crossing from ECM to Cell zones, they can combine to indicate the same genetic weaknesses ? What are the Core genetic deficiencies can it be identified ?
The ECM, Cell & DNA/SNPs
a) ECM - Extracellular Matrix, refer to as ciliary zone.
b) Cell - refer to cellular & embryological aspects of the organs & organs in the pupillary zone
c) DNA - refer to chromosomes, the structure of the IPB
Based on The ECM, Cell & DNA chart presented and refer the above highlighted iris signs, which part of iris zone is set priority to be analysed ? can you identify which combination of iris signs that can increase the accuracy of this iris assessment ?
Vogt's Limbal Girdle
This white- blueish arc located at a sclera and attached to the circumference of the iris, this is not a Cholesterol Ring or Lipemic Diathesis sign, we called this as Vogt's Limbal Girdle. Could you explain what this indicate for ? At the same time, if we combined this sign with Linear IPB, Whitened IPB and Ventral Pupil Flatness and Tent Transversal, what kind of disease tendency is enhanced for this condition ?
Thursday, May 08, 2014
Frontal Collarette Structure & Pupillary Zone - Emotional Dynamics Views
An illustration of identifying the Emotional Dynamics of the collarette structure in Modern Iridological approaches:
Please try answer the below questions :
a) Which combination of iris sign indicate family medical history of pancreas dysfunction ?
b) Observe the collarette structure which local iris sign indicate a genetic predisposition to insomnia, depression and anxiety ?
c) Which iris sign is a predominant factor contribute to this psycho-emotional genetic problems ?
d) The Yellow Pigmented was found at the frontal collarette, could you explain in emotional level ?
e) Calculate the traumatic events / Time Risk based on local collarette structure.
f) Which iris sign is associate with betrayal and impatience issues ?
h) Identify which local collarette structure is relation to Immune Cell & PNEI evaluation ?
Wednesday, May 07, 2014
Periphery Iris Signs - Physical & Emotional
Observe the periphery iris signs on the limbus zone. Please identify which one of these signs have below tendencies :
1) Emotional dynamics attachment ?
2) Associate with osteoporosis tendency ?
3) Consider normal, genetic and are recognized in ophthalmology ?
Note: a) is not a Lipemic Diathesis ( Corneal Arcus) sign
Orange Central Heterochromia, Multi-Bridged, Orange Pigments & Minor Ray at 125' - Lx
Observe these iris signs, they are predominantly indicate a predisposition to blood sugar imbalance and hepatic deficiency. Could you identify which iris sign are the determinant factor contribute to this inherited weakness ?
The Embryological & Citric Acid signs ( minor ray) at pupillary zone - 135' as core factors to indicate this genetic inheritance deficiency !
Monday, May 05, 2014
Orange Pigments at Pupillary Zone & Collarette Border - Analyse in Modern Iridological Approaches - Rx
These 2 important iris signs - orange pigments & crypt at external collarette border & pupillary zone represent the major 80% of genetic problems reflected on this Rx iris (80%-20% Rule) ! What does it indicate the core inheritance weakness ? What can you find in Classical view ? How can we extend the finding in Modern Iridology view ? , and explore the core DNA deficiency on this iris in Multidimensional Iridology view ?
The core genetic weaknesses :
a) Waterfall orange pigment located at ventral section of the pupillary zone- 180' & crypt at internal collarette border - 270', both are modern iridological & embryological signs that indicate genetic inheritance of breast related problems or family medical history of breast cancer.
b) Waterfall orange pigment also signifying insufficiency of kidneys or uterus. Embryologically concern with hypothalamus stress and adrenal exhaustion.
c) Orange pigment located at external border of the collarette signify as Time Risk & Emotional Dynamics sign at 265'
Sunday, May 04, 2014
Brown Pigment Co-Sign with Double Lacunae - Lx
Observe a solitary brown pigment located in between of internal & external border of the collarette which accompanied with double lacunae at 275' to 285'. This concentrated brown pigment viewed as Multidimensional Iridology sign , it enhance by the double lacunae located at the external collarette border of heart reflexive area . Please apply the MI analysis techniques for the above condition ( you can refer the previous post at http://sivasanta.blogspot.com/2014/05/solitary-orange-pigment-co-sign-with.html )
Double lacunae attached to the border of the collarette - 275'~285' indicate family history of heart disease and this genetic weakness enhanced & amplified by the co-sign with solitary brown pigment at internal collarette border. This person has a great potential inherited of this genetic weakness of cardiovascular risk. In cellular level, the pigment associate with Malic acid imbalance and indicate fatigue and dysglycaemia tendency.
Psycho-emotional relates to suppression of expression and resentment. The potential of this deep-seated emotional stress or happened at the age of 13 or 73 (depending on this person current age)
IPB Morphology VS Orange Pigment at 135'
This is a Globular sign that indicate genetic predisposition to an intestinal dysbiosis, this inherited deficiency enhanced by a solitary pigment located at sigmoid colon reflexive areas !
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