Observe the multiple shaped of inner pupillary border tissues, pupil flattening and radial furrows at pupillary zone in multidimensional approaches. Could you identify where is the Koch's sign?
Please identify the above IPB tissues and space deficiency accordingly, then proceed to analyse the pupil flatness, major & minor rays at pupillary & ciliary zone...
There are two marginal pupil flatness highlighted on this iris. The in between Frontal & Superior Temporal pupil flatness - 325'~345' and Medial Nasal pupil flatness - 70'~90'. Could you correlate these two pupil flatness with identified IPB shaped ? Which IPB morphology is related to one of this pupil flatness ? The identification will enhance the accuracy and amplify the meaning of this genetic weakness in family medical history.Noted that, majority of the structural signs in human irises is hereditary, genotype and genetically inherited by our ancestors.
The correct ophthalmological terminology called for Radial Furrows is Schwalbe's Structural Furrows. Minor ray is classified where a radial radiate from the pupil border extend to internal collarette border or radiate from the external border of the collarette to ciliary zone. Major ray whereby radiate from pupil border penetrating through out to ciliary zone. Generally, it indicate diminished neural connections in gastrointestinal tract and reflexive organs & glands and is possible of vaccination reaction stated by John Andrews.
Multiple radial furrows are less significant impact to an individual then the presence of just one or two in the iris. But in embryological analysis point of view is significant if a radial furrow radiate from the edge of IPB and terminate to pupillary or ciliary zone! Please identify which radial furrow is significant relate to embryological and Time Risk consideration ? Again, correlate the findings with IPB morphologies & pupil flattenings.
What does the Collarette Rope means ? You may take reference books & charts from John Andrews & Dr. Daniele Lo Rito.
As mentioned earlier, set priority to analyse the shape, structure, thickness and color of the IPB tissues, then examine the pupil tonus in term of it flatness and ellipses shape, the structural signs at pupillary zone or inside the collarette - crypt, radial furrow, defect sign, pigment, transversal ( hard to find in heavy melanin pigmented in brown iris) & internal lacuna, they all are considered as multidimensional sign. Nevertheless, we should pay attention to a collarette structure, any signs attached or indented to the collarette, is considered multidimensional sign as well ! Finally, cross-checking with all findings in examine their correlations especially in embryological levels so as to enhance the accuracy of your findings !