A common doubt of Transferring energy :
- How to determine a person whether he/she is receiving enough energy to treat his/her Chakras or local parts ?
- How to balance up the transfer of healing energy to the patient, whether is sufficient, under or over- sufficient ?
- Does UE treatment can extend more than 5 mins ?
- Why other healing methods are more than 5 mins or even an hour ?
- During the healing session time is better control by sensing or timer ?
- Is't 5 mins is too short to feel the healing effects ?
The Suggestions:
UE Practitioner:
The practitioner is the one who practices HUE meditation daily to allow them to receive the HUE from around us, for the purpose of helping self and others to recover from sickness of any kind. Depending on which level the practitioner's at, the transferring of HUE varies from 5 minutes in totality to 5 seconds in totality for all sickness.
Remember, you are only a 'channel' of HUE, that means you must receive energy from somewhere, which is from everywhere, you need to focus on your C7 so that you know that the energy is channeling through you via C7. Then you 'direct' the HUE which you have channeled into your body to the receiver of HUE via your hands or you’re C6/eyes.
The directing is very important, you have to be 'relaxed' and 'concentrating' on the destination of where HUE is suppose to go to. When you are relaxed, there is no blockage in the flow of HUE which is coming in from C7.
Practitioners, be 'confident' when you transfer HUE, when you have doubts, you will 'block the flow' of HUE, which means you are not transferring the maximum amount of HUE to your receiver, it is ineffective.
Know that the HUE is the same for all practitioners, it does not matter 'who' you receive the energy from. The only that matters is the 'time' of HUE transfer and the appropriate placing of the hands while transferring (Level 1-5 practitioners).
Know that excessive HUE (too long a time in transferring) is useless, it will hinder the healing process, because your body cannot take too much energy, it will create disturbance in your body, which makes the discomfort of the body even more and psychologically, we feel that we are getting worse and we become sicker.
Practitioners are adviced to stick the time limit, depending on your level of HUE attainment for maximum effect.
The Receiver:
The receiver of HUE (the one who is sick), will only have to sit in a relaxed manner for the period of HUE transfer. It is very important to know, our sickness which we feel is the 'effect' of the 'cause' of the sickness. Which means when we receive HUE, the receiver should relax and let the HUE, which is intelligent energy, do its work, it will go to the 'cause' of the sickness instead of the effect, once the cause is healed, the effect will disappear.
You the receiver is to only relax and let it happen. There will always be people who feel that they want to 'direct' the energy to the 'effect' which defeats the purpose, they are fixing the effect, they will feel slightly better but no long term effect, because the cause is still exerting the cause, the effect will still happen a little while later.
You are the receiver, stop being the doctor, trust the energy to do its work and you do your bit of getting well.
When you trust HUE and the practitioner, you are maximizing on the effectiveness of HUE which means you get well really fast.
The beauty of HUE is that the more you transfer, the more effective you are.
Reason being, when you first transfer HUE, you are stressed, so the flow of HUE through you are lesser after it pass through you. But with time, when you transfer more and more, you become more comfortable with transferring HUE, you are more relaxed, the flow becomes smoother which means the receiver gets the most amount of HUE when you transfer within the time.
Credit by Sister Bee