Which lacuna is the most indented to the pupillary zone ?

Tuesday, October 30, 2018
Monday, October 29, 2018
Identify The Important Iris Signs in Modern Iridology - Less is More ! - Rx
a) Identify the multiple pupil flatness and analyse it with physical & emotional levels.
b) Identify the sharp indentation of the lacuna, this is a multidimensional sign which can be analyzed in Classical, Time Risk, Emotional Dynamics, Gestational Trauma & Chronobiological approaches.
c) Brown pigment located at internal collarette border can be explained in Embryological, Citric Acid Cycle, Emotional Dynamics in GI and Parental Conflict & Resentment approaches.
d) Linear Collarette in Modern Iridology approaches.
Sunday, October 28, 2018
Multiple Pigmentation & Misshapen Collarette Structure - Lx
a) Identify & analyze the pupil flatness in physical, spinal reflex and emotional levels.
b) Observe the brown pigments located nearest to pupillary zone, internal collarette border & external collarette border, look for Emotional Dynamics, Time Risk, Gestational Trauma, Embryological & CAC imbalances.
c) Identify lacunae type, co-sign with pigment and indentation with the collarette.
d) Linear collarette section.
e) Identify the core physical & epigenetic weaknesses for this person with combine the above findings..
Why Don’t We Offer Certification in Bach Flower Essences?
It’s a question we are often asked and there is a simple
Bach freely shared his work, he wanted the world to have
access to flower essences and their life changing properties.
He himself never sought to contain or control this
information. His work championed the understanding that there is no universal
solution to bringing a person into wellness. The essences that are right for
one person experiencing a specific condition will be different to another
experiencing the same condition. We are all individual and treating the
individual was the core of Bach’s life work.
The key to using Bach flower essences effectively is to first
know yourself and your true essence. When you have this piece of the puzzle,
the right essences for you and your situation will present themselves.
This is the journey each of us is on. A journey of
exploration and discovery unique to each of us and no certification is
required. That said, there are many good training courses if you wish to have a
certificate of attendance.
From Healing Herbs
來自英國 Healing Herbs 巴赫花精製造公司的文字分享
Saturday, October 27, 2018
Inside - Out - 1
Regardless of different zones of iris signs, always look to identify the inner layer of the structural sign - IPB> Pupil > Pupillary Zone > Internal Collarette Border > External Collarette Border > Ciliary Zone > Limbus
In this case, what should you look to identify first ?
白揚 (Aspen)
----- 巴哈醫生
(Dr Edward Bach)
龍芽草 (Agrimony)
Linear Section of the Collarette - Rx - (nw9)
Please Identify the linear section of the collarette - 355'-15', 110'-135' & 200'-220' compared with the Lx - iris - linear collarette section. Both indicates Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) disturbances and dysglycemia tendency. In addition, possible to have sleep disorder problem or depression.
Linear Collarette Section in Modern Iridology Approach - Lx - (nw9)
Linear collarette represent the individual predispose to family medical history of blood sugar imbalance. The specific linear section of the collarette border also indicates different kind of genetic weaknesses for the individual as well. this is a latest researched done by John Andrews.
a) Linear section of the collarette at 155'-165' indicates tendency to have PCOS imbalance.
b) Linear section of the collarette at 270'-295' indicates possible chromium disturbances.
c) Linear section of the collarette at 295'-305' suggests insulin resistance and hyperinsulinemia tendencies.
Saturday, October 13, 2018
Prenatal Stress, Time Risk, Emotional Dynamics, Neurotransmitter, Embryological & Citric Acid Cycle Signs at Collarette Border & Pupillary Zone - Lx - (mcz)
Prenatal Stress :
1) When a pregnant woman is chronically stressed or experiences
extreme stress, the baby may be exposed to unhealthy levels of stress hormones,
which can impact the baby's brain development. ... All of these factors may
help explain how maternal stress during pregnancy can have long-term effects on
the unborn child.
2) High levels of stress that continue for a long time may
cause health problems, like high blood pressure and heart disease. When you're
pregnant, this type of stress can increase the chances of having a premature
baby (born before 37 weeks of pregnancy) or a low-birth weight baby (weighing
less than 5½ pounds).
3) Severe emotional stress during pregnancy may cause
abnormalities in unborn children, say researchers. Previous studies have
suggested maternal stress during pregnancy - such as job loss, separation, or
bereavement - may lead to birth defects.
4) A pregnant woman's thoughts are the precursor for her
emotions. ... Hundreds of studies have confirmed that chemicals released by the
pregnant mother's body are transported into the womb and affect the unborn
baby.” Negative thoughts / emotions / trauma events are often the root cause of a fear-based stress
5) Some stress during pregnancy is normal, just as it is during
other times of life. But if stress becomes constant, the effects on you and
your baby could be lasting. When you're stressed, your body goes into
"fight or flight" mode, sending out a burst of cortisol and other
stress hormones.
6) Stress in Pregnancy Boosts Stillbirth Risk. Physical and mental stress on a pregnant woman may increase the risk of stillbirth, a new study suggests. ... However, stressful life events were common, and most women who were stressed did not have a stillbirth
7) Stress has long been suspected as a possible cause of miscarriage, with several studies indicating an increased risk among women reporting high levels of emotional or physical turmoil in their early months of pregnancy or just before conception.
Male, 7
a) Prenatal Stress & Time Risk signs at 175'-200' ( local distended collarette / collarette gap), 125' & 97' (lacunae) attached on the border of the collarette. Identify each traumatic time (month in utero)
b) What are the physical stress & negative emotions caused by the prenatal stress / time risk for this children in later life ?
c) Identify the family genetic weaknesses for this children in physical, embryological & citric acid ( cellular ) levels ?
d) If the collarette border 200'-175' identified as local distended collarette instead of collarette gap it relates to Neurotransmitter imbalance, indicates an excess of neurotransmitter. This relates to have an adrenaline imbalance. Long term excess may result in anxiety. If is identified as collarette gap then it concern with prenatal trauma in gestational period..
Monday, October 08, 2018
Gestational Stress/ Prenatal Trauma,Time Risk & Emotional Dynamics Signs on the Misshapen Collarette Border - Rx - (cd)
Which sign can be identified as Gestation Stress , Time Risk & Emotional Dynamics and physical genetic weaknesses fort his person ?
According to John Andrews stated that:
a) Our gestational development & prenatal experience form a physical & psycho-emotional perspective.
b) Positive or negative / traumatic / stress events can imprint a tenden top future behaviors & personality & future health condition ( chronic disease for example).
c) Hundred of studies have examined the impact of prenatal stress both in term of the future psycho-emotional, social and physical disease & epigenetic impact in future juvenile, adolescent and adult life.
d) Prenatal stress / trauma impact for adult life.
1) Gestational / Prenatal stress signs (lacunae) at 310', 240', 210' 68' & 47' indented and attached on the border of the collarette represent in the 1, 4 & 8 months ( Time Risk) in utero could trigger this genetic experience tendency to depression, blood sugar imbalance & stomach disturbance in later / adult life
2) The Emotional Dynamics can be analyzed and is correlate with prenatal trauma signs at external border of the collarette - 310', 240', 210' 68' & 47'. Observe the indentation of the collarette co-sign with lacunae ( indented lacunae) at 310', 240', 210', 68' & 47' which have greater impact in physical & emotional levels for this client.
3) In physical / classical approach, these 4 lacunae predisposition to pancreas, ovary/testes & tonsils disturbances.
4) The 4 signs of Time Risk & Gestational trauma in emotional level relates to feeling of injustice, betrayal, anger, trauma in violence & emotional barriers.
5) Linear Collarette at lateral temporal section indicate predisposition to blood sugar imbalance in medical history of family.
6) In summary, medical attention for blood sugar imbalance, digestion disturbances & reproduction organs and complementary therapy ( Bach Flower Remedies) for negative emotions / trauma is recommended !
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