
Tuesday, September 29, 2015
Pupil Flattenings Vs Embryological & Citric Acid Cycle Analysis - Lx - (sha) - 2
Analyse the multiple pupil flatness at Lx vs Rx findings :
A) Frontal Flatness (FF) indicates tendency to headache, migraines, depression and muscular tension at cervical vertebral.
@ Rx - (ff) frontal flatness
B) Lateral Temporal Flatness (LTF) indicates tendency to circulatory problem, asthma, emotional heart problem and gastrointestinal disturbances.
@ Rx - minor radial furrow (Embryological & CAC sign) at internal collarette border - 42' (with indented lacuna) signify stomach stress, citric acid imbalance associate with fatigue, sluggish digestion and allergic asthma tendency.
@ Rx - minor radial furrow (CAC sign) at internal collarette border - 18' & 23' indicate pyruvic acid & coenzyme A imbalance associate with diabetes mellitus and tendency to heart problem.
@ Rx - minor radial furrow (Embryological sign) at 320' indicate predisposition to cardiac risk.
C) Inferior Nasal Flatness (INF) indicate muscular tension at sacral. lumbar, leg problems and osteoporosis tendency. Suggest checking prostate ( take note the citric acid imbalance sign at 42'-minor radial furrow )
D) Medial Nasal Flatness (MNF) indicate tendency to breathing problem, cardiac risk and thyroid gland imbalance.
@ Rx - local indentation of the collarette at 105' thyroid reflex zone.
Atrophy IPB, Restricted, Indented Collarette & Radial Furrows - Rx - (sha) - 2
Diabetes, knee pain, migraine
Analyse and interpret the following findings:
a) Genetic weakness tendency for Atrophy of the IPB ( diameter between 0 to 50 micron) -
b) Frontal Flatness (ff) & Inferior Nasal Flatness (inf) in physical & emotional levels -
c) Restricted Collarette in physical, emotional and identification of Parental DNA -
d) Local indentation of the collarette at 105' & 346' in physical, emotional & Time Risk evaluation -
e) Embryological & Citric Acid Cycle signs at pupillary zone - 18', 23', 42' 160', 245' , 320' & 340' -
f) Linear & Bridge collarette - Physical & Time Risk
Find the correlation of each iris sign from Pupil, Pupillary Zone, Internal & External Border of the Collarette -
Monday, September 28, 2015
The Importance of Correlation Signs in Modern Iridology Approaches - Lx - (YJ) - 5
Local Indentation of the IPB - Space Risk 12 /17 & Spinal Tensions - T6 /T12 - Lx - (YJ) - 3
1) Local indentation of the IPB / Introflession at 270' & 302' signify Space Risk 12 & 17 indicates liver stress, fatty degeneration and possible family history of thyroid dysfunction and neuromuscular tensions at Thoracic Vertebrae - T6 & T12.
The analysis results can be traced and confirmed by the findings as below :
a) Elephant sign at frontal of the IPB - Rx ( refer previous post). This sign indicate tendency to blood sugar imbalance & leptin disturbances leading to poor fat metabolism.
b) Squared IPB at Lx - (c). This sign indicate genetic history of thyroid dysfunction / hypothyroidism.
Local Indentation of the IPB & Morphologies - Lx - (YJ) - 2
Thursday, September 24, 2015
IPB Morphologies & Local Indentation of the IPB - Space Risk, Spinal Reflex - Lx - (YJ) - 1
Wednesday, September 23, 2015
Signs at Internal & External Border of the Collarette - (YJ) - Rx - 5
Apply the identified IPB tissues ( a to f ) to correlate with the signs found in pupillary zone, internal & external border of the collarette that will enhance the accuracy of iris analysis...You may apply Classical, Embryology & Citric Acid Cycle / Cellular Iridology models for assessment.
John Andrews - Modern Iridology, Embryology Iridology & Citric Acid Cycle Iridology
Dr. Daniele Lo Rito - Embryology Iridology
IPB Morphologies - (YJ) - 5
a) Observe a small IPB tissue ( red arrow) sit on top of other normal IPB at (d), identify it relate to what type of morphology ?
b) Could you identify these two heavy appearance IPB tissues that which relate to intestinal function ?
Neuroendocrine Frontal IPB Structure - (YJ) - 4
Observe the above frontal section of the IPB structure ( a to f), the IPB tissues are irregular and deviations in the form of multiple morphologies, shapes and thickness. This indicate a person tendency to have compromised in adaptability, less resistance in emotional & physical deficiency, psychosomatic illness and impaired hormonal adaptability.
Refer : John Andrews 's The IPB & its Morphologies articles.
Tuesday, September 15, 2015
IPB Morphologies - (YJ) - 2
(Caason Tan Copyright)
Could you identify these two IPB tissues ? Explain the potential genetic weakness attached on these two morphologies. Both signs are related to family and personal history of blood sugar imbalance.
Monday, September 14, 2015
Atrophy IPB, Constricted Collarette, Indented Lacunae & Radial Furrows - Rx - (sha) - 1
Male, 67
Observe the Atrophy of the IPB structure, constricted collarette with indentation of the lacunae and radial furrows at the border of the collarette.
a) Explain the physical & emotional level of the atrophy inner pupillary border tissues.
b) The physical & emotional approach of restricted collarette.
c) Identify the Time Risk & Embryological signs at inner pupillary zone and local indented collarette border.
d) Combine the above findings and explain it core inheritance physical, emotional and embryological weaknesses
Observe the Atrophy of the IPB structure, constricted collarette with indentation of the lacunae and radial furrows at the border of the collarette.
a) Explain the physical & emotional level of the atrophy inner pupillary border tissues.
b) The physical & emotional approach of restricted collarette.
c) Identify the Time Risk & Embryological signs at inner pupillary zone and local indented collarette border.
d) Combine the above findings and explain it core inheritance physical, emotional and embryological weaknesses
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