Observe the Medial Nasal Pupil Flatness adjacent to Collarette Rope/ Koch's Sign at 75'-100' ( take note it adjacent topography areas). Please identify one of the major genetic deficiency of these 2 combination signs !

Wednesday, January 29, 2014
Medial Nasal Pupil Flatness Vs Koch's Sign - Rx - (wsf)
Observe the Medial Nasal Pupil Flatness adjacent to Collarette Rope/ Koch's Sign at 75'-100' ( take note it adjacent topography areas). Please identify one of the major genetic deficiency of these 2 combination signs !
Lacuna at 190' - Physical & Emotional Approach - Rx - (wsn)
Please identify this lacuna attached on the external border of the collarette - 190' and explain the corresponding to physical organ, visceroemotional, emotional dynamics of the collarette and Time Risk factors ?
The Integrity of the Collarette - Lx - (wns)
Observe the collarette integrity, comprise of it thickness, shape, distance, direction & structure, explain it in physical & psycho-emotional level !
Tuesday, January 28, 2014
Inner Pupillary Border Tissues - Physical Shape & Space - Lx - (tsg)
Please try to identify and differentiate the above inner pupillary border tissues in physical shape and space ...a basic practice !
Monday, January 27, 2014
The Combination of Iris Signs - Rx - (maria)
- Uterine fibroid
Please identify 3 iris signs located in different zones classified in Classical, Embryological, Mesencyhme & Neuromuscular tension in regard to corresponding uterus deficiency (uterine fibroid) refer to the above iris sample. As mentioned earlier, the combination of iris signs can amplify the meanings of the genetic deficiency !
The combination of Embryological sign at 195', Inferior Nasal Pupil Flatness and classical uterus lacuna at 155' indicate predisposition to uterus stress and family medical history of uterine fibroid.
IPB Morphologies Vs Crypt Located Internal Collarette Border at 90' - Rx - (lhy)
Please identify the correlation of these 2 iris signs - IPB Morphologies & Crypt located at internal collarette border - 90', they are pointing the same genetic deficiency tendency that are not show in classical topography areas !
A Modern View in Pupillary Zone & Local Collarette Structure - Lx - (les)
b) Observe multiple crypts located inside the collarette border and what models will you consider to apply of these condition ?
c) Could you identify where a solitary lacuna is attached on the external border of the collarette ?
Space Risk, Pupil Flattenings, Internal & External Border of the Collarette - Rx - (les)
Observe the local absent of the IPB, multiple pupil flattenings, internal and external crypts plus lacunae at collarette border and the dynamics of collarette structure...
a) Sharp indentation of the lacuna at 85' signify physical & Time Risk evaluation.
b) Defect sign & crypt located at internal collarette border at 75' & 215' consider consider Embryology & Kreb's Cycle models evaluation.
c) Explain the superior nasal & lateral temporal pupil flatness in physical & emotional approaches.
d) Observe multiple linear collarette formation & partial zig-zag at ventral section of the collarette.
e) Observe multiple lacunae & crypts located at the external border of the collarette. Identify which indicated lacuna is correlate with linear collarette & embryological sign at 75'.
Sectional Hypertrophy & Collarette Bridge Sign - Rx - (jasl)
Explain the partial or sectional hypertrophy & collarette bridge and pay attention to it adjacent organs topography iris signs !
Saturday, January 25, 2014
IPB Morphologies & Embryological Sign - Lx - (irene)
Common Practice in Modern Multidimensional Iridology - Rx - (irene)
Could you identify which iris sign can be group together that showing the same genetic weakness ? It will enhance an accuracy of the iris assessment and is common practice via applying Modern Multidimensional Iridology Models...please try !
Please explain the follow combination of iris signs that indicate a major vital inheritance deficiency for this person:
a) Squared IPB at frontal inner pupillary border plus Medial Nasal Pupil Flatness.
b) Inferior Temporal Pupil Flatness, Citric Acid Cycle sign at 80', Embryological sign at 270' Collarette Bridge, Linear Collarette & Classical Lacuna at 65'.
c) Lateral Temporal Flatness & Radial Furrow penetrated to the pupillary zone at 275' (multidimensional sign)
Please try to figure out the above answers ! This practice can broaden your view in observing an iris in different angles, levels & spaces no matter in classical, integrated, holistic, modern or multidimensional iridology approaches ! Learn how to combine, integrate & correlate them in proofing and enhancing the accuracy of findings & iris assessment skills !
We do one step further, please explain the above findings in emotional level as well! Consider the genetic psycho-emotional tendencies / emotional-epigenetic as follow:
- What is the Emotional Dynamics & Time Risk factors of Radial Furrow penetrated to the collarette at 270' ?
- Could you calculate the Collarette Bridge in Time Risk or potential traumatic event happened at this point ? and what is the emotional imbalance tendency for collarette bridge formation ?
- What is the psycho-emotional tendency for Squared IPB ?
- Could you explain the above multiple pupil flatness in emotional level ?
- What are the major genetic physical/organs deficiency of the findings that could be related to the father or mother principle ?
- What is the emotional dynamics of crypt & lacuna located at classical topography areas of 215' & 65' ?
Embryological Iridology,
Emotional Dynamics of the Collarette,
IPB Morphology,
Pupil Tonus - Pupil Ellipses And Pupil Flattenings,
Radial Furrows And Contraction Furrows,
The Cellular Iridology - Citric Acid Cycle,
The Collarette,
Time Risk
Thursday, January 23, 2014
Neuromuscular Tension in Spinal Cord on Inner Pupillary Border Tissues & Pupil Tonus - Rx - (chong)
Spinal coccyx injured due to fall down
Constipation problem
a) Could you find a vital important iris sign located at frontal section of the collarette & pupillary zone which indicate Hypothalamus/Amygdala & Time Risk markings ? This shall first be analyse !
b) Could you identify this client's DNA is predominant affected by maternal or paternal side ?
c) Which part of the pupil flatness is indicated of spinal coccyx problem ?
d) Which IPB morphology or shape is telling you her spinal cord is experiencing a severe problem and leading to generation & inflammation condition due to the injuries of the spine ?
e) Could you identify a unique IPB Archeology / shaped on the inner pupillary border tissues ?
f) Can you explain the above findings on emotional level ?
The case study is to examine the understanding & flexibility of applying modern multidimensional iris analysis techniques in pupillary & inner pupillary border zones !
The Collarette in Modern Iridology - Lx
Observe at least two local collarette structure indicate this client have a medical history of blood sugar imbalance tendency ! Can you identify which sign can be considered a Time Risk marking ?
Monday, January 20, 2014
Citric Acid Cycle Sign at 215' Vs Linear Collarette - Rx - (chng)
Please explain the correlation factor of embryological sign (crypt) at internal collarette border - 215' with linear formation at ventral & inferior nasal section of the collarette.
If you find more than one iris sign which are indicate the same genetic weakness in psychological, embryological and cellular level then it significantly revealed a person is carried a vital genetic impact by his/her parents and generations. The citric acid cycle sign at 215' associate with Succinyl-CoA acid imbalance signify a predisposition to Diabetes Mellitus which correlate with linear formation at ventral & inferior nasal section of the collarette. Moreover, we can find any topographical areas of pancreas lacuna attached on the border of the collarette ! I would suggest you should look beyond the physical of classical level, because most of the vital genetic sign was deposited on the above mentioned levels ! In my opinion, 80% of the major genetic inheritance signs were stored within the IPB, Pupil & Collarette domains.
If you find more than one iris sign which are indicate the same genetic weakness in psychological, embryological and cellular level then it significantly revealed a person is carried a vital genetic impact by his/her parents and generations. The citric acid cycle sign at 215' associate with Succinyl-CoA acid imbalance signify a predisposition to Diabetes Mellitus which correlate with linear formation at ventral & inferior nasal section of the collarette. Moreover, we can find any topographical areas of pancreas lacuna attached on the border of the collarette ! I would suggest you should look beyond the physical of classical level, because most of the vital genetic sign was deposited on the above mentioned levels ! In my opinion, 80% of the major genetic inheritance signs were stored within the IPB, Pupil & Collarette domains.
Sunday, January 19, 2014
Indented / Introflession of the IPB Tissues - Space Risk Evaluation - Rx - (anth)
Obviously, the squared IPB, medial nasal pupil flatness plus Space Risk 7 indicate this person is predisposed to thyroid glands deficiency. Bear in mind that, we had identified 3 importance iris signs indicate the same problems which located within the IPB tissues and pupillary tonus ! I think you can realize how important to understand and study the pigmented retinal epithelium tissues under the scope of modern & advanced multidimensional iridology.
Radial Furrow Penetrated the Collarette at 180' - Rx - (anth)
Explain the above condition by applying the Modern Multidimensional Iridology models, suggest in Classical, Emotional, Embryological, Cellular & Time Risk levels...
Remember the concept of " Less is More" !
Remember the concept of " Less is More" !
Saturday, January 18, 2014
IPB Morphology Vs Medial Nasal Pupil Flatness - Rx - (anth)
Please identify what type of this IPB morphology and explain the genetic tendency of medial nasal pupil nasal, they are interrelated and correlate with a certain deficiency in endocrine system ?
The squared IPB is correlate with medial nasal pupil flatness, they are indicate a same tendency to thyroid gland imbalance, possible a genetic family history of hypothyroidism ! By the way, there is no thyroid lacuna attached on it topographical zone to readily show for this genetic deficiency !
Friday, January 17, 2014
Hypothalamus/Amygdala, Yellow Central Heterochromia/Pigmented, Hypertrophy & Zig-Zag Collarette - Rx - (lynd)
( Source : Lynda)
In this iris sample, we can start to analyse on emotional level and then to physical level. A practitioner should be realized the most vital iris sign is a minor ray located at pupillary zone - 360'/0', it should be set priority to analyse as it enhance the meanings for overall findings on this iris ! This iris consist a lot of genetic information for practitioner to explore and interpret in physical, emotional, epigenetic and embryological levels starting from the pupillary zone, internal & external of the collarette, ciliary till extending to limbus zones. Let get some starting points...
a) A vital important of minor ray located at pupillary zone - 360'/0', this is an embryological sign which concern with stress in hypothalamus & amygdala glands. Explain the potential deficiency for these 2 glands ?
The Hypothalamus & Amygdala are the main components of the emotional centers of the limbic system. According to John Andrews, the importance of hypothalamus & amygdala signs at pupillary zone indicate tendencies of :
- Increased susceptibility to stress & impaired adaptability.
- Greater amount of adverse reactions & Mitochondrial disease.
- Dysmetabolic mesenchymia.
- PNEI interaction & limbic system imbalance.
- Immune system dysfunction.
- Depression, stress & anxiety.
- Eating disorders
b) Explain the Yellow Central Heterochromia, Yellow Pigmented, Hypertrophy & Zig-Zag Collarette in physical & emotional levels, they are linking with epigenetic aspect.
A yellow central heterochromia / inside pupillary zone & around the collarette border indicates a high tendency to intestinal dysbiosis, renal insufficiency, impaired hepatic & gall bladder functions, eating disorder ( amplified by amygdala stress), fear, constipation & bowel imbalance when under stress. The hypertrophy & zig-zag formation of the collarette, physically concerns gastrointestinal disturbances - intestinal dysbiosis. On a psycho-emotional aspect, it relates with a tendency to mood swings, stress, anxiety, unresolved resentment, issues of self-esteem & containment and fear of abandonment. The above emotional epigenetic problems is amplified by the stress in limbic system of hypothalamus & amygdala glands.
c) Identify a structural sign located at internal collarette border and explain it in Embryological & Citric Acid Cycle levels.
- The minor ray located at pupillary zone - 360' also indicate Krebs Cycle imbalance (CAC) which associate with Pyruvic acid imbalance that signify diabetes mellitus tendency.
- Crypt located internal collarette border - 235' on a embryological level it relate to blood sugar imbalance and cellular level concern with Coenzyme Q imbalance.
d) Identify the local indented collarette & co-sign with lacuna along the collarette border and explain in Classical, Emotional Dynamics & Time Risk levels.
- Multiple indented collarette by lacunae at 90' & 270' indicates a family history of thyroid glands dysfunction and heart disease tendency.
- On the emotional level, concerned with unresolved of grief and conflict with paternal issues. The experienced of these traumatic events/ emotional issues possible happened at the age of 15 & 44.8 (45).
- If the client have a family history of breast related problems, then earlier & regular of breast checking is recommended ! ( consideration of embryological sign at 270')
- Prediabates or Diabetes Mellitus tendency ( consideration of Citric Acid Cycle sign associate with Malic acid imbalance at 270' )
e) Identify the small structural signs located at external border of the collarette.
- Small crypt located at external border of the collarette - 250' indicate family history of blood sugar imbalance tendency ( correlate with Citric acid signs at 360', 270' & 235' and embryological sign at 235')
- Multiple lacunae located at external collarette border - 112' & 145' indicates possible of thymus gland imbalance and uterus stress.
f) Observe a transversal horizontally crossing the ciliary zone at 220'-250'. What type of this transversal and it carried what genetic impact to this person in physical & emotional levels ?
- I would classified as Hepatic Transversal, the possibilities medical history of liver congestion, hepatitis, liver cirrhosis, portal hypertension and cystic formation in the liver or breast ( please take note the indented collarette co-sign with lacuna at 270' as embryological sign indicative of breast related problems).
- A person with hepatic transversal, positively tends to be a very motivated person and extremely driven type of personality !
g) Identify multiple tiny melanin / brown pigments located at ciliary zone which co-sign with yellow pigmented Brushfield's spots. Please explain it in physical & psycho-emotional levels.
- Brown pigment genetically indicate a tendency to liver and gall bladder disturbances ( correlate & amplified by liver transversal and overall yellow pigmented collarette)
- Psycho-emotional it show anger and resentment !
- Yellow pigment Brushfield's Spots are a genetic marking, which indicate of lymphatic congestion, with resultant immune compromise and sensitivities.
Thursday, January 16, 2014
Amygdala Sign at 360', Space Risk 1 & Frontal Pupil Flatness in Psycho-Emotional Aspects- Rx - (para)
What is the most important iris sign can you identify in this iris sample ? Could you find a Time Risk marking ? In my opinion, this iris sample leading me to emphasize more on psycho-emotional level than thinking on physical aspects ! Please try !
a) Minor ray at pupillary zone 360'/0' embryologically indicate Hypothalamus/Amygdala glands imbalance and in cellular level it relate to Krebs cycle deficiency.
b) Local indented IPB at 360' by this atrophy inner pupillary border tissues structure signify Space Risk 1 & frontal pupil flatness, they are genetically indicate depression, stress, headaches & migraines which enhance and amplify by The Stress axis - Hypothalamus-Pituitary- Adrenal
b) Local indentation of the collarette co-sign with radial furrow at 180' indicate adrenal stress. I would suggest the combination of embryological sign at 360' & local indented collarette at 180' technically fulfilled the establishment of The Stress axis - Hypothalamus, Amygdala, Pituitary & Adrenal glands ( eventhough the structural sign must attached on the frontal section of the collarette at 360') The patient is experiencing accumulated an emotional imbalance of depression, stress, strain and fear condition. In addition, please consider the Time Risk, Citric Acid Cycle & Emotional Dynamics of the Collarette associate with the local indented collarette co-sign with radial furrow at 180' !
c) What about the constricted collarette in this case study ? Explain in psycho-emotional aspect as it correlate with the above findings. In my opinion, the epigenetic factors carried by this client was inherited by maternal side !
a) Minor ray at pupillary zone 360'/0' embryologically indicate Hypothalamus/Amygdala glands imbalance and in cellular level it relate to Krebs cycle deficiency.
b) Local indented IPB at 360' by this atrophy inner pupillary border tissues structure signify Space Risk 1 & frontal pupil flatness, they are genetically indicate depression, stress, headaches & migraines which enhance and amplify by The Stress axis - Hypothalamus-Pituitary- Adrenal
b) Local indentation of the collarette co-sign with radial furrow at 180' indicate adrenal stress. I would suggest the combination of embryological sign at 360' & local indented collarette at 180' technically fulfilled the establishment of The Stress axis - Hypothalamus, Amygdala, Pituitary & Adrenal glands ( eventhough the structural sign must attached on the frontal section of the collarette at 360') The patient is experiencing accumulated an emotional imbalance of depression, stress, strain and fear condition. In addition, please consider the Time Risk, Citric Acid Cycle & Emotional Dynamics of the Collarette associate with the local indented collarette co-sign with radial furrow at 180' !
c) What about the constricted collarette in this case study ? Explain in psycho-emotional aspect as it correlate with the above findings. In my opinion, the epigenetic factors carried by this client was inherited by maternal side !
( An Illustration of The Combination of Embryological Sign, Space Risk 1 & Frontal Pupil Flatness)
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