Current Age: 48, Male, Rx
The following explanation of potential and possible psychosomatic stress, trauma experienced events are based on the iris marking and structural signs on the collarette of Emotional Dynamics and Time Risk analysis.
1) Bridge formation at @ 345' - Age : 2.5 (toddler stage) / 62.5 (advanced adulthood stage).
- Possible paternal issue of acceptance (Rx), potential issue of conflict relationship in father & son.
- Stress in indecision, self-doubt, feeling nervous exhaustion, feeling drained at this time of age-62+/-, potential physical nervous exhaustion.
2) Lacunae formation at @295' - Age 12 ~ 13 (pre-adolescence).
- Suppression of expression, a challenge of psychological or emotional expression.
- Potential experience of betrayal and guilt.
- Family trauma.
3) Crypt and minor radial formation at @220' - Age 23 (adult stage).
- Feeling stress and anxiety in education or career path, life challenging to face, learn and overcome.
4) Asparagus lacuna indented the collarette at @ 195' - Age 28 (early adulthood stage).
- Conflict issues of relationship and partnership in business and career.
- Extremely challenging time.
5) Crypts formation at @120' - Age 40 (middle adulthood).
- Overcoming one-self of life path : possible deep emotional issues of low self -esteem , self limitation and self-critique.
6) Deep major radial furrow at @ 18' - Age 57 ~ 58 (middle adulthood).
- The possible experience of a deep and profound trauma in this point of time.
- Deep evolution.
- Extreme stress affecting the physical body.
- Issue of self- independence or conflict of self- restriction or freedom in realization.

Saturday, April 30, 2011
Love Dynamics of The Collarette-2e
-The Degree of Birth : @145' - 15/August./1963, Age 48, Male.
- Indentation of the collarette @195'.
- Introflection of the collarette at @195' indicate the Step of love 11, Renewed Love :
a) Love of a safe environment but left free to express itself.
b) Love that feeds on friendship.
-The Degree of Birth : @145' - 15/August./1963, Age 48, Male.
- Indentation of the collarette @195'.
- Introflection of the collarette at @195' indicate the Step of love 11, Renewed Love :
a) Love of a safe environment but left free to express itself.
b) Love that feeds on friendship.
Friday, April 29, 2011
Emotional Dynamics of The Collarette Analysis - 2d
The following are the potential tendency of psychosomatic on the client emotional condition or status. The structural signs attached on the collarette to be counted for this Rx iris : Crypts, Defect Signs, Major & Minor Rays and Bridge. To identify the major and predominant signs which attached on the collarette as an emotional and psychological barriers consideration.
The emotional findings :
1) The issue of independence, against and avoid any restriction from getting the joy of freedom, freedom in choosing a career, a job, way he think and like to do...and a love. Conflict in getting the air of self-independence. (major deep ray/radial furrow emanating from the border of the IPB to the ciliary zone @ 18')
2) Self-confidence to breakthrough one-self, desire for inner motivation and inspiration, self-expectation in term of his career. (hyperthrophic of wreath, taking mid-point @60')
3) Self-limitation, low confidence, lack of motivation, negative issue of self-image. (crypts formation @ 120')
4) Feeling of betrayal. (crypts/small lacunae @145')
5) Partnership in business or his own career, ineffectiveness of skill cooperation and bad relationship with others.(asparagus lacuna @195')
6) Feeling of worry and anxiety. (crypt @220')
7) Issues of emotional expression and self-validation. (crypts @285' & 295')
8) Issue of acceptance. (bridge in mid-point @345')
The emotional findings :
1) The issue of independence, against and avoid any restriction from getting the joy of freedom, freedom in choosing a career, a job, way he think and like to do...and a love. Conflict in getting the air of self-independence. (major deep ray/radial furrow emanating from the border of the IPB to the ciliary zone @ 18')
2) Self-confidence to breakthrough one-self, desire for inner motivation and inspiration, self-expectation in term of his career. (hyperthrophic of wreath, taking mid-point @60')
3) Self-limitation, low confidence, lack of motivation, negative issue of self-image. (crypts formation @ 120')
4) Feeling of betrayal. (crypts/small lacunae @145')
5) Partnership in business or his own career, ineffectiveness of skill cooperation and bad relationship with others.(asparagus lacuna @195')
6) Feeling of worry and anxiety. (crypt @220')
7) Issues of emotional expression and self-validation. (crypts @285' & 295')
8) Issue of acceptance. (bridge in mid-point @345')
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Dirk Hamer Analysis-I,II - 2c
Dirk Hamer Analysis I - Cerebral Trunk & Cerebellum Organs
1) Concerns with left pericardium in the pupillary zone @7' (minor ray/radii solaris inside the collarette) ,potential heart disease, lipemic diathesis in the periphery of the ciliary zone, indicate poor fat metabolism and high lipid content. Please refer to 2b- embryological analysis @325'- Heart sign.
2) & 3) Concerns with pleura, left peritoneum @18'. Related to lung stress and possible pleurisy. The client has allergic with warm, humid environment caused breathing difficulties (major radial at 18' and minor ray at 23').
4) Relates to left vestibulocochlear nerve at @60'. (hypertrophic wreath co-sign with crypt).
5) Crypt with no indication of DH sign.
6) Colon sign, possible gastrointestinal disturbances @120'.(crytpoid formation).
7) Colon sign, potential intestinal dysbiosis @145'.( small lacuna, crypt). Please refer to 2a, IPB-Pearl sign.
8) Kidney sign, suggest tendency to kidney insufficiency, renal deficiency @165'.(crypts). Please refer to 2a, Space Risk 17,2b- Embryological sign @180', indented collarette.
9) Genetic tendency of right prostate problem, intestinal disturbance and right kidney deficiency @195. (minor radial co-sign with asparagus lacuna in ventral section).
10) Pancreas sign @210' with minor radial penetrating the border of the collarette, tendency to blood sugar imbalance, also refer to 2a-IPB Elephants sign, 2b-embryological sign at @ 60' & 120'.
11) Pancreas sign @220'.(crypt).
12) Liver stress involvement @250', please refer to 2b-Embryological sign @315'. (crypt)
13) Gastrointestinal disturbance @285'.(crypt).
14) Right vestibulocochlear nerve @315'. (crypt).
15) Right breast problem, possible lymphatic congestion @328'.(tiny crypt).
16) Pleura, right peritoneum @345'possible lung stress and pleurisy, please refer to 2b-Embryological sign @250'.
Dirk Hamer Analysis II - Cerebral Cortex Organs
1) Represents tendency to bronchitis, breathing difficulties or lung stress @7', 18' & 23'.
2) Genetic inheritance to coronaries stress, potential to heart disease and cardiac arrest. @60' & 80'.
3) Predisposition to bladder infection or inflammation @120'. Please check 2a-Absence of the IPB @280', Space Risk 11.
4) Right retina @ 145'.
5) Left vitreum @165'
6) Predisposition stress and pathology to right testis and left kidney @ 195'. Please check 2a- Space Risk 17, 2b-Embryological sign at @ 215'.
7) Left retina @ 210' & 220'.
8) Rectal mucosa @ 250'.
9) Coronaries stress @ 285', 295' & 315'. Potential to heart disease.
10) Larinx @ 328' & 345'.
In Summary, The multidimensional approach - IPB, Space Risk, Embryological & Dirk Hamer Analysis, the potential genetic, predisposition and inheritance of the pathologies of the organs and glands of the client are :
1) Heart
2) Kidney
3) Testes and Prostate
4) Bronchioles and Lung
5) Pancreas
6) Gastrointestinal
7) Emotional stress and tension
We will examine the following of the Emotional Dynamics of the Collarette, Love Dynamics of the Collarette,Time Risk and Classical Iridology in physical and emotional approach. The complete Multidimensional Iridilogy assessment covered the human iris of physical, emotional and thoughts levels.The left iris will be assessed in next post - 3a...
Embryolobgical Analysis - 2b
1)Contraction furrow emanate from the IPB border toward to the ciliary zone at the degree of 15', embryological sign of bronchus, suggest bronchitis or breathing problem. Survival in career,financial and business issues.
2)Pancreas sign in crypt formation, suggest genetic tendency to blood sugar imbalance.@60'
3)Embryological sign of pancreas.Crypts formation inside the pupillary zone.@120'
4)Spleen deficiency, immune compromise.@170'
5)Indented collarette @180', potential of hypothalamus stress,adrenal fatigue and renal insufficiency.
6)Possible appendicitis, asparagus lacuna in the ventral sector @195.
7)Potential of testicular stress.@215'The client have sexual related problems.
8)Potential Duodenum deficiency, emotional tension, resentment with maternal aspect.
9)Lungs stress @250'. The client having breathing difficulties problems.
10)Tendency to thyroid dysfunction @285'.
12)Liver involvement, fatty liver with cornea arcus formation in limbus.@315'
13)Potential heart disease with cholesterol inorganic salts surround the ciliary zone 6 & 7.
14)Pituitary stress @340'- HPA Axis- embryological degree of 180'& 340'.
15)Cerebellum stress @345'.
1)Contraction furrow emanate from the IPB border toward to the ciliary zone at the degree of 15', embryological sign of bronchus, suggest bronchitis or breathing problem. Survival in career,financial and business issues.
2)Pancreas sign in crypt formation, suggest genetic tendency to blood sugar imbalance.@60'
3)Embryological sign of pancreas.Crypts formation inside the pupillary zone.@120'
4)Spleen deficiency, immune compromise.@170'
5)Indented collarette @180', potential of hypothalamus stress,adrenal fatigue and renal insufficiency.
6)Possible appendicitis, asparagus lacuna in the ventral sector @195.
7)Potential of testicular stress.@215'The client have sexual related problems.
8)Potential Duodenum deficiency, emotional tension, resentment with maternal aspect.
9)Lungs stress @250'. The client having breathing difficulties problems.
10)Tendency to thyroid dysfunction @285'.
12)Liver involvement, fatty liver with cornea arcus formation in limbus.@315'
13)Potential heart disease with cholesterol inorganic salts surround the ciliary zone 6 & 7.
14)Pituitary stress @340'- HPA Axis- embryological degree of 180'& 340'.
15)Cerebellum stress @345'.
Monday, April 25, 2011
IPB-Archeology, IPB Morphologies, Space Risk- 2a
1)Absence of the IPB @280' at Space Risk 11 - Tendency to gall bladder insufficiency.
2)Archeological Finding : Snake, the snake head facing frontal section.
3)Squared IPB - Tendency to thyroid dysfunction,potential genetic family history of hypothyroidism.
4)Introflection of the IPB, Space Risk sign of 4,potential of nasal polyps and allergic rhintis.
5)Pearl sign - Genetic tendency a family history of intestinal polyposis, intestinal tumours and inflammatory bowel condition.
6)Archeological Finding : Embryo Sign.
7)IPB Morphologies & Archeological Finding Form : M. Concerns with blood sugar imbalance within the realms od dysglycaemia.
8)Archeological Finding Form : 1 N.
9)Archeological Finding : Snake, the head was facing downward ventral section.
10)IPB Morpholgies : Double IPB - They have an inherited of nervous and anxiety with the presence of the Stress Axis in the Rx iris.
11) Absebce of IPB at the degree of @115'~@120'.Adjancent to the Spare Risk of 16 & 17.
a)Space Risk 16 - Genetic tendency to adrenals stress and fatigue. Potential of allergies and adrenals cortex deficiency.
b)Space Risk 17 - Genetic tendency to kidney deficiency, renal calculus and insufficiency.
12) Archeological & IPB Morphogical Finding - Elephants Sign, two elephants head facing to each other.
The IPB Elephants sign indicates an importance of the HPA (Hypothalamus,Pituitary,Adrenal)axis. According to John Andrews, It indicates:
- Genetic history of HPA compromise& susceptibility,especially with inflammatory pathways,autoimmune compromise, history of arthritis.
- Tendency to anxiety.
- Dysglycaemic tendency.
- Emotional epigenetics.
- Elevated cortisol.
1)Absence of the IPB @280' at Space Risk 11 - Tendency to gall bladder insufficiency.
2)Archeological Finding : Snake, the snake head facing frontal section.
3)Squared IPB - Tendency to thyroid dysfunction,potential genetic family history of hypothyroidism.
4)Introflection of the IPB, Space Risk sign of 4,potential of nasal polyps and allergic rhintis.
5)Pearl sign - Genetic tendency a family history of intestinal polyposis, intestinal tumours and inflammatory bowel condition.
6)Archeological Finding : Embryo Sign.
7)IPB Morphologies & Archeological Finding Form : M. Concerns with blood sugar imbalance within the realms od dysglycaemia.
8)Archeological Finding Form : 1 N.
9)Archeological Finding : Snake, the head was facing downward ventral section.
10)IPB Morpholgies : Double IPB - They have an inherited of nervous and anxiety with the presence of the Stress Axis in the Rx iris.
11) Absebce of IPB at the degree of @115'~@120'.Adjancent to the Spare Risk of 16 & 17.
a)Space Risk 16 - Genetic tendency to adrenals stress and fatigue. Potential of allergies and adrenals cortex deficiency.
b)Space Risk 17 - Genetic tendency to kidney deficiency, renal calculus and insufficiency.
12) Archeological & IPB Morphogical Finding - Elephants Sign, two elephants head facing to each other.
The IPB Elephants sign indicates an importance of the HPA (Hypothalamus,Pituitary,Adrenal)axis. According to John Andrews, It indicates:
- Genetic history of HPA compromise& susceptibility,especially with inflammatory pathways,autoimmune compromise, history of arthritis.
- Tendency to anxiety.
- Dysglycaemic tendency.
- Emotional epigenetics.
- Elevated cortisol.
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Pigment Granulations- 1d
Brown pigmentation in Lx iris
-Represent a tendency to liver and gall bladder disturbances.
- The smaller the shape and diameter the more significant it manifests the genetic pathological meanings.
1)The smaller brown pigment topolabile attached on the border of the collarette, it indicate an importance meaning in the advanced multidimensional iridology analysis and it topographically located in the medulla reaction area, suggest a survival issue in the emotional aspects, as described in 1c.
2)Small brown pigment located in the reflexive zone of bronchioles and breast areas,indicate thoughts and emotions of survival issues on love and relationship, mothering, feminine figures.
Compared to both small pigments, pigment-1 attached on the collarette are predominantly set priority in multidimensional iridology analysis system.
Liver and gall bladder involvement carried an emotional issues of anger and resentment, suppression of expression in anger and resentment with cornea arcus formation in the iris limbus. An issues of forgiveness and bitterness which supported by the analysis of emotional dynamics of the collarette at the degree of @40'. In addition, under the Hamer Dirk analysis in 1c, genetic kidney deficiency that indicate about forgiveness issue.
Multidimensional Analysis of Collarette-1c
Multidimensional approaches in Autonomic Nerve Wreath
Lx, Male, Age:32, Birth:14-11-1979, Degree of Birth:@235'
A)Extroflection with crypts formation of the collarette @165':
1)Time Risk at the age of 32, the person's beloved grandmother was pass away last month (March),deep-seated sadness and separation.
2)Embryological sign of Uterus, not applicable to male.Possible emotional attachment issue with mothering.
3)Emotional Dynamics - feeling of vulnerability on the traumatic event.
4)Love Dynamics - Step of Love-3
a)Love for the siblings
b)Love for the neighbour
c)Inconstant alternating love*
5)Physical analysis - Potential prolapsed of sigmoid colon.
6)Dirk Hamer Analysis-cerebral Trank & cerebellum Organs - Possible deficiency in kidney and gastrointestinal disturbances.
7)Dirk Hamer Analysis-Cerebral Cortex organs - left vitreum, left testis and right kidney. As compared to his right iris, a minor radial co-sign with brown pigment were presented in the testes reaction field in addition support with Dirk Hamer analysis, high chances of getting testicular problem. Please refer the findings result(Crypts,Brown Pigment Granulation,Stairstep lacuna, Bridge-2, dated April 20 2011). Thought & emotional issue of unconsciousness and ignorance, worded expressions such as "I don't know","I'm not aware". "I don't understand" Needing the love and care from internal - family and siblings love.
B)Crypts & Brown pigment granulation on the collarette @40':
1)Time Risk sign of age 53, potential stress of :
a)Extremely challenging time, which is very difficult to resolve.
b)Suppression of the emotional experience in connection to the trauma.
c)Deep rage & guilt.
d)Deep familial conflict
2)Embryological Heart sign - Potential heart disease and cardiovascular risk with the cholesterol inorganic salts around the iris limbus.
3)Emotional Dynamics - Forgiveness issues ( refer to genetic kidney deficiency)
4)Dirk Hamer Analysis 1 - Left side of breast, possible lymphatic congestion, survival issue on emotional aspects, issues with mothering or feeling of emptiness.
5)Dirk Hamer Analysis 2 - Bronchi sign, survival issue in emotional and love relationship aspects.
Love Dynamics of The Collarette
Analysis of Love Dynamics of the Collarette Border/Pupillary Border
-Degree of Birth:@280'
A)Introflection of Collarette - Step of Love concerned: Step 3 & 4
- Desire to feel completely loved, in every manifestation.
- Need to feel nourished by a deep love.
- love has to be sustained.
B)Introflection/Indentation of Collarette- Step of Love concerned: Step 8
- Desire to be nourished by the refinement of love.
- Love that desires to be courted.
- Love feeds on ideals.
C)Extroflection of Collarette - Step of Love 7
- Collaborative Love
- Love that desires to measure itself in its expression
Confirmation from the subject:
1)Desire to feel completely loved, in every manifestation.
2)Need to feel nourished by a deep love.
3)Desire to be nourished by the refinement of love.
4)Love that desires to measure itself in its expression
Friday, April 22, 2011
How We Love And How We Desire To Be Loved
Understand The Ways To Express Our Love
Listen To Our Partner;s Desires For Self-Realization, Tuning Into The Carrier Wave of The Other's Love
The Human Iris of Collarette Border
Love Dynamics Approaches In Iridology
Thursday, April 21, 2011
IPB & Space Risk Analysis-1b
1)Omega/Crab sign (approx 60%) -
a)Personal and family medical history of tonsillitis.
b)Genetic tendency to Rheumatoid Arthritis.
c)Unexpressed anger.
2)M-Sign - Genetic tendency to blood sugar imbalance.
3)Pearl Sign - Tendency family history of intestinal polyposis, intestinal tumours, intestinal dybiosis and inflammatory bowel conditions.
5)Target Sign - Liver involvement.
6)Absence IPB - Space Risk 16 - Adrenal fatigue, allergies, tangible and intangible fears, unable to take the first step, blocking a previous drive, overly sensitive.
7)Triangle Sign - Indicate gastro-intestinal disturbances with immunological complications and systemic toxicity involving the liver. The client having brown pigment granulation in Lx iris, suggest genetic liver degeneration and cornea acrus/cholesterol inorganic salts surrounding the limbus, Age 32, suggest potential heart disease.
8)Globular Sign - Dybiosis, gastric ulcer and linked to systemic toxicity.
9)Double IPB - Tendency to anxiety, nervous and have a masked vulnerability, possibly due to the experience of bullying in childhood.Which support the findings in refer to Embryological Analysis-1a, the crytpoid formation in the cerebral areas of pituitary and hypothalamus with the indented wreath in adrenal reaction field, that formed the HPA Stress Axis.
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Embryolobgical Analysis -1a
1)Pituitary stress,@345'.
2)Pituitary and cerebellum stress, suggest brain flairs analysis for determine the client's behavioural and emotional status,@350'.
3)Hypothalamus, limbic system compromise. HPA Stress - Crypts in (Pituitary + Hypothalamus)+ Indentation of the collarette in adrenal reaction field. Medulla oblongata, suggest genetic breathing compromise and survival issue in business, career and fanancial aspects,@360'.
4)Oesophagus stress @ 355'
5)Pancreas sign, genetically inherited blood sugar imbalance,@60'.
5)No embryological sign.
6)Hypothalamus sign in ventral section, spleen deficiency, immunological compromise,@215'.
7)Testicular disturbances, refer to brown pigment co-sign with radial formation located in the teste reflex area (Part-2), potential of duodenum stress,@215'.
8)Duodenum stress,@220'. The person claimed in good condition of digestion and elimination system,@220'.
9)Pancreas sign,@230'.
10)Embryological sign of thyroid stress, refer to square IPB,Part-3. laryns/Pharynx,@285'~295'.
11)Liver stress,@310'.Refer brown pigmentation in Part-2.
12)Heart stress, potential heart disease, both iris with lipemic diathesis,@330'.
13)Potential disturbance in duodenum & appendix,embryological sign,@190'~200'.Classical topography in appendix area.
Crypts,Brown Pigment Granulation, Stairstep Lacuna, Bridge-2
1)Crypts located inside the pupillary zone/collarette, suggest gastrointestinal disturbances.
2)Small brown pigment granulations co-sign with radial in the reaction field of teste,inherited of testicular deficiency. Liver stress involvement, poor fat metabolism and detofixication function. Refer to IPB's Target sign (Part-3)
3)Bridge crossing the potential of stairstep lacuna in the pupillary zone, possible a familial history of intestinal tumours, gastric ulcerations and intestinal polyposis. Look for the embryological sign ! The bridge sign indicate blood sugar imbalance history and sensitivity to stress.
Iris - Archeology & IPB Analysis-3
1) & 2) Squared IPB sign - Usually located frontal and ventral section. Primary tendency to thyroid dyfunction, genetic history of hypothyroidism.
3)S sign - It is a solitary sign, which tend to occur in the frontal section of the IPB. The S sign relates to the functions of the pituitary gland, especially prolactin release.Prolactin insufficiency, prolactinoma tendency.
4)Archeological Finding - Embryo sign.
5)Target sign - Tendency to anaemia and poor liver metabolises.
6)Squared IPB - Thyroid sign
Collarette Lx - Embryological Sign - Indented Wreath
1)Crypt located @305 in pupillary zone, embryological sign of Liver, Hepatocellular carcinoma cancer for the liver. The importance of the embryological sign superseded the classical iridology assessment. Genetically, liver does not manufacture the lacuna in it reaction field, liver stress only presented in :
a)Rarefaction of fiber structure or stroma.
b)Brown,dark brown and black pigment granulations.
c)Embryological sign in pupillary zone.
d)Space Risk in the border of the collarette.
e)IPB Sign.
f)Dirk Hamer Analysis in pupillary zone.
2)Indented collarette at the @195'deficiency in urinary and bladder, the person claimed have frequent urination during the night in every 2 hours, suggest bladder infection or inflammation and might caused by the blood sugar imbalance, symptom of diabetes- test result:9.9mmol/L. Time Risk sign !
Collarette Rx - Embryological, Linear , Bridge , Atrophy IPB
Male,67,Rx, Medical diagnosed with Liver cancer & Diabetes
1)Liver involvement @310', diagnosed with liver cancer, also refer Lx embryological liver sign.
2)Peyer's patches sign @35', immunological imbalance, possible lymphatic stagnation, due to high pigmented melanin of Hematogeneic Constitution, it very difficult to see the tophi or flocculation around the clilary zone.
3)Hypertrophic Linear Collarette @ 55'~80'- suggest predisposes to erratic blood sugar levels,pancreas/blood sugar imbalance, hyperinsulinaemia tendency.
4)Bladder & prostate sign @195', also refer to Lx embryological sign.Potential prostate infection or inflammation.
5)Bridge formation @205, Peyer's Patches sign.
6)Bridge formation @225, pancreas sign, genetic blood sugar imbalance, diabetes.
7)Lipemic diathesis, fatty liver, fat metabolism deficiency.
8)Pancreas sign @310.
9)Atrophy of IPB approx 90% - Potential of:
b)Hyperadrenal function
c)Immuno-depression from elevated cortisol levels
d)Premature ageing
Linear Collarette -
a)Pancreas/ blood sugar imbalance.
b))0' to 90' location point to Hyperinsulinnaemia tendency.
Bridge Sign Collarette -
a)Tendency to blood sugar imbalance history.
b)Sensitivity to stress.
c)Autoimmune Diabetes.
d)Time Risk sign !
Monday, April 18, 2011
Indentation of the Collarette
1)The local indentation of the collarette at 45'degree,Lx iris.
2)The major radial radiate from and penatrate to the collarette toward to the ciliary reflexive zone of medulla & mastoid reaction fields.Concerns with breathing insufficiency and survival issue in emotional aspects with femiline or martenal figure.
3)Time Risk sign ! Potential emotional traumatic stress at that particular time.
4)Psychological barrier, deep and unresolved issue at this point of degree of the collarette.
5)The major radii solaris co-sign with contraction furrows breaking at the topographiscal area amplified a meaning and point to a chronic conditon of a problem/traumatic event.
6)Dysbiosis intestinal tendency.
7)Suppression of expression of anger and resentment. Refer to the emotional dynamics of collarette analysis, the 45' degree point indicate an emotional issue of anger and resentment.
8)Increased PNEI factors.
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Saturday, April 16, 2011
IPB Hypetrophy/Hypertrofic
Introflection of IPB - Space Risk Sign
Pigmentation- Part 3
1) Brown pigment - indicate liver stress involvement, possible fatty liver with high lipid content or cholesterol level, refer IPB analysis of Triangle sign, the toxidity liver involvement caused the gastrointestinal disturbance. The constricted collarette amplified the deficiencies system of digestion, absoprtion and assimilation.
Embryological Analysis - Part 2
Constricted Collarette -
a)Ingeritance of the greater percentage of maternal DNA
b)Introvert personality
c)Intestinal are narrowed
d)Contraction and stricture
e)Tendency to Constipation
f)Poor perislatsis and general atony of the intestinal tract
Embryological topographies Analysis - NE: No Embryological Sign
1)Pituitary stress
2)Cerebellum and Oesophagus
3)Potential of bronchitis
4)Pineal stress
5&6)Gastrointestinal disturbances, refer to physical districted collarette, Pearl & Triangle IPB signs (Part-1)
7)Prostate deficiency, refer to Teardrop IPB sign (Part-1)
8)Testes weakness
9)Duodenum weakness
10)Nose,possible nasal polys, refer to Space Risk 4 (Part-1)
Archeology, IPB & Space Risk Analysis- Part 1
1)Archeological Finding - V Form
2)Archeological & IPB Morphological Sign - Love/Heart:The heart sign is present in tendency of Fibromyalgia.
3)IPB Mophologies - Pearl: Potential family history of intestinal polyposis, intestinal dybiosis and inflammatory bowel conditions.
4)IPB Mophologies - Globular: A globular sign is similar to a pearl in structure, except it has a much more swollen and heavy appearance. It can be a solitary sign, it relating to dybiosis.
5)Space Risk 4 - Concerns with Nose & Ears, possible nasal polys, allergic rhintis, potential of hearing loss from catarrhal otitis.
6)IPB Mophologies - Triangle: Illustrates gastro-intestinal disturbances with immunological complications and systemic toxicity involving the liver.
1)IPB Morpologies - Waves(temporal side): This formation is usually locaised to the nasal or temporal side of the IPB. It indicates: a)Increaded need for Vitamin C or zinc b)Potential emotional trauma, with the resultant suppression leading to immune dysfunction. c)Immune compromise of the respiratory mucosa.
2)Archeological Finding - Swimmer
3)Archeological Finding - Sheep
4)IPB Mophologies - Teardrop :This sign tend to be ventrally along the IPB, possible of prostate gland problem.
5)Archeological Finding : Turtle
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Time Risk Analysis - Rx Vs Lx
Right Iris
Left Iris
Male,current age :57
Compare the Time Risk registration of the right and left iris, the critical time of the potential traumatic events happened in the past and the coming future.
Past traumatic events occurred at the age of :
1)Right iris : 30,48 and 56.
2)Left iris : 29, 36 and 52.
The most reliable past trauma events were happened at the age of 29 and 36 - An indentation of the collarette in between of these 2 time frame.
The potential psycho-emotional for these 2 specific time frame :
- Onset of depression
- Deep self-criticism over an event
- Deep sense of injustice
- Suppressed of anger and resentment in response to life event at these two specific age.
Potential future trauma events will happening at the age of :
1)Right iris : 59 and 61.
2)Left iris : 59 and 62.
The most reliable time for the traumatic to be happened at the specific age of 59 and 61+ - Both iris registered by the radii solaris emanate from the border of the collarette to the brain reflex zone.
The potential psycho-emotional for these 2 specific age :
- Possible experiencing deep and profound trauma
- Extreme stress affecting the psysical body
- Deep realisation
Brain Reflex Analysis
1)Radial furrow or minor ray located in the frontal sinus refelx area, possible sinus infection.
2)Frontal brain, holistic approach in verbal expression, suggest suppression of expression, difficult to express one's thoughts or experiences from an emotional perspective.
3)Hypothalamus stress, manisfests in limbic system deficiency, concernw with vitality, brain fatigue, low emotional and nerve energy, vertigo, headache.
4)Double lacunae in thalamus refelx area, potential melatonin imbalance, sensory movement, problem in muscle coordination and expressing emotions through bodily movement.
5)Minor ray in cerebellum reflex zone, Possible past epi9leptic center, Possible sexual trauma, either experientially or genetically.
6)Minor ray mastoid area, ear problem.
7)Crypt in ear reflex zone, possible ear balancing or infection.
8)Double lacunae located in eye choroid retina, deficiency in vision. Refer Dirk Hamer,Cerebral Cortex Organs Analysis (6d,Rx)- Left eye retina
9)Closed lacuna located in shoulder zone, possible muscle pain and tension in shoulder. Refer Space Risk 6(6a, absence of IPB)shoulder muscle tension.
Archeology & Space Risk Analysis
Lx,Male,57 (Client of 6a)
Archeological Finding (Blue)
1)Sphere symbol
2)Sheeps crossing the road
Space Risk Analysis
1)Space Risk 3 ~ 20' - Face,Teeth,Psoriasis
2)Space Risk 4 ~ 30' - Nose & Ears, Nasal Polyps, Allergic Rhinitis.
3)Space Risk 20 ~ 225' - Colon disturbances, Intestinal dybiosis, Colitis,Diarrhea.
4)Space Risk 4 ~ 270' - Nose & Ears.
5)Space Risk 10 ~ 285' - Lungs, Possible of asthma, Bronchospasm, Bronchitis.
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Space Risk- 6a
1)Space Risk 10 ~ 285' - Concerns with lung stress, asthma and bronchitis.
2)Space Risk 3 ~ 340' - Face, teeth, psoriasis.
3)Space Risk 2 ~ 350' - Eyes, paranasal sinuses, stress in hypothalamus, pituitary, limbic system.
4)Space Risk 5 ~ 35' - Tonsilitis, stress in respiratory system.
5)Space Risk 6 ~ 50' - Pain or muscle spams in neck and shoulder.
6)Linear IPB (50%) - concerns with regidity movement.
Embryological Analysis - 6b
1)Possible of bronchitis, asthma ~ 8',refer to IPB's Space Risk 10(6a).
2)Pineal stress and Peyer'Patches ~ 25', immunological and lymphatic congestion and stagnation.
3)Pancreas sign ~ 60' suggest potential of inherited blood sugar imbalance.
4)Possible appendix stress ~ 185'.
5)Testical and duodenum stress ~ 210', gastrointestinal disturbances.
6)Pancreas sign ~ 240'.
7)Frontal and maxillary sinuses ~245'.
8)Lungs stress ~ 260'.
9)Thyroid stress ~ 285'.
10)Pituitary, tonsils and cerebellum, refer to Space Risk 2 & 5(6a)
Time Risk & Emotional Collarette Analysis - 6c
Dirk Hamer Analysis 1,2 -6d
Dirk Hamer Analysis - Cerebral Trunk & Cerebellum Organs Analysis (Green)
1)Left pericardium, concern about heart condition, possible heart stress.
2)Pleura, concern about the breathing condition.
3)Bladder,Sigma and Left vestibulocochlear nerve.The vestibulocochlear nerve is a sensory nerve that conducts two special senses: hearing (audition) and balance.It consists of two anatomically and functionally distinct parts: the cochlear nerve, distributed to the hearing organ, and the vestibular nerve, distributed to the organ of equilibrium.
4)Colon sign,concern about the perisltasis condition.
5)Colon sign.
6)Colon sign. Potential of gastrointestinal weaknesses.
7)Small intestine, left kidney, indicate possible deficiency in digestion, absorption and assimilation, disturbance in left kidney.
8)Pancreas sign.
9)Liver involvement.
10)Right vestibulocochlear nerve.
11)Right breast sign.
12)Right derma and right pericardium signs.
Dirk Hamer Analysis - Cerebral Coetex Organs Analysis (Red)
1)Branchial arcs.
2)Bronchial musculation.
3)Bronchi area.
4)Coronaries, heart stress.
5)Left bladder sign.
6)Right retina.
7)Concern with left vitreum, and right kidney.
8)Left retina.
9)Rectal musosa.
10) & 11)Larinx.
12)Thyroid sign.
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