Rx, Male, 41 1) Brown pigment granulations in the sclera attached around the iris limbus is considerd normal under hametogenenic consitutition. 2) Lipmic diathesis - cholesterol ring. Warning sign for the age of 41, possible high lipid level, poor metabolism and fatty liver. 3) Constraction furrows around the ciliary zone indicates high motivated and driven personality, sensitivity, stress oriented, possible muscle cramps and tension. 4) Deep groove of radial furrow tendency of hypothalamus stress, deficiency in limbic system, low vitality and emotional imbalance. 5) Stairstep lacuna attached to the pupillary zone of the small intestine reflex zone, tendency to have a familial history of intestinal tumours, gastric ulcerations and intestinal polyposis. 6) Crypt in the recation field of pancreas, suggest checking of blood sugar. 7) Multiple crypts formation in the humoral zone or the border of the collarette in the reaction fields of heart and bronchus. High cholesterol level related to coronary disease and checking of breathing condition - smoking or asthma problems ! 8) Double- lacunae seem like with cryps formation attched to the urinary bladder reflex areas plus the 9) indented collarete of closed lacuna in the prostate /penis reflexive areas, suggest medical examination in urination, impotence and intercourse related issues. 10) Rarefaction with open lacuna in kidney reaction reaction field. Possible kidney deficiency. 11) Crypt in testes reflex area. 11a) Pancreas deficiency - potential of blood sugar imbalance. 11b) Suggest gall bladder weakness. 12) Indented closed lacuna and crypt in the heart reflex area, potential of cardiovascular risk. 13) Closed lacuna with loose fiber structure in the medulla, suggest checking of breathing condition, a survival issues.

Brain - Emotional Reflex Analysis :
1) Survival/ Medulla- Possible of birth trauma, breathing deficiency, resistance to inspiration from the rational aspects, concern about survival in career, financial matters and business relationships.
2) Sexual Expression/ Cerebellum - Possible past genetic epileptic center. Possible sexual trauma either experientially or genetically fromthe masculine aspect.
3) Consciousness/ Vitality / Hypothalamus - Low vitality & enthusiasm, low nerve energy and possible brain fatigue, deficiency in limbic system, potential of birth trauma.
4) Self- Esteem/ Pituitary- Possible low self-image and less confidence in doing anything else.
5) Logical Interact/ Pineal- Possible weakness in express outwardly to the world what one knows one's logical/rational or mental capabilities.