Gender: Male
Age: 60
Physical & Enotional Analysis
1) Lipemic Diathesis circulate around the iris limbus, indicative of fatty liver, high blood lipid content, and the heart condition of circulatory system. Cholesterol plaque or inorganic salts indicates suppression of expression and communication in the emotional issues of anger and resentment.
2) Hypocelebral circulation, potential of cold hand and feet with poor blood circulation to the brain. An avoiding attitude of to 'know' and "think'.
1) & 2) Crypts located in the Pituitary and hypothalamus indicates potential of emotional stress, lack of concentration, depletion of nerve energy, headache, low energy and libido.
3) Open lacuna in pancreas area, predisposition to blood sugar imbalance and dificiency in digestive enzyme. Tendency to have an emotional issue of grief and sadness.
4) Leaf lacuna with whitish fibers structure inside the lacuna indicates an inflammation and agitation condition of heart and bronchioles reflex organs. The client was asthamatic during the age of 10 to 15. The heart sign in the right iris with thick cholesterol plaque enhance the risk of cardiovascular disease. Issues of survival, struggling something to overcome with, feeling of loneliness and the fear of loneliness.
5) Crypt in the pancreas & gall bladder reflex zone, tendency to blood sugar imbalance and disturnaces in digestive enzyme. Feeling of sadness and negative emotion of anger.
6) Closed lacunae in kidney reflex zone. Unforgiveness issues with anger feeling of being feeling loneliness or lack love and caring.
7) Closed lacuna in the adrenal area with an indentation formation to the collarette. Crypts located in the kidney zone. Possible of adrenal exhausted and kidney disturbances. With a feeling of fear of loneliness , fear to forgive someone or unforgive by someone, letting go issues.
8) Crypt located in the prostate zone. Potential of urination problem. Holding something with difficult to letting go...
9) Closed lacunae located in the urinary bladder reflex area. Letting go issues...
10) Crypt located in the bronchus area. High tendency of asthmatic problem. Hard to overcome own self, feeling and emotional issues.
11) Closed lacuna with crypt in the pancreas area. Predisposition to diabetes condition.
12) Potential of sinus condition.

Thought & Emotion in Brain Reflex Areas
The analysis of brain reflex areas will enhance the understanding the client deep seated thought and emotional issues which carried by the organs and glands.
1) Deep radial located in the hypothalamus indicates a low vitality and decreasing enthusiasm and energy to pursue , create andc acheive own goal, objective or spiritual aspects. (radial)
2) Possible experiencing of what was or was not received love, caring and compassion from the father, son or masculine figures while growing up or in his 1/4, 1/2 , 3/4 or now/ present of life. The client was 60 years old, it could be happened in the age of 15, 30, 45 or 60 at now... (closed lacuna/crypt)
3) Possible head injury or blocked, intense memory. Possible sexual trauma experientially or genetically from the masculine aspect. (crypts)
4) Potential of birth trauma, breathing difficulties, resistance rto inspiration from the logical aspects, concern survival in career, education, financial and business aspects. (open lacuna)
5) Concerns about someone think or feel about him, his self-image, self-confidence issues. (closed lacuna)
6) Limitation in expression of own's feelings, thoughts and perceptions into words in the logical manner. (radial/crypts)
7) Issues of utilizing mental ability to express outwardly in logical and mental capabilities. (closed lacuna/crypt)
Embryological Analysis
a) Semi open lacuna in 310' - liver stress, possible fatty liver involvement.
b) Leaf lacuna in 280' - deficiency in kidney, suggest increase water intake.
c) Crypt in 235' - blood sugar imbalance, tendency to hyperglycemia or hypoglycemia.
d) Closed lacuna in 215' - potential testicular imbalance.
e) Closed lacuna in 210' - possible deficiency in bladder & prostate.
f) Indentation/closed lacuna in 180' - comprised the terrain of hypothalamus, adrenal and kidneys stress.
g) Closed lacuna in 120' - pancreas deficiency.
h) Closed lacuna & crypt in 60' - pancreatic imbalance.
i) Crypt in 40' - potential motor disturbances in gastrointestinal tract.
j) Crypt in 40' - peyer's pacthes, immune system deficiency.
k) Crypt/Radial in 360' - medulla oblongata, weakness in respiratory system.
l) Crypt/radial in 360' - hypothalamus stress.
m) Crypt in 355' - pituitary stress.
n) Crypt in 355' - cerebellum stress.
o) Crypt in 335 - heart stress.
Time Risk Analysis
a) Major ray / radial / crypts located at the degree of 0/360' - stress in hypothalamus & pituitary and adrenal (a') with an indentation lacuna indicates phychological trauma/ emotional stress, potential in the age of 60.
b) Open & closed lacuna located in the time risk of 9 ~ 13, the client claimed that during that age he was experienced leaving hometown to study abroad, feeling loneliness, lack of loving & caring from the parent.
c) d) & a') Crypt, step lacuna & indentation of closed lacuna in the time risk of 20, 28 t0 30. The client divorced at the age of 28.
e) & f) The client doesn't mentioned any events at the age of 40, 50 & 55 ( closed lacuna, crypts & major ray at the 140', 60' & 50').
Inner Pupillary Border-Partial Atrophic
Partial Atrophic indicates some of the IPB section was missing, whilst the remainder of the IPB is normal, hypertophic or hypertrophic. The partial atrophic having a tendency of:
1) Poor adaptability to stress.
2) Genetic history and personal reactions of a hormonal basis.
3) Neuroendocrine tendencies.
IPB Morphologies Analysis
1) Triangle Sign illustrates gastro-intestinal disturbances with immunological complications and systemic toxicity involving the liver.
2) S sign relates to the function of the hypothalamus and in particular the subsequent functions of the pituitary gland, especially prolactin release. Possible of Hyperprolactinarmia that can be triggered by stress.
3) Heart sign relates to fibromyalgia tendency.
IPB Morphologies Analysis
Fencepest sign located temporally in the IPB structure relates to a history of cardiac disturbances stemming from hypersensitivity of the nervous system and asthmatic plus recurrent bronchitis problem.