1) Congestion stress line with encapsulated formation near to the stomach area. Indicate brain stress, brain fatigue, nerve impingement, low energy and libido, emotional imbalance, mentally stress and possible nerveous stomach with disturbance in digestion.

1) Congestion stress in adrenal and kidney travelling toward to thyroid area. Indicate adrenal exhausted with stress, and possible fatigue in glandular functions of adreanl and thyroid. Kideny stress also have to be addressed.
2) Advanced stress stemming from colon to pancreas, gall bladder and liver. Checking of glucose level, digestive enzymes (amalases, proteases and lipases ), digestive condition and detofixication functions.
3) Stress line toward to gall bladder and liver reflex zone.

1) Network lines crossing the left breast zone, indicate lymphatic congestion.
2) Liver stress line.

1) Congested traser line stemming from the adrenal gland joinning with thyroid area. The congestion line was curved down with encapsulation formation along the spinal nerves region. Possible glandular imbalance and impinged on spinal nerve stress.
2) Thyroid congestion line expanding toward to the rim of iris, indicate possible chronic condition.
3) Possible of scapula stress with lymphatic congestion.
1) Pituitary stress line approaching to thyroid zone.
2) Thyroid congestion line.

1) Medium stress line stemming from colon crossing to spleen zone, indicate deficiency in lymphatic circulation and drainage condition. The body immune system is concerned.
2) Advanced stress line in small intestine.
3) Impingement on spinal nerve.

1) Advanced stress line from left liver lobe toward to heart treflex area. Allergies and lipid level are concerned.

1) An advaned congestion line in thyroid reflex zone.
In summary, remedies and nutritional therapy to be taken as to restore the client health ~
a) Glandular fatigue in thyroid and adrenal - Phytobiophysics formulasb) Lymphatic massage - Phytobiophysics lymphative massange technique c) Energy psychotherapy ~ EFT ,UE healing, Heart Lock technique for brain stress, emotional imbalance and nerve depletion.d) Spleen stress remedy by applying flower energy HF formula.