
Monday, December 13, 2010
Monday, November 29, 2010
Multidimensional Iridology Analysis- Part 1
Rx Iris, Male, Age:46
Physical Iridology Analysis -
1) Hematogenic Constitution/Brown Iris Constitution
-Dark or medium brown iris with a densely melanin pigmented anterior border layer with little or no fibrous display or certain sectors reflecting light or dark shading, rarefaction with low density or tight with compact iris fiber structure which representing organs and tissues predisposition to insufficiencies and disturbances.
- General potential inheritance weaknesses for this type of consitution are:
a) Imbalance of blood composition or thick blood
b) Construction and hardening of lymph tissue
c) Disturbances in gastrointestinal tract, problem in digestion and absorption
d) Glandular system insufficiency
e) Liver, gall bladder and spleen insufficiency
2) Constitution by Structure- Polyglandular Structure
- Various type of lacunae, crypts and defects signs positioned around the border collarette or geometrical and symmetrical pattern attached to the autonomic nerve wreath or humoral zone.
- General predipostion genetic weaknesses for this subtype by structure:
a) Deficiencies and disturbances in glandular system overall
b) Weakness in the gastrointestinal system and irregularity of the bowels
c) Glandular function insufficiency such as pancreas, adrenal, gall bladder, pituitary, pineal, thyroid, parathyroid, digestive and eliminative system.
d) Imbalance of hormonal and endocrine galndular function.
e) Potential weakness in the heart, liver and kidneys
f) May have hypoglycemia or diabetes in the family
3) Lipemic Diathesis/ Cornea Arcus
- Cholesterol Ring deposited around the outer rim of the iris or the limbus in zone 6 & 7
- Possible of high cholesterol or lipid content in the blood stream
- Poor in fat metabolism and fatty liver
- Poor blood circulation, tendency for cardiovascular degeneration
- Cardiovascular risk is more significant when seen in the ages of 30 to 50
4) Analysis of lacunae, crypts and defects signs in humoral and ciliary zone.
The polyglandular structure genetically in deficiencies and weakness to endocrine gland, hormonal, gastrointestinal tract, gonad, detoxification and elimination system. The overall screening as below:
-1) Open lacunae and rarefaction of iris fibers in the kidney reflex area represent of low resilience, low resistance to negative influence and disease, easy to get nutrient in and expel toxic out
- 2) Double Open Lacuna located in the reflex region of kidney, hip, thigh, knee, foot and groin. Weakness in the lower extremist areas
- 3) & 4) Closed lacunae with dark shading fiber inside the lacuna indicate a potential genetic dgeneration condition at the pelvis area, it might affected the low extreme organs and tissues, and the center alignment of the spinal cord
- 5) Various lacunae and loose fiber structure attached in the testes reflex areas represent predisposition insufficiency of gonad function
- 6) Crypt in liver area, less compact and widen iris fibers attached with open and closed lacunae in gall bladder and pancreas zone indicate possible of liver, gall bladder and pancreas deficiencies. The significant stress was highlighted via the genetic crypt/small lacuna formation in the liver area.
- 7) Large closed lacunae in the breast, lung and bronchioles areas with semi-open lacuna in heart areas indicate inherited weaknesses in this structural genetic constitution.
- 8) Crypts showing in the pancreas zone potential inheritance of diabetes in his family generation
- 9) Open lacuna in hearing function
- 10) Closed lacunae in medulla showing potential breathing problem
- 11) Large open lacuna located in the brain reflex areas of cerebellum and posterior brain, details analysis of phychological brain reflex will be conducted in next section.
- 12) Deep and dark shading of crypt and closed lacuna in frontal brain area
- 13) Closed lacuna in forehead temple area
- 14) Closed lacuna in frontal sinus area
- 15) Closed lacuna in other part of liver lobe reflex area
- 16) Closed lacuna in the spinal cord reflexive areas of lumbar, sacrum and coccyx
- 17) Closed deep lacuna in prostate area
- 18) Closed lacunae in penis and kidney areas
5) Greates Genetic Impact from Smallest Lacuna/Crypt
In this case study, the various genetic signs of lacunae that comprised the patterns and sizes of large, small and crypt. We have to look for the smallest genetic sign as it create a great impact on the person health and is the greatest genetic information to health prevention. The potential genetic health risk highlighted as below:
2) Multiple crypts adhered in the reflexive areas of liver, gall bladder and pancreas, suggest examine the hepatic triglyceride, total cholesterol and hepatitis liver condition, digestive enzymes and blood sugar condition
3) Crypts located in the reflex region of bronchioles and heart, potential of cardiovascular risk, coronary or pulmonary blockage with an evidence a co-sign of cornea acrus- deficiency in fat and glucose metabolism. Cardiovascular risk is more significant in the age of 55 below with deposited sign of cholesterol ring. Suggest tracking a family medical record for lung stress
4) Small crypts seated in the pancreas area- checking of diabetes record in his family generation
5) Deep and short radial located the border line of frontal brain and forehead temple - have a genetic tendency to hypertension or high blood pressure in family constellation.
6) Small lacuna located in the sinus or frontal sinus region, suggest checking of allergies infection in a person family members and generation
Potential psychological or emotional issues of forgiveness, anger and resentment, suppression of expression, grief and survival issue on financial or career path
6) Pancreatic Syndrome
Large lacunae, crypts, defect signs and honeycomb in pancreas sector, lung area and tracheo-nasal region. These combination of genetical signs contributed as The Pancreas Triad Syndrome. Potential of bronchitis, blood sugar imbalance and breathing problem
7) Collarette wreath Analysis
- Extrovert
- Typical polyglandular constitution, gastric type, collarette is widely distended and appears flowery
- Inherited weakness of intestinal glands
- General atony of the intestinal tract and constipative pattern
- Motor disturbances, low tonus, poor peristalsis and slow motility
- People with distended collarette are recommended to cat small meals as often as needed
- Possible of parasites and fungus involvement in the gastrointestinal tract
2) Thick, Ropy and Raised Wreath
- Excessive energy in the stomach,a high reactivity with possible diarrhea and gastrointestinal motoe disturbances
3) Jagged and Star shaped
- Spastic colon type with irritability, strictures and inflammation in the intestinal tract
- Comprosed nerve energy at the jagged points
- Sometimes constipation and sometimes diarrhea
4) Analysis jagged points adjacent to the organs
-1) Jagged point adjacent to pelvis and testicle gland
-2) Jagged point adjacent to liver, gall bladder and pancreas gland
-3) Jagged point adjacent to lung and breast
-4) Jagged point adjacent to ear, hearing
-5) Jagged point adjacent to frontal brain
-6) Jagged point adjacent to frontal sinus and vision
-7) Jagged point adjacent to pancreas
-7a) Jagged point adjacent to bronchus
8) Jagged point adjacent to urinary bladder and prostate
9) Jagged point adjacent to kidney
Emotional Iridology Analysis-
1) Polyglandular/Endocrine Vegetative
-Wide range of emotional mood swings leading to exhausation: grief, fear, anger, pain, enthusiam and unsconscious behaviour.
2) Lipemic Diathesis
- Increased levels of overt anger and resentment, a wall of resitance and protection, difficulty receiving, perceptions of being a victim.
3) Emotional Dynamics of the Collarette
We are looking for the genetic signs of emotional factor in the border collarette:
a) Indentation of the collarette
b) Distended or extroflession of the collarette
c) Crypt, lacuna and defect sign
d) Radial Furrows- Major/Minor
e) Pigment granulation
a) Indentation of the wreath
b) Distention of the wreath
c) Lacunae with acute, chronic and degerative condition - hyper & hypo functions
d) Crypt and Defect signs.
The emotional dynamics of the collarette analysis as follow:
1) LS- Limbic System - multiple crypts seated at the degree of 360: potential an emotional issues of criticm, fear arrogance, anger, sesentment and tension that all have their roots in the limbic system.
2) CT- Creative Thought- crypt and generative closed lacuna attached at the degree of 15: issues on inflexibility, dullness and constraint in certain thoughts.
3) FG & AG- Forgiveness & Angle- closed lacunae indicating an issues of forgiveness and anger resentment in the degree of 40 ~ 45.
4) CF- Confidence - issues of self-image and confidence level of achieving something, motivational factors.
5) BT- Betrayar- intended collarette section with giant closed lacuna located in 140, potential issue of betrayar.
6) FR-Fear- Indented wreath with the form of diamond shape lacuna in the angle of 180.
7) EE- Emotional Expression- crypt and defect signs attached in that area of 280, possible difficulty in emotional expression.
8) SUR- Survival- Degenerative with defect signs in 220 area, survival issues in bussiness or career path.
9) ACC & CTR- Acceptance & Control- Giant semi-open lacuna in the area of 340-350.
Interconnection with Physical, Embryological, IPB & Space Risk Multidimensional Analysis
1) Closed lacuna found in kidney reflex zone
2) Space Risk 17 & 18
Pathological Predisposition to Urinary Bladder Deficiencies-
1) Closed lacuna in urinary bladder reflex zone
2) Embryological sign of bladder, teste and duodenum
3) Space Risk 22
Pathological Predisposition to Lung Stress-
1) Physical closed lacuna in Lung & Breast zone
2) Space Risk 10
3) Button holes sign in IPB
Pathological Predisposition to Heart Stress-
1) Embryological heart sign
2) Space Risk 5
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Organic, IPB & Space Risk Analysis
1) Crypt or small closed lacuna located in the humoral zone of bronchioles, thymus and heart reflexive areas, previous analysed suggest of immunological deficiency, lung stress, bronchitis and potential of cardiovascular risk.
Space Risk level-
1) Absence of the inner pupillary border in the spatial area of 5 indicate deficiency in upper respiratory tract, tonsilitis, acute and chronic pharyngitis and laryngitis. Disturbance of Space 5 fear of self-expression and suppression of emotions.
2) Absence of IPB at the spatial area of 10 represent lung stress, acute and chronic bronchitis, potential acute pleurisy, asthma and pulmonary abscess. Disturbance of Space 10 can result in restlessness, intolerance, withdrawal, fear of rejection and abandoment.
3) Absence of IPB in the spatial area of 22 suggestion of uro-genital disturbance, inability to liberate the creative libido, inability to surrender in intimacy or sexual.
Button hole pattern in the IPB indicate a potential of -
1) Uric acid sign
2) Gout
3) Respiratory, Cardiac & Intestinal functional compromises
4) Intestinal Dysbiosis-Hyperacidity The button hole sign was located in the space risk areas of 17 & 18 that indicate deficiency in kidney function or renal insufficiency and low self-esteem.
Friday, November 26, 2010
Physical-Embryological- Time Risk Analysis
- Time Risk-1 : Indentation of the collarette & crypt in the temporal area of the age of 15 0r 75. The person age was 60 above, potential of emotioanl or physical trauma event was occured during the age stated which the pupil was flatten at the lateral temporal area, a person might have severe asmathic or bronchitis problem.
- Time Risk-2 : Gigantic lacuna located in the time age of 30 or 90. A sign of diabetes millitus and kidney deficiency, an emotional lridology analysis to this condition will enhance the understanding of this potential traumatic event happened during the person age of 30 !
Embroylogical analysis
- Embroylogical /Mophological signs in the pupillary zone/nutritive zone, in between the space and time risk zone.
a) Pancreas - embryologically with genetic sign of insuline or pancreatic disturbance. Potential of diabetes, the sign was reconfirmed with the physical level analysis.
b) Pancreas sign at 120' degree.
c) Rarefaction with closed lacuna located in the embryological zone of spleen area, suggest immulogical imbalance.
d) Deficiencies in kidney and adrenal.
e) Deficiencies in testicle, urinary bladder and prostate.
f) Potential disturbance in duodenum.
g) Pancreas sign in 235' degree.
h) Lung stress, potential of chronic coughing or bronchitis problem.
i) Possible of thyroid , larynx/pharynx disturbances.
j) Liver stress, fat metabolism deficiency.
k) Potential of heart stress.
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Pupil Tonus
- Nervous breathing, such as asthma
- Lung stress, bronchitis & breast problem
- Possible impending circulatory collapse
- Potential of heart disease
2) Closed lacuna located in the reflexive areas of heart, thymus and broncholes indicates potential of cardiovascular risk, deficiency in immune system , bronchitis, asthmatic and severe coughing condition.
The pupil is toward to right oblique ellipse indicates genito-urinary disturbances.
Physical Iridology Analysis
Contraction Furrows
Physical Iridology & Time Risk Analysis
1) Open lacuna located in the uterus area indicates potential of uterine deficiency.
2) Rarefaction or separation of trabeculae structure, low density of iris fibers in the kidney region indicates of low resilience with less resistance to negative influence and illness.
3) Speration of iris fiber structure in the ovary reflex region indicates low resilience and reactivity to the negative influences.
4) Small lacuna or crypt located in the pancreas area suggest potential of blood sugar imbalance.
5) Small lacuna or crypt in the heart zone, genetic tendency of heart disease.
Time Risk-1 : Indentation of collarette pointed in the time frame of 30, at the present the client age was 30, the client complained after gave birth, having some emotional imbalance problem, such as depression, fear and tension. The baby was not in natural delivered but with operation, potential of unhappy event was occurred during the gestation of 4.5 month- at 180" degree ( refer to time risk chart).
Time Risk-2: Forecast the potential of physical or emotional trauma will be happened or triggered at the age of 33~35. Physically pay attention to the ovary condition.
Physical Iridology Analysis - Solitary Pigmentation, Perifocal Lightening & Semi-Open Lacuna
2) Small brown pigement topolabile located in the reflexive region of urinary bladder indicates disturbance in liver and detoxification function.
3) Semi-open lacuna inside content with whitish fibers or trabeculae indicates an inflammation, agitation and irritation in the reflex tissue of pancreas, tendency of blood sugar imbalance.
4) Semi-open lacuna with perifocal lightening formation in the reflex regions of pancreas and liver organs, indicates possible insufficiency of digestive enzymes and imbalance of secrecting insuline.
Stairstep Lacuna
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Physical Iridology & Time Risk Analysis
Monday, November 15, 2010
Solo Odissi Debut
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Monday, November 08, 2010
Medical Palmistry Analysis
2),3) & 4) Small island signs located in the line of #2 indicate potential disturbances of lung, breathing pathway, asthma, gastrointestinal weaknesses, indigestion, hearing and vision function dieifiencies.
5) Cross sign with simple stress located in the heart reflex area.
6) Massive of obstacles lines located in the region of #2 & #3 lines indicate weakness in blood circulation in the whole body, nerve stress, low vitality and libido.
7) Broken line in the reflex area of urinary bladder and prostate gland. Checking of urinary tract condition is required.
Saturday, November 06, 2010
Friday, November 05, 2010
Medical Palmistry Analysis
2) Potential of nose breathing problems.
3) Potential of breathing and bronchitis problems.
4) & 5) Possible of liver stress.
6) Deficiency in stomach digestion.
7) #5 line indicate deficiency in lung function and poor in blood circulation.
8) Disconnected or breaking line in the reflex area of kidney and urinary bladder.
9) This line indicates possible of constipation and digesation disturbances.
10) Stress in uterus area.
1) Potential deficiency in digestion.
2) Small triagle in heart and liver reflex areas indicates of heart and liver stress.
3) Medium triagle in heart area indicates potential of heart disease.
4) Medium stress in stomach area.
5) Stress in digestion, absorption and elimination system.
6) Potential stress in gall bladder.
7) Stress in stomach digestion.
8) This stress line also indiacte gall bladder problem.
9) & 10) Indicate indigeation and absorption problems.
1) Littile branch out lines or feather lines sperading at the rear area of #1 line indicates potential of breathing problems.
2) #11 line less than 2 lines indicate potential of urinary problem
#11 with only one line.
Medical Palmistry Analysis
Our Guide.....

When he was fourteen, he followed an inner voice and left home to find his destiny. He found it at the foothills of the Himalayas, in Rishikesh, in the form of the revered master Swami Sivananda Saraswathi. Initiated into Sanyas, he was given the name Swami Shantanand Saraswathi. The next 14 years were spent in the service of the Master, receiving in return priceless pearls of wisdom.
In 1965, after the Mahasamadhi of Swami Sivananda, he left the sanctuary of the ashram in search of his destiny. He wandered around India, with only the Divine voice within to guide him. In 1969 he was invited to Colombo, Sri Lanka where providence brought him into contact with some people from Malaysia. They were so taken up with the young swami with a melodious voice, that they invited him to come to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. He eventually came to Malaysia for the first time in November 1971.
His story continues........ ours begins.
In 1971, he was invited to Malaysia to give a talk on philosophy, religion and how we can live a life that reconciled both the mundane and the spiritual. Upon his landing, he made a silent prayer to his great master Swami Sivananda of Rishikesh:
"Dear master, I do not know why you have brought me here, but let me be worthy of your love and grace."
He was hosted by a family and through them met a number of other families. His gatherings were filled with songs in praise of God and his talks illuminated almost every conceivable subject pertinent to life and living. These discourses captured the minds of professionals and civil servants alike. His Holiness Swami Shantanand Saraswathi is his full name, but to one and all he is lovingly known as Swamiji.
"Follow any path, religion or doctrine, but believe in it sincerely, because the sincerity of your belief will illuminate and guide you to the ultimate goal of human existence."
He taught the universal message of LOVE FOR GOD AND SERVICE TO FELLOW BEINGS.
Soon by word of mouth, his following spread from Kuala Lumpur to Penang, Johor Bahru, Singapore and also to Perth and Melbourne in Australia. As time passed a core of 100 families became his regular followers in each center over a period of 10 years and they affectionately referred to themselves as Shiva Family.
During his sojourn, he observed that our youth needed to learn and understand their rich cultural heritage. In 1981, he inspired two great dance masters who were his devotees, to establish a cultural centre in Kuala Lumpur that would impart knowledge of dance and music to children who had a desire to learn.
The masters were the late Master Gopal Shetty and the late Master VK Sivadas. Together with their wives, Radha Shetty and Vatsala Sivadas, who are still Artistic Directors of the institution, they taught dance under the ancient guru-disciple tradition which was based on love and respect for the guru.Thus was born the Temple of Fine Arts.

Medical Palmistry Analysis
2)Medium stress in stomach.
3) Medium stress located in the are of heart, concern about effeficiency of blood circulation in the body system.
4) #6 lines located cutting horinzontally in the line indicates potential the stress and insufficiency of blood circulation in the body system, fatigue and stress condition.
5) Medium stress in liver's detoxification system.
6) #6 lines located in the #3 line indicates stress and fatigue in body condition.
7) Deviding line occured in the point of kidney reflex area.
8) Medium stress in the extreme areas of urinary bladder and prostate.
2) Multiple #6 lines indicates stress in liver, heart, deficiency in blood circulation, fatigue and low energy condition.
3) Kidney stress