Written by Dr.Thai Tan Truyen Source: MEL-OZIEUE is still a rather a new branch of study to a lot of people. In general, UE is understood as a medical study of healing without medicine, affiliated to Complementary Medicines, member of the International Congress of Alternative Medicine, member of Alternative Medicine Institute, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
Medicine, in general, is a branch of study on diseases, preventive methods, the protection of human health. Oriental Medicine, represented by Chinese Medicine for the last few thousand years, uses mainly herbal medical substances for the treatment of sickness, diseases. Western Medicine, studied by western scientists, is based mainly on the chemical medicine and added later on, surgery, energy. At present, Western Medicine plays a superior role in the treatment of sickness, diseases, accepted by many western countries as the mainstream medicine; but this does not mean only Western Medicine can successfully treat sickness, diseases, can protect human health; in reality, other Complementary Medicines such as Chi Kung, Acupuncture, Yoga, UE, etc, in many cases, have successfully treated sickness, diseases, prevented illness, protected human health.
Medical study or medicines, Oriental or Western medicines, herbal or chemical medicine can all treat diseases for human; but human health does not depend only on drugs, medicines but it also depends on many other factors; apart from the visible materialistic factors, human health also relies on other factors such as psychology, thought, sentiment, spirituality, metaphysics, etc. This is obvious and also extremely practical, we do not have to explain or to prove anything at all; but in fact, not many people pay attention to this and it is really absurd if we only accept the values of Western Medicine, disregard other medicines and do not combine other branches of studies in the treatment of sickness, diseases and the protection of human health.
UE is, in fact, not only a complementary medicine, a method of treatment of sickness, diseases by Universal Energy as shown in its Name or understood by many people, but UE is, in reality, a branch of study combining other branches of studies, and Medicine is only one essential study of UE, because mankind interest especially in the study of diseases treatment only; everybody wants to be healthy, sick people or people with diseases all want to be healed, especially the so called difficult-to-cure diseases, which cannot be treated by Oriental and Western Medicines. UE was born under those special backgrounds, in the civilized and modern era and in the most civilized countries in the word such as USA, France, Germany, Italy, etc. There were some patients, some diseases that could not be cured by any modern medical facilities and had called on UE for healing, swiftly, easily and not costly.
Million of people had studied or been treated by UE in the last 15 years; they are well-founded proofs on the effectiveness of UE treatment methods, by Universal Energy, according to science and it can be proved by science, or by Spiritual Energy according to Spirituality to the people who believe in the values of spiritual factors in human life. At present, UE has entered new periods, with UE advanced level classes, Master Dang has gradually guided his students in learning Philosophy, especially the Oriental Philosophy, not only to treat sickness, diseases for human beings, but also to play very important roles in human life, in materialistic life, in mental life as well as in spiritual life.
Being sick, in fact, is only a small matter for human beings, for human life; On this earth, nobody can keep away from being sick, whether a patient is treated or not, that patient still can overcome sickness. Being sick is not the most important thing yet, in fact, even death is not the most important thing, but suffering is an important matter in the life of a person; suffering is what people worry and concern about. A sick person may not suffer, but a healthy person may still suffer; therefore even we have medicine, we have drugs, we still need UE, we still require Philosophy to escape suffering; we not only need good health but also want to have happiness which no medical study, no medicine can provide, only Philosophy can eliminate human suffering and bring us happiness, that is the reason why finally we have to study Philosophy when learning UE.
Philosophy to many people is a literature word difficult to understand, consisting of profound and impractical areas of research and study; in reality, Philosophy is always close to, familiar and present permanently in human life, in everyday life, in thought, in feeling, in action of everybody. In the past, present or future, any one, regardless of rich or poor, noble or common, civilized or not, intellectual of illiterate, in fact where there is life, there is Philosophy and our life is always controlled by the Philosophies we have absorbed or received, accepted or refused, conscious or unconscious.
To be clearer, if talking about research, study, reasoning, etc then Philosophy may be the areas exclusive to highly educated people, people with profound knowledge, scholars, sages, religious and spiritual leaders, etc., but on practical aspects, almost everyone behaves, talks, acts under the influence of either this Philosophy or that Philosophy. Nobody can steer free from the influence of philosophical thought existed in our region, our country, our society, only whether we observe it or not, whether we recognize it or not. Philosophy always presents in our life as the air always circulates in our lungs, our heart, and our blood that we seldom pay any attention to.
We can start learning Philosophy by studying Thought, the most simple meaning and uncomplicated area of Philosophy; when we start to have thought, we begin to have Philosophy and it is thought which controls our life, controls our feeling, our sentiment, controls all our actions; Only people without thought have no philosophical life; and for anyone, once a person has thought, that person has philosophical life and because each person, each community, each people, each country, in a certain time, at a certain place, has different thought, therefore we always have different Philosophies, different lives, different civilizations, different happiness, different suffering.
Everyone of us has thought and freedom of thought, however in reality, human being is always controlled by a number of great thoughts that people call Philosophy, especially thought on spirituality that people call creed or religion. Thought can help people to progress, to be civilized, but at the same time, thought can lead people to errors, to disasters, therefore we must be very careful when accepting any thought, any Philosophy, Eastern or Western, Past or Present, materialistic or spiritual. Any Philosophy has its own good and bad points, has only relative values, we can not disregard or think too highly of any Philosophy, all materialistic things can change, so can thought, how do they change, when do they change, those are the things we have to learn, to study.
Why do we have to learn, to study Philosophy, especially the Oriental Philosophy? Because as we have said Philosophy is thought and Philosophy controls human life, righteous thought will guide people to a better life, maintain good individual life, good society, good country; on the contrary, erroneous thought will lead us to a terrible life, will harm individual, family, society, country and mankind. In the past, mankind had gone through too many destructive and bloody wars, even today in the world, there are many conflicts, fighting, massacres, resentment; Terrorist wars, which had took place and continue to occur everywhere on this earth, are caused by the differences in thought, they can only be solved by clearing, eliminating all hated thought in human beings. In future, the world would never stop fighting, resentment; Science and technologies are necessary for progress and civilization but only Philosophy can solve the resentment, the conflicts between human beings, leading mankind to a peaceful and happy world.
Back to the concrete and practical matters, people’s diseases and health, let forget about the normal causes of diseases, sickness, hygienic conditions, environment, air, drinking water, germs, etc, the latest medical reports reckon that human health, longevity depends on human will, thought; a strong will to live is a marvelous medicine, which helps people fighting most effectively against diseases; an optimistic, life loving spirit will help people live longer; Suffering, sorrow, resentment are diseases without cure, etc. All the things we have been talking about are the areas of Philosophy; the very name of UE:”Mankind, Enlightenment, Love” is a philosophical name with three main objectives of study: Mankind, Enlightenment, Love; they are the solutions for suffering, happiness of human beings; they are the important matters everyone needs and should learn, study and should implement and practice.
Love is a commonly used word, almost everybody knows it, talks about it, but hardly anyone recognizes its practical values; every time falling sick, everybody thinks of medicine, nobody thinks about love; in fact, many sickness, diseases can be cured by love alone without any medicine at all. This is not an empty theory or just beautiful words but very practical ones. For example, we can cite a lot of evidence, if we love our own body so that we would not let it overworked, we eat when our body hungry, drink when our body thirsty, wear warm clothes when our body cold, rest when our body tired, etc then we can avoid a lot of diseases; we need only to love our spirit, our feeling, we should not hate, not worry, not feel angry, not wish for anything, then we shall certainly have less diseases, sickness.
Love oneself is beneficial for one own body, that is obvious, but love others is also certain to bring benefits to ourselves, our family, our society, our country; but love must always goes together with enlightenment; if love without enlightenment, instead of benefits, love may bring disastrous things. Enlightenment has a clear philosophical characteristic and studying it normally requires lengthy and hard work; Enlightenment is the word and objective of religious people, but in reality not many people can attain enlightenment, even very high ranking religious people; ordinary people, without mental power, without sagacity to cultivate and progress, will be more difficult to attain enlightenment; and without enlightenment, human cannot avoid sickness, diseases, cannot be free from suffering and can never have happiness. Therefore, Enlightenment is an objective of study, a main application of UE, we must have enlightenment in everything, every business, human should be enlightened in every circumstances, in everything, at any time, in any place.
The world today, including the poorest countries also builds numerous schools, even specific school of Philosophy, but in reality, in the last few thousand years of mankind history, there is not a single school which can teach human practicable Philosophy, sublime as well as practical, as the UE school, Love is practical, Enlightenment is sublime, simple but profound, uncomplicated but complete. The UE Love is not love in theory but a concrete and beneficial one, UE Love is not an empty love but love with abilities, almost any UE student also has some spiritual ability to fulfill love by transferring energy to save oneself or save others.
UE students need not to say they implement, practice love without self-interest, this is not practical and not suitable for human psychology; by natural instinct any human could be longing for profit, If no profit, nobody wants to do anything, nobody wants to pursue it patiently, the important thing is those profits must be conformable to reason and sentiment of people, of society, of laws, of Spirituality, etc. The profits of love that UE students are longing for are good health, joyfulness, happiness, body and soul, they are are justifiable, we have the right to wish for, this is a practical and useful Philosophy of the UE School.
The word Enlightenment in UE School has the similar meaning as that in Buddhism and other religions, but the meaning and substance of Enlightenment that the UE School learns, studies, implements and practices has no characteristic of any religion at all. Enlightenment is the most honest and profound perception of each person toward everything, every matter; the perception of each person’s mental cognition according to the teaching of invisible High Divine Beings, not of anyone else, not from any books, any prayer’s books of mankind at all.
Therefore we cannot say UE belongs to any branch of study, any religion at all. Enlightenment is the release from all the binding of customs, habits, thought of other people. The Western World always thinks very highly of Freedom, but only Freedom of Thought is the real freedom. The core of UE Philosophy is the free Philosophy; Enlightenment must be a free enlightenment, not Enlightenment according to any particular thought, not the Enlightenment of any religion, of any creed or any culture.
To have this true and correct Enlightenment, this genuine Philosophy, UE classes of Master Dang consist of two parts, In the first part, Master Dang Transfers energy for students, science calls this Universal Energy; people who strongly believe in spirituality call this Spiritual Energy; in the second part, Maser Dang answers questions, explains queries from students, there is no limit on the topics of life, materialistic things or spirituality. In reality, it was proved that Master Dang has been enlightened spiritually, therefore any question from students, in any area, Master Dang can answer and answer immediately, He needs no time to think, no book to study, Without a high level of spiritual enlightenment, Master Dang could not achieve that; the most important thing is Master Dang teaches his students so that all of them will also attain the level of wisdom and enlightenment, and especially they will also have spiritual abilities, spiritual capabilities.
Spiritual abilities and spiritual capabilities are the most special areas of UE, the greatest difference separating UE from other branches of human life study, but many people do not understand, misunderstand or criticize those areas. Since Spirituality is the world of metaphysical energies, it is very difficult for us to make other people understood and when we try to present the matters we can not stop other people from distorting our presentation; however we need to have enough courage to present the existence and the essence of spiritual energies in human life, in worldly life of human beings.
The strange thing is that while main religions in the world, Christianity, Buddhism, Islam, Hinduism, etc, are teaching people believe in and pray to The Divine Beings, a lot of people still do not accept the believe in Spirituality of other people. UE has the belief in spirituality and teaches their students always having faith on and pray to the High Divine Beings just like other beliefs of other Religions; moreover UE also advises its students to believe and pray to the High Divine Beings of their own religions; Buddhist UE students should pray to Buddha, Christian UE students should pray to the Lord; therefore, all the criticism on the spiritual belief of UE students is really absurd and unfair.
UE Students not only have the belief in Spirituality just like other normal human beings, but UE students also have the ability to feel the presence of The High Divine Beings by the feeling of metaphysical spiritual energies on their body; thanks to this, prayers of UE Students to The High Divine Beings normally bring concrete results, many serious sickness were cured quickly without the need of any medicine, especially many cases of mental illness caused by spiritual reasons are cured rapidly; strange phenomena like fairy tales happened when energy was transferred to rice fields, farm produce, animal husbandry, etc.
Wisdom and Enlightenment are normally spoken in general, in reality, it does not matter how one studies, each person will have a different Spirituality, thus each person will have a different level of Wisdom and Enlightenment and will apply in each particular circumstance, therefore, in each class, Master Dang has different explanations and each one of them is only an initiation, an example, not an affirmation, because Master Dang used to say the Truth is changing, Wisdom is changing, Enlightenment is also changing, therefore we cannot affirm any thing, any matter at all; a saying can be correct today but can be incorrect tomorrow and vice versa, this lesson of philosophy rather conforms with the Relativity Theory of Albert Einstein.
The UE School and Master Dang only put forward just three objectives for learning and studying: “Mankind, Enlightenment, Love”, but if we can implement, practice them completely and correctly, we do not have to query what branch of study the UE School is, whether it is a branch of medical study or not, whether it is a mainstream medicine or complementary medicine, We do not query whether UE is a branch of religion, thought or philosophy study. What we need to know is that UE can bring us what we, human being, individual, family, society, and country always dream to have: happiness, luck, good health, joyfulness, etc.