The parts that created the M.E.L. logo are including: two circles, one dragon, one phoenix, three triangles representing the three pyramids, and the light blue background. According to its separate meaning of each part is:
1. The big circle represents the sun, the smaller circle is the moon, when these two circles are line-up to each other, which means the sun and the moon are united, according to the old Vietnamese language means Minh (Minh means light, bright, or intelligent). Minh here means bright, when one is always bright regardless of space or time, then that is Wisdom. When a clergy has wisdom, he reaches nirvana. When an ordinary person has wisdom, he feels that he has united with the body of God, and then he will not have any division or distinction among human being.
From there, the hidden intention and the heartfelt wish of Mankind Enlightenment Love’s founder is to take humankind’s ’spirituality to the true Wisdom. In fact, that place is a heaven on earth. The word Minh also indicates a clairvoyant King- A clairvoyant King is the King who loves his citizen as his children.
2. The Dragon: In the oriental culture, Dragon is one of the four holy animal and utmost important. In ranking Dragon is the first one: Dragon, Unicorn, Tortoise, and Phoenix. According to mythology novel, Dragon has a long body; it can curve and fly very quickly. Sometimes, it dives into ocean, other times it is up in the cloud, sometimes it creates lightning, vibrates the earth and sky. Artists draw it according to the surmise of people.
Therefore, Dragon has different shapes, but in general, they are alike. However, the mysterious point that we need to pay attention to be that the Dragon has 81 scales. The number 81 means 9 times 9, and the number 9 represents for prosperous in positive pole. Therefore, Dragon represents for bravery and masculine, speaking of color, Dragon has 5 different kinds: black, white, blue, red, and golden. The golden Dragon is a chief of the other four dragons, the golden Dragon usually travels by itself, and the other four usually travel in four different direction. The appearance of golden Dragon means there will be a coming Saint to ease the suffering of life.
3. The Phoenix is the Queen of all birds, and its feather has five beautiful colors. It only likes to land on the cornfield of High Mountain. The phoenix lays travel in pair, when the male crows, the female accompanies along. According to history, whenever this kind of bird appears, then there will be a delivery of righteous King. Therefore, the Phoenix represents for true peace and happiness, and represents for an elegant beauty and noble.
In all the meanings above, let us know that is the sign of a transformation period into a new one. The period of which the spiritual level of humanity is at the high point, and many people call it The Golden Age.
4. The three triangles represent for the three pyramids in Mankind Enlightenment Love faculty, this is the key of all Universal Energy practitioners, and the clergy people call it the secret method. This key cannot be open-up to a jewel treasure, but it will open-up to the wisdom and enlightenment for humanity (Understanding this meaning, I hope all Universal Energy practitioners remember to practice it regularly, because it will bring light and happiness to us, and we can use it to help others). Another meaning of these 3 pyramids is the indication of Heaven–Earth–Humanity and the smallest pyramid represents humanity.
The pyramid has 3 faces, and the 3 angles are meeting at the top point, the 3 faces manifesting the three spiritual forms on this earth, which are Buddha, Christ, and Fairy. The three angles indicate the division of the three major religions. Although humanity at different religions, whenever their spiritual evolution reaches a high point, it will take them to the top of the pyramid. Here, humanity do-not divide themselves anymore, no more prejudice, that is The Unity and that is also the goal of Mankind Enlightenment Love faculty.
Written by Luan Truong , Translated by Ricky Tran Via MEL Magazine
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