Thursday, December 31, 2015

Paternal DNA, Embryological & Kreb's Cycle Signs - Lx

 a) Extended collarette refer to Paternal DNA. 
b) Observe & analyze the important iris sign/ multiple crypts located at pupillary zone - 68', 96', 158', 175', 257'  & 267' in embryological & cellular levels.
c) Collarette Bridge at mid-point - 68' as Time Risk sign.
d) Explain frontal pupil flatness & orange central heterochromia.
e) Observe numerous lacunae attached at external border of the collarette - 170', 275', 285' , 315' & *335'
f) Time Risk ,Chronological & Emotional Dynamics of the Collarette signs - 285',  170' & 68' 

Neurogenic, Vogt's Limbal Girdle, Ferrum Chromatosis, Pupil Flattenings, Thin Collarette, Radial & Contraction Furrows - Lx

a) Explain Mixed Biliary Constitution, Neurogenic, Vegatitive Spastic Disposition & Ferrum Chromatosis Diathesis.
b) Explain Vogt's Limbal Girdle at the edge of limbus.
c) Explain Inferior Temporal Flatness & Medial Nasal Flatness in physical & emotional levels.
d) Solitary Brown pigment intercepted contraction furrow at 240' liver topography areas in physical and emotional levels.
e) Rarefaction of iris fibers intercepting with contraction furrows at bronchials reflexive areas.
f) Major Rays / Radial Furrows crossing pupillary zone and penetrating to pupil - 60', 360' & 328' - Embryological, Kreb's Cycle, Time Risk & Emotional Dynamics of the Collarette.
g) Explain hypotrophy of the collarette in physical & psycho-emotional levels.

Pupil Flatness, Minor Rays, Orange Pigmente & Restricted Collarette - Rx

a) Orange pigmented collarette is an inheritance of emotional conflicts relates to issues of betrayal, blood sugar disturbances, food intolerance, pancreatic & liver dysfunction and a family history of diabetes mellitus or hypoglycemia, which was amplified by inferior temporal flatness.
b)  Restricted collarette indicates a tendency to constipation and sluggishness of the intestines, stagnation of the lymphatic fluid around the intestines, within the great number of lymph nodes located on the exterior of the large intestines. Psycho-emotional relates to feeling of insecurity, fear of "letting go", fear of dependence and acceptance of wisdom. Constricted collarette predominant relate to Maternal DNA.
c) Numerous radial furrows radiating from the frontal section of  pupil edge to internal collarette border such as:
- Hypothalamus stress at 360'
- Pyruvic acid imbalance at 340', 360' & 14' signify diabetes mellitus and hepatic steatosis.
- Coenzyme A imbalance at 35' suggest checking family history of heart and kidney disease
- Citric acid imbalance at 60' associated with fatigue, sluggish digestion, renal metabolism disturbances, lymphatic congestion, prostate carcinoma (if is male)
- Crypt located at pupillary zone - 217' embryological relate to ovary stress. Kreb's cycle (217' & 190') relates to Succinic acid imbalance indicate a family genetic history of diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular problem ( amplify by Medial nasal Flatness) and anaemia.
d) Medial nasal Flatness indicates tendency to thyroid imbalance, family history of cardiovascular risk. Psycho-emotionally refer to counselling for family issues and problems, fear of injustice and father/son conflicts.
e) Core genetic weaknesses:
- Hypothalamus stress
- Diabetes Mellitus
- Gastrointestinal disturbances
- Medical checking for family genetic history of cardiovascular risk, kidney & liver insufficiency, prostate (male) / ovary (female) related problems
e) Phytobiophysics - Flower & Tree Formulas Essences
- Heart Power - HP2 Spiritual Calm
- Emotional Journey : 190', 60' 14', Dosages : 3times/day
- Definition : Aortic - Major ray at 60' , Time Risk : 190' (local indentation of the collarette) & 60' (major ray) - at the age of 28 and 49.8
- Tree formulas: SF2, SF6, SF8
- Flower formula: HF12 & HF15
- Personal Biological Clock - 190', 60' & 14' :  11.20am, 8pm & 11.16pm

Multiple Pupil Flatennings, Zig-Zag Collarette, Embryological & CAC Signs at Pupillary Zone - Rx

a) Analyse the multiple pupil flattenings which amplified the meanings of lacunae adjacent to the pupil flatness.
b) Analyse the local indentation of the lacunae on the border of the collarette.
c) Analyse the multiple crypts located at pupillary zone and internal collarette border.
d) Explain the Zig-Zag collarette structure.
e) Explain the genetic marking of Brushfield's Spots located in the periphery of the iris as whitish cloud type formations in the Hydrogenoid constitutional type with Uric Acid diathesis.
f) Based on the iris assessment results, identify the heart lock, journey, definition, tree and flower formulas, dosages and personal biological times for taking prescribed plant remedies.

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Hypertrophy & Rectangular IPB, Internal Crypts, Punctate & Dark Brown Pigments

a) Observe Hypertrophy & Rectangular shape of the inner pupillary border tissues. Rectangular IPB tendency to indicate gastrointestinal disturbances, malabsorptions, Coeliac's disease and intestinal dysbiosis.
b) Ventral Pupil Flatness can indicate poor circulation and possibility of osteoarthritis.
c) Numerous crypts are located at internal ventral section of the collarette border, suggest analyse in embryological & cellular levels. In Kreb's cycle, it associate with Succinic acid imbalance can indicate tendency to anaemia, diabetes mellitus and related to cardiac function problems.
d) Punctate Pigments / Ferrum Chromatosis, there are sandy reddish brown or very small peppercorns like pigments. They actually  refer to a relationship between blocked parenchyma of the liver and the localized zone. In essence, liver stress which can lead to anemia, jaundice or hormonal & pituitary gland alterations, according to John Andrews. The punctate pigments are located external border of the collarette and pupillary zone then enzymatic changes and the bacterial balance of the intestines are highlighted ( refer John Andrews's yellow book, page.64)
e) Dark brown pigment topolabile and intercepting contraction furrows highly indicate liver and immune system  compromised.
f) In summary, core inheritance weaknesses are : liver impairment, anemia, gastrointestinal disturbances, intestinal dysbiosis and blood sugar imbalance. 

Neurogenic, Psoric Type, Dyscratic Diathesis, Radial Furrows & Pupil Flatness - Lx

a) Lymphatic Iris Constitution, Disposition by Neurogenic/ Psoric Type & Dyscratic Diathesis:
- Tight comb-like well defined fibers structure, very well defined iris structure, can be lightly interrupted with radials and contraction furrows in the Neurogenic Sensitive Type.
- Considered the optimum iris density to have, the denser, finer and tighter the structural appearance, the more sensitive but emotionally unexpressed the patient tends to be.
- Physical conditions have predominantly neurological aspects associated with it - mind-body connection. Physical & emotional sensitivity occur in this type.
- Increased nervous energy use often leads to early exhaustion and burn out of body systems.
- Psycho-immunological factors are caused by infections.
- Multiple & varied types of pigments infiltrating different layers of the iris.
- Diseases tendencies for this type of diathesis are: liver gallbladder & pancreas imbalance, diabetes mellitus, joint disease, soft tissue rheumatism, bowel disorders and increased tendency to malignancies.
b) In this case, multiple orange pigments penetrating different layers of iris indicates tendency to blood sugar imbalance, pancreatic dysfunction and diabetes mellitus
c) Observe an orange pigment located at the border of the collarette at 120' Physically relates to pancreas imbalance, Emotionally concern with self-limitation and possibly experienced a traumatic event at the age of 39.8. 
d) Orange pigment located at border of the collarette and pupillary zone - 105' be associated with mother issue, embryologically may relate to adrenal fatigue and checking for family history of cardiovascular problem.
e) Multiple radial furrows at 15', 355', 335' (major rays - radiate from pupil to ciliary zone), 36' (minor ray - radiate from collarette border to ciliary zone) &  320' & 246' (minor rays - at pupillary zone to internal collarette border)
1) Major Rays at 15', 355' & 335' - Physical, Emotional, Time Risk, Embryological & Citric Acid Cycle indicates predisposition or susceptibility to:
- Physical: Pituitary gland, pineal gland & limbic system imbalance, food sensitivity and sinusitis problem.
- Emotional issues of separation, anxiety, depression, post traumatic stress disorder and chronic fatigue syndrome.
- Embryological relates to pituitary stress and suggest checking of family history of bronchus related problems
- Citric Acid Cycle associated with Pyruvic and Oxaloacetate acid imbalance which signify to diabetes mellitus, insulin sensitivity, food allergies & intolerance increased, low libido and spleen-liver deficiency.
- Time Risk at the age of 57.3, 0.80 & 4.15
2) Minor ray at 36' suggest ear infection, hearing and balancing problem leading to vertigo or tinnitus which amplified Superior Temporal Pupil Flatness !
3)  Minor Ray at 320' & 246' - predisposition to Oxaloacetate & Fumarate acid imbalance.
f) Crypt located at internal collarette border -90' susceptibility to kidneys insufficiency amplified by the genetic formation of Inferior Nasal Flatness.  
g) Fork Transversal in the upper section or brain topographies areas, tendency to headaches, sleep disturbances, vertigo, dizziness, drowsiness or insomnia.
h) Phytobiophysics - Flower & Tree Essences 
- HP2 Spiritual Calm, Tri-Cuspid Constitution
- Emotional Journey - 15', 355' & 335'  Dosages: 3 times/day
- Definition/ Time Risk - 15' & 355' - 0,80 & 4.15 - Tri-Cuspid 
- Superfit Tree Formulas - SF2, SF3 
- Flower Formulas - HF4, HF12 & HF15
- Personal Biological Time for taking flower & tree formulas:
* Major ray at 15' - 11pm
* Minor ray at 36' adjacent to Superior Temporal Flatness - 9.20am
* Orange pigment attached on the border of the collarette 120' - 4pm

Inferior Nasal Flatness, Introflession & Extroflession of the IPB - Lx

a) Extroflession of the IPB - 265' & Introflession of the IPB - 310' signify Space Risk 13 & 7 indicates personal predisposition to gastrointestinal disturbances and thyroid gland dysfunction.
b) Internal lacunae located at internal collarette border - 150' & 300' embryologically indicates bladder/prostate duodenum stress and blood sugar imbalance. In Citric Acid Cycle, it relates to diabetes mellitus, zinc and magnesium deficiency.
c) Inferior Temporal Pupil Flatness amplified the problems of blood sugar imbalance/ pancreatic dysfunction and possibly a family history of splenic dysfunction including splenomegaly and anaemia. Which may manifest itself as the fact that the patient's mother was anaemic  when this individual was in gestation. Psycho-emotionally, look at unresolved betrayal, control issues, food intolerance, fear leading to self-limitation, defensiveness and rigidity.
e) Orange pigmented collarette & linear collarette, both are indicate a predisposition to pancreatic dysfunction such as diabetes mellitus or blood sugar disturbances. Pancreas lacuna at 52' is highlighted.
f) If this person is female then the genetic lacunae located at 150'  ovary lacuna co-sign with orange pigment showing possibly in chronic and pain condition, adrenal fatigue at 175' and cervical stress at 195' must be concerned !
g) SF8 Female Repro- Tree formula / HF 16 for female reproductive system.
h) HF15 for blood sugar imbalance.
i) HF 18 for anaemia.
j) HF 19 for gastrointestinal disturbances.
k) Suggest Heart Power - HP5 Structural Integrity, Aortic Constitution, Emotional Journey, Definition: Mitral(195' & 175').
l) Best taking flower & tree formulas - 150', 175' & 195' - 2pm, 12.20pm & 11am

HPA Axis, Thyroid, Cardiac & Diabetes Signs In Multidimensional Approaches - Rx

a) The Stress Axis - HPA Axis signify to Hypothalamus, Pituitary & Adrenal stress - lacuna located at the external border of the collarette - 360' & 180' indicates a strong disposition to poor adaptability to stress, depression of the immune system, recurrent infections, autoimmunity, anxiety, recurrent gingivitis, insomnia or panic attack. Time Risk sign may refer to Birth Trauma !
b) Observe multiple crypts and lacunae located at pupillary zone and internal collarette border - 115', 285' & 295' can be analyzed as indicates family genetic history of thyroid gland imbalance, pharynx/larynx related problems, neuromuscular problems, cardiac fatigue-neuromuscular link, adrenal stress ( refer adrenal lacuna at 180'), fatigue and prediabetes/ blood sugar imbalance.
c) Orange pigmented collarette signify predisposition to blood sugar imbalance or diabetes mellitus.
d) Observe multiple genetic lacunae are located at the external border of the collarette, such as uterus lacuna at 156', (adrenal lacuna at 180'), ovary lacuna at 220', pancreas/heart lacuna at 296', possible hearing or balance problem of ear at 316' and hypothalamus stress at 360'.
d) Medial Nasal Pupil Flatness - tendency to breathing problems, thyroid gland imbalance and family history of cardiovascular risk. Numerous assessments have proven these inheritance problems.
e) Inferior Nasal Pupil Flatness - tendency to pancreatic dysfunction such as diabetes mellitus, polycystic ovary syndrome, liver and gall bladder problems and impaired hepatic hormonal clearance could be all possibilities. Refer to some of the genetic lacunae attached on the external border of the collarette are highlighted !
f) Time Risk: 360'/180' - Birth Trauma, 316' - 9.10, 296' - 11.60 - 1st quarter of life
g) Core genetic weaknesses - hypothalamus stress, adrenal fatigue, stress & anxiety, thyroid gland dysfunction, blood sugar imbalance, cardiovascular risk and female reproductive problems
h) Phytobiophysics - Heart Lock Assessments - Flower & Tree Essences
- Heart Power: HP2 (Spiritual Calm) ,Trus-Cuspid Constitution, Emotional Journey, Dosages: 3 times/day
- Definition/ Traumatic events : Trus-cuspid - 360' (hypothalamus stress) , 316' & 296' - 1st quarter of life
- Superfit Tree Formulas: SF2, SF4, SF8
- Flower Formulas: HF15, HF11
- Personal Biological Clock for best taking times - 360',156' & 220' - 12 midnight, 2.24pm & 9.20am 

Sunday, December 27, 2015

Pupil Applanations, Schwalbe's Radial Furrows & Schwalbe's Contraction Folds - Rx

a) Identify & explain multiple flatness around the pupil borders in Physical, Emotional & neuromuscular tension at Spinal Cord areas.
b) Identify & analyze numerous Radial Furrows in Major & Minor Rays radiate from pupil edge and at external collarette border to ciliary zone in Physical, Psycho-Emotional, Embryological, Citric Acid Cycle & Time Risk approaches.
c) Identify the differentiation of Contraction Furrows, its break, converge or terminate areas.
d) Explain the local pupil flatness conjunction with major rays at organs topographical areas.
e) Explain some of the radial furrows intercept with contraction furrows at reflected topographical areas
f) Identify the core genetic weaknesses in correlation with these 3 iris signs adjacent to topographical areas.
g) This iris constitution is in between of Haematogenic & Mixed Biliary Iris Constitution. Structural type of Larvate Tetanic or Vegetative Spastic Type. Please explain the subtype and analyze it core genetic weaknesses so as to determine this person Constitution / Heart Lock in Phytobiophysics aspects. 

Identify the core inheritance weaknesses by combining the Pupil Flatness, Radial Furrows & Interception with Contraction Furrows.
a) Superior Nasal Flatness conjunction with Radial Furrows at 25' & 50' indicates strong tendency to chronic sinusitis.
b) Medial Nasal Flatness adjacent to Radial Furrows at  80', 110' & 115' intercepting with Contraction Furrows tendency to bronchitis disturbances and thyroid gland imbalance. Embryological sign at 65' minor ray at internal collarette border indicate Citric acid imbalance associated with allergic asthma, neurological dysfunction and lymphatic congestion. Take note a family genetic history of heart disease.
c) Inferior Temporal Flatness associated with major ray at ciliary zone - 255' and minor rays at internal collarette at 225' & 245' as Embryological & Kreb's Cycle signs associated with Succinic & Fumaric acid imbalance indicates tendencies to heart disease, diabetes mellitus, pancreatic dysfunction, anemia and impaired liver function.
d) Superior Temporal Flatness indicate tendency to have hearing and balance problem such as tinnitus or vertigo and cerebellar degeneration.
e) Please identify the tensions areas of spinal cords.
f) Radial Furrows radiate from the pupil crossing pupillary & ciliary zone ending at limbus which around 360' circumference. 
- Minor rays inside the collarette tend to indicates intestinal mucosal difficulties.
- Major rays penetrate inside and outside of the collarette tend to indicate tendency to diminished nerve supply in digestive system and reflexive organs and glands
- Numerous radial furrows from frontal section of the iris indicate tendency to cerebral weakness.
- Differentiate the Time Risk, Embryological & Citric Acid Cycle signs.
g) Consider the Time Risk signs at 50', 25', 355', 330' & 305' in the deeper form of major rays which adjacent to STF & SNF. Consult with patient for any trauma events had happened at these 5 locations of iris signs...
h) Phytobiophysics - Tree & Flower Essences Remedies
- Heart Power : HP4 Emotional Imun.T
- Constitution : Mitral, Upper Right Quadrant : Motherhood/Maturity/Wife
- Journey : Emotional, Dosage : 3 times/day
- Definition : Aortic
- Superfit Tree Formulas : HF4, HF5
- Flower Formulas : HF7, HF11
i) Best taking time : 8.40pm, 10.20pm, 12.20pm, 2am* , 3.20am* - * for reference
- 7pm to 9pm : Heart/Stomach/Motion Sickness/Mental
- 9pm to 11pm : Ears/Eyes/Constipation/Chest
- 11pm to 1am : Eyes/Ears/Throat/Gall Bladder/Liver/Hips/Lower Back

Core Iris Genetic Signs - Rx

a) Please identify which iris sign is set priority to analyze ?
b) Which iris sign is connect to family genetic history of heart disease, cervical and ovarian related problems ?
c) which iris sign is concern with blood sugar imbalance ?
d) Can you identify Time Risk sign ? 
e) Which iris sign attached on the collarette border associated with an emotional issue of grief, fear of vulnerability, rigidity and difficulty communicating conflicts in relationship ?
f) What Tree and Flower formulas is recommended for this iris presentation ?
g) Please identify which Heart Lock, what Constitution, level of Journey and when & by whom (Definition/ Time Risk) can be identified on this genetic iris signs presentation.. 

Indented Lacuna Intercept With Contraction Furrows - Rx

a) Observe the Indented Open & One-Sided Lacunae intercept with Contraction Furrows at 90' & 125' signify thyroid gland insufficiency and blood sugar imbalance in degenerative or stress conditions. These 2 indented lacunae can be considered as Time Risk factors. In addition, Embryological signs / internal lacunae located at pupillary zone - 282'-292' correlate with inheritance of thyroid imbalance. Pancreas lacuna also located at 305'
b) Indented Collarette accompanied with Minor Ray at 185' indicate kidney insufficiency and Time Risk factor.
c) Brown pigment topostabile at liver topographical zone - 240' & dark brown intercepted with contraction furrow topolabile at 340', both indicate tendency to liver, gall bladder and immune system compromise.
d) Closed lacuna at external border of the collarette - 265' & Embryological sign/ minor ray located at internal collarette border - 330' , they are indicate family history of heart disease.

f) Superfit Tree & Harmonizer Flower Formulas - SF & HF 
1) SF 4 - Imun.T  (460nm)
- Red Wood Formula Secuoia Sempervirans
- Red Wood, the tallest tree in the world, a symbol of wisdom, independence and communication of the Cherokee Indians. Fossils of Sequoia  spread across Northern America, Canada and the arctic. This wonderful tree vibrates on the frequency of Indigo & Blue
- Thymus/ Throat/Thyroid/ Autonomic Nervous System/ Immune System/Sensory Organs/Probiotic
2) SF 5 - Breath (512nm)
- Deodar Spruce Formula Cedrus Deodara
- Deodar Spruce, called the Indian Tree of God, the sacred tree of India, has powerful religious associations but historically is associated with the heart. The pinecone, which is heavily scented, clears the senses and allows deep inhalation.
- Lung Meridian/Lymphatic System/Respiration/Heart/ Recovery from Rejection & Loss/Forgiviness
3) HF 9 AP.ITE Harmony (470nm) - Blue - Thyroid Center
- Bluebell, Borage, Speedwell, White Valerian, Wild Succory
- Blue flower stabilize all conditions of the throat and antidote the effects of radiation. Blue control the thyroid hormones and therefore the digestive system and the temperature regulation of the body. - Blue also controls the Parathyroid production of calcitonin and parathormone which play a vital role in the structure of the skeleton and bones by maintaining calcium and magnesium levels. Blue is the color of motherhood and communication and all aspects of throat, voice, speech and interrelationship. 
- Blue helps to increase the communication between the cells in the brain by influencing the synapeses and by augmenting the electrical activity of the brain.
- Eyes/Triple Warmer/Thyroid/Parathyroid/Larynx/Throat/Tonsils
- AP.ITE Harmony is a versatile formula which balances the appetite center in the brain and thyroid and stabilizes the triple energizer and creates metabolic harmony and heat regulation.
4) HF 11 Hr.T Harmony (520nm) - Green - Heart Center
- Chickweed, Fat Hen, Hawthorn Blossom, Lily of the Valley, Ivy Flower, Snowdrop
- Green flowers stabilize all conditions concerned with oxygenation, breathing, heart or lung problems and all disorders in the chest. Green is a vital color for enhancing the immune system, lymphocytes and the lymphatic circulation.
- Green balances all trauma caused by the emotion of love and helps to assuage the emotions of rejection which so often lead to bitterness, lowered immunity and cancerous conditions. Breast cancer is often related to emotional trauma. 
- Heart/Lung/Lymphatic Circulation/Immune System/Thymus Gland/Breasts/Chest/Arms/Intercostals
- This formula is valuable for physical conditions related to the heart such as angina, fibrillation and blood pressure it is also a valuable harmonizer for emotional heart ache.
5) HF 12 DIGES Harmony (575nm) - Yellow - Solar Plexus Center
- Buttersweet, Dandelion, Fenel, Buttercup, Hawksweed, Daffodi, Wild Cabbage, Pineapplewort
- Yellow flowers balance all  digestive disorders, kidney function and skin disturbances. Yellow is a cleansing color and stimulates the liver function of detoxification.
- Yellow is vital color for assisting the assimilation of nutrients and for healthy function of the digestive enzymes. Yellow flower therefore play an important role in all digestive disorders such as indigestion and malabsorption.
- Yellow is an important color for easing the negativity of fear, anxiety and stress.
- Liver/Gall Bladder/Pancreas/Stomach/Duodenum/Small intestines/Kidneys/Skin/Muscle/Adrenal Glands
- This formula is for all conditions related to digestive disorders such as indigestion, stomach cramp, cholecystitis, wind and pain. Emotional disturbances causing indigestion and nervous stomach.

Friday, December 25, 2015

Multiple Pupil Flatness Adjacent to Thyroid Lacuna at 92', Brown Pigment Co-Sign with Urinary Lacuna at 142', Kidney Lacuna at 190' & Heart Lacuna 276' - Rx

a) Medial Nasal Pupil Flatness adjacent to Thyroid Lacuna at 92' amplified the tendencies to breathing difficulties, thyroid gland imbalance, nervous exhaustion and  family history of heart disease such as Arrhythmia and Angina Pectoris. Neuromuscular tension at Thoracic Vertebrae. Psycho-Emotional relates to hypochondria, shyness and problem fear of injustice and family issue of father/son conflicts. (Heart & Thyroid) 
b) Inferior Nasal Pupil Flatness adjacent to Urinary Lacuna co-sign with Brown Pigment at 142' indicates of reactive problems or an underlying conflict that intensify the tendencies to liver deficiency, urinary infections, renal disturbances, polycystic kidneys (observe kidney lacuna at ciliary zone- 190'), arthritis and gout. If females, observe uterine problems, fibroid, endometriosis or cervical dysplasia. Neuromuscular tension at Lumbar Vertebrae. (Urinary Bladder & Liver)
Psycho-Emotional relates to self-criticism, low self-esteem, fear of failure, guilt and impatience.
c) Ventral Pupil Flatness indicates problems to the Sacrum & Coccyx areas resulting poor circulation to the legs, hip, knees and pelvic that causes of osteoarthritis, varicose veins, migraine headaches and possible of prolapsed uterus or anus. Psycho-Emotional relates to low self-esteem, sexual concerns and  experience of financial worries. (Osteoarthritis)
d) Lateral Temporal Pupil Flatness adjacent to Heart Lacuna at 276' indicates predisposition to circulatory problems, nervous breathing such as asthma, amplify of emotional heart problems, breast problems such as Mastalgia & Fibrocystic Breast Disease. Neuromuscular tension at Thoracic Vertebrae. ( Heart & Breast)
e) Observe Embryological sign / minor ray at pupillary zone - 325' indicate family history of cardiovascular problem. ( Cardiovascular Risk)
f) Observe Kreb's Cycle signs / minor rays & internal lacuna at internal collarette border - 325', 342 & 5' signify Oxaloacetate & Pyruvic Acid imbalance indicates tendencies to excessive oxidation of fatty acids, food allergies, reduced sexual function, low libido, liver deficiency, hepatic steatosis and diabetes mellitus. (Liver & Pancreas)
g) Observe the pancreas lacuna at 235' & 295' indicate predisposition to blood sugar imbalance. (Diabetes Mellitus)
h) Multiple brown pigments located at ciliary zone and limbus areas, indicate predisposition to liver insufficiency. (Liver)
i) Phytobiophysics - Flower & Tree Formulas /Essences ( Refer the above iris assessment results)
1) Heart Power - HP2 Spiritual Calm
- Tri-Cuspid Constitution: The Spiritual Journey, Upper Right Quadrant: Fatherhood, Husband, Male. 
- CNS, Brain, Liver, Gall Bladder, Stomach, Pancreas Meridian
- Vibrates on the Color Frequencies: Ultra Violet, Violet & Yellow
- Tree & Flower Essences: Eucalyptus, Magnolia, Camellia, Yew, Thistle and Dandelion
- Support: The dominant and vital relationship of fatherhood. Family unity, protection, providing father/male love
- Recovery from: 
* Breakdown of family relationship with father/male/husband
* Betrayal, loss of assets, financial worries
* Trauma of change of circumstances
* Sleepless night, anxiety, stress and panic
2) Journey - Emotional 
* 3rd Quarter of life
* Love
* Emotional trauma affects the way the body function
* Manifests in the chest, neck & breasts areas
* Limbic nervous System 
* Damage to the genetic coding in this generation - Heart disease

3) Definition - Mitral - 2 Trauma Events/ Time Risk happened at the age of  : 36.5 & 44.8 that fall into the Mitral quadrant - 142' & 92' 
4) Superfit Tree Formula: 
- SF4, SF5 & SF9(structural- neuromuscular tension at spinal cord)
5) Flower Formulas: HF11, HF12 & HF15 
6) Personal Biological Time for taking HP, SF & HF formulas: 6.24am (SF5 & HF11), 2.48pm (HF12) & 6pm(SF4). These 3 formulas should take together as stated time.

Sunday, December 06, 2015

Frontal Orange Pigmented Collarette Co-Sign with Lacuna at 5' & Pupillary Shadow Ring - Rx - 1

a) Small lacuna attached on external border of the collarette accompanied with Frontal Orange Pigmented Collarette at 8' indicates pituitary stress, blood sugar imbalance, pancreatic dysfunction, a family history of Diabetes mellitus or dysglycaemia. Psycho-Emotional & Time Risk relates to
- Extremely challenging time, which is very difficult to resolve
- Suppression of the emotional experience in connection to the trauma
- Deep rage, guilt and familial conflict
- Depression and anxiety (orange pigmented collarette)
- Traumatic event happened at the age of 59.5 or during gestation period of 9 months. 
b) Collarette Bridge formed at medial nasal section of the collarette at mid-point of 85' indicates Time Risk at the age of 45.65 / gestation period of 6 months with 26.25days. Psycho-emotional involving with the issues of self-doubt, nervous exhaustion and trigger for physical nervous system conditions.
c) Frontal Pupil Flatness amplified the inheritance of physical and emotional problems. 
d) Pupillary Shadow Ring - A black or grey in color band in full circumference of the pupil margin the stomach zone, indicate a tendency to:
- Medical history of cancers in the family
- Anaemia
- Possible genetic history of scurvy
- Depletion of Selenium, Zinc, Iron, Vitamin C, Germanium & Folic Acid
e) Explain the Distended Collarette with Polyglandular Structure. What is the Dominant Parental DNA and Genetic Weaknesses for these structure ? 
f) Observe the lacunae located at 126', 250' & 300', what are their common inheritance weakness ?
g) Observe the local indentation of the collarette at 210' (sharp)  & 270' (moderate) both can be analysed in multidimensional iridology approaches - 
- Family history heart disease, ovary or testicular related problems.
- Experiencing of violence and unresolved issue of grief leading to nervous exhaustion.
- Consider for Time Risk factors.
- Embryological level relates to family history of  breast and ovary cancers. 
- Kreb's Cycle / Cellular level relates to Succinate & Malic acids imbalance associated with the problems of :
- Anaemia
- Diabetes Mellitus
- Stress & Fatigue
- Cardiac Function
- Zinc & Magnesium
- Prediabetes & Dysglycaemia
- Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS)
h) Phytobiophysics ( based on the Multidimensional  approaches)
- Heart Power 2, Constitution - Tri-cuspid (Spiritual Calm)
- Journey - Emotional, Definition - Physical, Dosage - 3 times
- Superfit Tree Formulas - SF2, SF8
- Flower Formulas - HF11, HF15 & HF16
i) Suggest Personal Biological Time for taking HP, SF & HF formulas - 8', 210' & 270' - 11.28pm, 10am & 6am

Hypertrophy IPB, Embryological Hypothalamus & Pyruvic Acid Signs, Pupil Flatness, Time Risk, Emotional Dynamics, Contraction Furrows, Temporal Distention & Local Indentation of the Collarette - Rx – 2

Multidimensional Iridilogy Analysis Techniques

a) Hypertrophy of the inner pupillary border tissues structure, the  Modern Iridologist should examine at overactivity of the physical and emotional bodies. Allergies and autoimmune conditions such as Rheumatoid Arthritis, Hyperthyroidism, Systemic Lupus and Diabetes. Hypertrophy of IPB, the diameter is always over the thickness of 280 microns. The common genetic weaknesses for this type of IPB relates to
- Blood Sugar Imbalance
- Autoimmunity
- Tonsillitis
- Insomnia
- Psychosomatic tend to be easily irritated and may suppress anger to a very deep level, inherent of self-confidence, problems with memory and optimism.
b) Introflession & Extroflession of the IPB at 80' & 85' signify as Space Risk 11 & 12. Individual with with this local  space deficiency structure of the IPB indicate tendency to Gall Urinary Bladder and Liver insufficiency. These 2 Space Deficiency reflected to IPB Spinal instigate neuro-muscular tension at Thoracic Vertebrae.
c) Embryological Hypothalamus stress is at 360' in the pupillary zone that is the most important iris signs. John Andrews advised that it should take priority overall other signs and it indicates:
- Impaired adaptability in all situations
- Need longer time for recuperation or rehabilitation for treatment for a condition
- An increased susceptibility to stress
- Greater degree of adverse reactions
d) Citric Acid Cycle associated with Pyruvic Acid imbalance is at 360' on the internal collarette border and it indicates predisposition to Diabetes mellitus, Hepatic Steatosis, Insulin Sensitivity and Neurotransmitter dysfunction with reduced levels of GABA. Space Risk 12 intensify the Liver dysfunction problems.
e) Frontal Pupil flatness can indicates tendencies for Headaches, Migraines, Upper cervical Vertebrae Tension, Insomnia, Fatigue and Depression. Psycho-emotionally, can be relate to Suppressed Anger & Resentment, Grief, Guilty, Unresolved Grief, Mother Conflicts and Psychological Escape. The Hypothalamus imbalance are amplified the emotional blockages.
f) Inferior Nasal Flatness indicate predisposition to history of Sacral, Lumbar & Coccyx injuries, Osteoporosis or Rheumatism, these inheritance weaknesses would amplified by HYPERTROPHY IPB STRUCTURE !. Renal disturbances, arthritis, gout, polycystic Kidneys and Urinary Infection. In males, need to look at Prostate or Testicular changes. If in female, practitioner should observe Uterine problems leading to difficult Pregnancies, Fibroid, Endometriosis or Cervical Dysplasia.
Psycho-emotional, practitioner need to observe Self-Criticism, Guilt, Low Self-Esteem and Withholding Emotional side due to Fear of Failure.
g) The correlation of iris signs: Hypertrophy IPB, Space Risk , Embryological, Citric Acid Cycle & Pupillary Applanations 
- Hypertrophy IPB, Embryological Hypothalamus Stress & Frontal Pupil Flattening - Impaired overall Emotional Blockages, Bipolar Depression & Limbic System Imbalance.
Hypertrophy IPB & Inferior Nasal Flatness - Autoimmunity Diseases
- Space Risk 11 & Inferior Nasal Flatness - Urinary Bladder
- Space Risk 12 & Pyruvic Acid Imbalance - Liver
- Hypertrophy IPB &  Pyruvic Acid Imbalance - Diabetes Mellitus
- Neuromuscular Tensions at Spinal Cord - Frontal & Inferior Nasal Flatness
h) Embryological & Citric Acid Cycle signs at pupillary zone and internal collarette border at 15', 75', 110', 116', 292', 304' & 340' . Please refer John Andrews's Embryological & Cellular Iridology CAC Charts.
i) Lateral Temporal Distension of the Collarette with Local Indentation of the Collarette at 270' indicates a tendency to respiratory problems such as asthma,due to intestinal immunological changes. Emotionally relate to deep concerns involving with maternal issues, rejection, separation and grief. 
j) Time Risk located at the signs of 351', 360', 58' & 270' , consider involving with emotional issues of limbic system imbalance, abundance (separation), and grief which traumatized by gestation periods or the age of 60, 1.66 and 15.
k) Phytobiophysics Therapy ( based on the iris assessments)
- Heart Power - HP3 (Breath Freely), Constitution - Pulmonary
- Journey - Emotional, Definition - Physical, Dosage- 3 times
- Superfit Tree Formulas - SF2, SF5 & SF6
- Flower Formulas - HF9, HF10, (HF15)
l) Personal Biological Clock for taking formulas - 12midnight, 7.52pm & 6am