Thursday, December 31, 2015

Pupil Flatness, Minor Rays, Orange Pigmente & Restricted Collarette - Rx

a) Orange pigmented collarette is an inheritance of emotional conflicts relates to issues of betrayal, blood sugar disturbances, food intolerance, pancreatic & liver dysfunction and a family history of diabetes mellitus or hypoglycemia, which was amplified by inferior temporal flatness.
b)  Restricted collarette indicates a tendency to constipation and sluggishness of the intestines, stagnation of the lymphatic fluid around the intestines, within the great number of lymph nodes located on the exterior of the large intestines. Psycho-emotional relates to feeling of insecurity, fear of "letting go", fear of dependence and acceptance of wisdom. Constricted collarette predominant relate to Maternal DNA.
c) Numerous radial furrows radiating from the frontal section of  pupil edge to internal collarette border such as:
- Hypothalamus stress at 360'
- Pyruvic acid imbalance at 340', 360' & 14' signify diabetes mellitus and hepatic steatosis.
- Coenzyme A imbalance at 35' suggest checking family history of heart and kidney disease
- Citric acid imbalance at 60' associated with fatigue, sluggish digestion, renal metabolism disturbances, lymphatic congestion, prostate carcinoma (if is male)
- Crypt located at pupillary zone - 217' embryological relate to ovary stress. Kreb's cycle (217' & 190') relates to Succinic acid imbalance indicate a family genetic history of diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular problem ( amplify by Medial nasal Flatness) and anaemia.
d) Medial nasal Flatness indicates tendency to thyroid imbalance, family history of cardiovascular risk. Psycho-emotionally refer to counselling for family issues and problems, fear of injustice and father/son conflicts.
e) Core genetic weaknesses:
- Hypothalamus stress
- Diabetes Mellitus
- Gastrointestinal disturbances
- Medical checking for family genetic history of cardiovascular risk, kidney & liver insufficiency, prostate (male) / ovary (female) related problems
e) Phytobiophysics - Flower & Tree Formulas Essences
- Heart Power - HP2 Spiritual Calm
- Emotional Journey : 190', 60' 14', Dosages : 3times/day
- Definition : Aortic - Major ray at 60' , Time Risk : 190' (local indentation of the collarette) & 60' (major ray) - at the age of 28 and 49.8
- Tree formulas: SF2, SF6, SF8
- Flower formula: HF12 & HF15
- Personal Biological Clock - 190', 60' & 14' :  11.20am, 8pm & 11.16pm

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