Thursday, December 31, 2015

Neurogenic, Vogt's Limbal Girdle, Ferrum Chromatosis, Pupil Flattenings, Thin Collarette, Radial & Contraction Furrows - Lx

a) Explain Mixed Biliary Constitution, Neurogenic, Vegatitive Spastic Disposition & Ferrum Chromatosis Diathesis.
b) Explain Vogt's Limbal Girdle at the edge of limbus.
c) Explain Inferior Temporal Flatness & Medial Nasal Flatness in physical & emotional levels.
d) Solitary Brown pigment intercepted contraction furrow at 240' liver topography areas in physical and emotional levels.
e) Rarefaction of iris fibers intercepting with contraction furrows at bronchials reflexive areas.
f) Major Rays / Radial Furrows crossing pupillary zone and penetrating to pupil - 60', 360' & 328' - Embryological, Kreb's Cycle, Time Risk & Emotional Dynamics of the Collarette.
g) Explain hypotrophy of the collarette in physical & psycho-emotional levels.

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