Wednesday, December 30, 2015

HPA Axis, Thyroid, Cardiac & Diabetes Signs In Multidimensional Approaches - Rx

a) The Stress Axis - HPA Axis signify to Hypothalamus, Pituitary & Adrenal stress - lacuna located at the external border of the collarette - 360' & 180' indicates a strong disposition to poor adaptability to stress, depression of the immune system, recurrent infections, autoimmunity, anxiety, recurrent gingivitis, insomnia or panic attack. Time Risk sign may refer to Birth Trauma !
b) Observe multiple crypts and lacunae located at pupillary zone and internal collarette border - 115', 285' & 295' can be analyzed as indicates family genetic history of thyroid gland imbalance, pharynx/larynx related problems, neuromuscular problems, cardiac fatigue-neuromuscular link, adrenal stress ( refer adrenal lacuna at 180'), fatigue and prediabetes/ blood sugar imbalance.
c) Orange pigmented collarette signify predisposition to blood sugar imbalance or diabetes mellitus.
d) Observe multiple genetic lacunae are located at the external border of the collarette, such as uterus lacuna at 156', (adrenal lacuna at 180'), ovary lacuna at 220', pancreas/heart lacuna at 296', possible hearing or balance problem of ear at 316' and hypothalamus stress at 360'.
d) Medial Nasal Pupil Flatness - tendency to breathing problems, thyroid gland imbalance and family history of cardiovascular risk. Numerous assessments have proven these inheritance problems.
e) Inferior Nasal Pupil Flatness - tendency to pancreatic dysfunction such as diabetes mellitus, polycystic ovary syndrome, liver and gall bladder problems and impaired hepatic hormonal clearance could be all possibilities. Refer to some of the genetic lacunae attached on the external border of the collarette are highlighted !
f) Time Risk: 360'/180' - Birth Trauma, 316' - 9.10, 296' - 11.60 - 1st quarter of life
g) Core genetic weaknesses - hypothalamus stress, adrenal fatigue, stress & anxiety, thyroid gland dysfunction, blood sugar imbalance, cardiovascular risk and female reproductive problems
h) Phytobiophysics - Heart Lock Assessments - Flower & Tree Essences
- Heart Power: HP2 (Spiritual Calm) ,Trus-Cuspid Constitution, Emotional Journey, Dosages: 3 times/day
- Definition/ Traumatic events : Trus-cuspid - 360' (hypothalamus stress) , 316' & 296' - 1st quarter of life
- Superfit Tree Formulas: SF2, SF4, SF8
- Flower Formulas: HF15, HF11
- Personal Biological Clock for best taking times - 360',156' & 220' - 12 midnight, 2.24pm & 9.20am 

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