Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Inferior Nasal Flatness, Introflession & Extroflession of the IPB - Lx

a) Extroflession of the IPB - 265' & Introflession of the IPB - 310' signify Space Risk 13 & 7 indicates personal predisposition to gastrointestinal disturbances and thyroid gland dysfunction.
b) Internal lacunae located at internal collarette border - 150' & 300' embryologically indicates bladder/prostate duodenum stress and blood sugar imbalance. In Citric Acid Cycle, it relates to diabetes mellitus, zinc and magnesium deficiency.
c) Inferior Temporal Pupil Flatness amplified the problems of blood sugar imbalance/ pancreatic dysfunction and possibly a family history of splenic dysfunction including splenomegaly and anaemia. Which may manifest itself as the fact that the patient's mother was anaemic  when this individual was in gestation. Psycho-emotionally, look at unresolved betrayal, control issues, food intolerance, fear leading to self-limitation, defensiveness and rigidity.
e) Orange pigmented collarette & linear collarette, both are indicate a predisposition to pancreatic dysfunction such as diabetes mellitus or blood sugar disturbances. Pancreas lacuna at 52' is highlighted.
f) If this person is female then the genetic lacunae located at 150'  ovary lacuna co-sign with orange pigment showing possibly in chronic and pain condition, adrenal fatigue at 175' and cervical stress at 195' must be concerned !
g) SF8 Female Repro- Tree formula / HF 16 for female reproductive system.
h) HF15 for blood sugar imbalance.
i) HF 18 for anaemia.
j) HF 19 for gastrointestinal disturbances.
k) Suggest Heart Power - HP5 Structural Integrity, Aortic Constitution, Emotional Journey, Definition: Mitral(195' & 175').
l) Best taking flower & tree formulas - 150', 175' & 195' - 2pm, 12.20pm & 11am

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