Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Neurogenic, Psoric Type, Dyscratic Diathesis, Radial Furrows & Pupil Flatness - Lx

a) Lymphatic Iris Constitution, Disposition by Neurogenic/ Psoric Type & Dyscratic Diathesis:
- Tight comb-like well defined fibers structure, very well defined iris structure, can be lightly interrupted with radials and contraction furrows in the Neurogenic Sensitive Type.
- Considered the optimum iris density to have, the denser, finer and tighter the structural appearance, the more sensitive but emotionally unexpressed the patient tends to be.
- Physical conditions have predominantly neurological aspects associated with it - mind-body connection. Physical & emotional sensitivity occur in this type.
- Increased nervous energy use often leads to early exhaustion and burn out of body systems.
- Psycho-immunological factors are caused by infections.
- Multiple & varied types of pigments infiltrating different layers of the iris.
- Diseases tendencies for this type of diathesis are: liver gallbladder & pancreas imbalance, diabetes mellitus, joint disease, soft tissue rheumatism, bowel disorders and increased tendency to malignancies.
b) In this case, multiple orange pigments penetrating different layers of iris indicates tendency to blood sugar imbalance, pancreatic dysfunction and diabetes mellitus
c) Observe an orange pigment located at the border of the collarette at 120' Physically relates to pancreas imbalance, Emotionally concern with self-limitation and possibly experienced a traumatic event at the age of 39.8. 
d) Orange pigment located at border of the collarette and pupillary zone - 105' be associated with mother issue, embryologically may relate to adrenal fatigue and checking for family history of cardiovascular problem.
e) Multiple radial furrows at 15', 355', 335' (major rays - radiate from pupil to ciliary zone), 36' (minor ray - radiate from collarette border to ciliary zone) &  320' & 246' (minor rays - at pupillary zone to internal collarette border)
1) Major Rays at 15', 355' & 335' - Physical, Emotional, Time Risk, Embryological & Citric Acid Cycle indicates predisposition or susceptibility to:
- Physical: Pituitary gland, pineal gland & limbic system imbalance, food sensitivity and sinusitis problem.
- Emotional issues of separation, anxiety, depression, post traumatic stress disorder and chronic fatigue syndrome.
- Embryological relates to pituitary stress and suggest checking of family history of bronchus related problems
- Citric Acid Cycle associated with Pyruvic and Oxaloacetate acid imbalance which signify to diabetes mellitus, insulin sensitivity, food allergies & intolerance increased, low libido and spleen-liver deficiency.
- Time Risk at the age of 57.3, 0.80 & 4.15
2) Minor ray at 36' suggest ear infection, hearing and balancing problem leading to vertigo or tinnitus which amplified Superior Temporal Pupil Flatness !
3)  Minor Ray at 320' & 246' - predisposition to Oxaloacetate & Fumarate acid imbalance.
f) Crypt located at internal collarette border -90' susceptibility to kidneys insufficiency amplified by the genetic formation of Inferior Nasal Flatness.  
g) Fork Transversal in the upper section or brain topographies areas, tendency to headaches, sleep disturbances, vertigo, dizziness, drowsiness or insomnia.
h) Phytobiophysics - Flower & Tree Essences 
- HP2 Spiritual Calm, Tri-Cuspid Constitution
- Emotional Journey - 15', 355' & 335'  Dosages: 3 times/day
- Definition/ Time Risk - 15' & 355' - 0,80 & 4.15 - Tri-Cuspid 
- Superfit Tree Formulas - SF2, SF3 
- Flower Formulas - HF4, HF12 & HF15
- Personal Biological Time for taking flower & tree formulas:
* Major ray at 15' - 11pm
* Minor ray at 36' adjacent to Superior Temporal Flatness - 9.20am
* Orange pigment attached on the border of the collarette 120' - 4pm

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