Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Hypertrophy & Rectangular IPB, Internal Crypts, Punctate & Dark Brown Pigments

a) Observe Hypertrophy & Rectangular shape of the inner pupillary border tissues. Rectangular IPB tendency to indicate gastrointestinal disturbances, malabsorptions, Coeliac's disease and intestinal dysbiosis.
b) Ventral Pupil Flatness can indicate poor circulation and possibility of osteoarthritis.
c) Numerous crypts are located at internal ventral section of the collarette border, suggest analyse in embryological & cellular levels. In Kreb's cycle, it associate with Succinic acid imbalance can indicate tendency to anaemia, diabetes mellitus and related to cardiac function problems.
d) Punctate Pigments / Ferrum Chromatosis, there are sandy reddish brown or very small peppercorns like pigments. They actually  refer to a relationship between blocked parenchyma of the liver and the localized zone. In essence, liver stress which can lead to anemia, jaundice or hormonal & pituitary gland alterations, according to John Andrews. The punctate pigments are located external border of the collarette and pupillary zone then enzymatic changes and the bacterial balance of the intestines are highlighted ( refer John Andrews's yellow book, page.64)
e) Dark brown pigment topolabile and intercepting contraction furrows highly indicate liver and immune system  compromised.
f) In summary, core inheritance weaknesses are : liver impairment, anemia, gastrointestinal disturbances, intestinal dysbiosis and blood sugar imbalance. 

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