Sunday, December 27, 2015

Indented Lacuna Intercept With Contraction Furrows - Rx

a) Observe the Indented Open & One-Sided Lacunae intercept with Contraction Furrows at 90' & 125' signify thyroid gland insufficiency and blood sugar imbalance in degenerative or stress conditions. These 2 indented lacunae can be considered as Time Risk factors. In addition, Embryological signs / internal lacunae located at pupillary zone - 282'-292' correlate with inheritance of thyroid imbalance. Pancreas lacuna also located at 305'
b) Indented Collarette accompanied with Minor Ray at 185' indicate kidney insufficiency and Time Risk factor.
c) Brown pigment topostabile at liver topographical zone - 240' & dark brown intercepted with contraction furrow topolabile at 340', both indicate tendency to liver, gall bladder and immune system compromise.
d) Closed lacuna at external border of the collarette - 265' & Embryological sign/ minor ray located at internal collarette border - 330' , they are indicate family history of heart disease.

f) Superfit Tree & Harmonizer Flower Formulas - SF & HF 
1) SF 4 - Imun.T  (460nm)
- Red Wood Formula Secuoia Sempervirans
- Red Wood, the tallest tree in the world, a symbol of wisdom, independence and communication of the Cherokee Indians. Fossils of Sequoia  spread across Northern America, Canada and the arctic. This wonderful tree vibrates on the frequency of Indigo & Blue
- Thymus/ Throat/Thyroid/ Autonomic Nervous System/ Immune System/Sensory Organs/Probiotic
2) SF 5 - Breath (512nm)
- Deodar Spruce Formula Cedrus Deodara
- Deodar Spruce, called the Indian Tree of God, the sacred tree of India, has powerful religious associations but historically is associated with the heart. The pinecone, which is heavily scented, clears the senses and allows deep inhalation.
- Lung Meridian/Lymphatic System/Respiration/Heart/ Recovery from Rejection & Loss/Forgiviness
3) HF 9 AP.ITE Harmony (470nm) - Blue - Thyroid Center
- Bluebell, Borage, Speedwell, White Valerian, Wild Succory
- Blue flower stabilize all conditions of the throat and antidote the effects of radiation. Blue control the thyroid hormones and therefore the digestive system and the temperature regulation of the body. - Blue also controls the Parathyroid production of calcitonin and parathormone which play a vital role in the structure of the skeleton and bones by maintaining calcium and magnesium levels. Blue is the color of motherhood and communication and all aspects of throat, voice, speech and interrelationship. 
- Blue helps to increase the communication between the cells in the brain by influencing the synapeses and by augmenting the electrical activity of the brain.
- Eyes/Triple Warmer/Thyroid/Parathyroid/Larynx/Throat/Tonsils
- AP.ITE Harmony is a versatile formula which balances the appetite center in the brain and thyroid and stabilizes the triple energizer and creates metabolic harmony and heat regulation.
4) HF 11 Hr.T Harmony (520nm) - Green - Heart Center
- Chickweed, Fat Hen, Hawthorn Blossom, Lily of the Valley, Ivy Flower, Snowdrop
- Green flowers stabilize all conditions concerned with oxygenation, breathing, heart or lung problems and all disorders in the chest. Green is a vital color for enhancing the immune system, lymphocytes and the lymphatic circulation.
- Green balances all trauma caused by the emotion of love and helps to assuage the emotions of rejection which so often lead to bitterness, lowered immunity and cancerous conditions. Breast cancer is often related to emotional trauma. 
- Heart/Lung/Lymphatic Circulation/Immune System/Thymus Gland/Breasts/Chest/Arms/Intercostals
- This formula is valuable for physical conditions related to the heart such as angina, fibrillation and blood pressure it is also a valuable harmonizer for emotional heart ache.
5) HF 12 DIGES Harmony (575nm) - Yellow - Solar Plexus Center
- Buttersweet, Dandelion, Fenel, Buttercup, Hawksweed, Daffodi, Wild Cabbage, Pineapplewort
- Yellow flowers balance all  digestive disorders, kidney function and skin disturbances. Yellow is a cleansing color and stimulates the liver function of detoxification.
- Yellow is vital color for assisting the assimilation of nutrients and for healthy function of the digestive enzymes. Yellow flower therefore play an important role in all digestive disorders such as indigestion and malabsorption.
- Yellow is an important color for easing the negativity of fear, anxiety and stress.
- Liver/Gall Bladder/Pancreas/Stomach/Duodenum/Small intestines/Kidneys/Skin/Muscle/Adrenal Glands
- This formula is for all conditions related to digestive disorders such as indigestion, stomach cramp, cholecystitis, wind and pain. Emotional disturbances causing indigestion and nervous stomach.

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