Friday, December 25, 2015

Multiple Pupil Flatness Adjacent to Thyroid Lacuna at 92', Brown Pigment Co-Sign with Urinary Lacuna at 142', Kidney Lacuna at 190' & Heart Lacuna 276' - Rx

a) Medial Nasal Pupil Flatness adjacent to Thyroid Lacuna at 92' amplified the tendencies to breathing difficulties, thyroid gland imbalance, nervous exhaustion and  family history of heart disease such as Arrhythmia and Angina Pectoris. Neuromuscular tension at Thoracic Vertebrae. Psycho-Emotional relates to hypochondria, shyness and problem fear of injustice and family issue of father/son conflicts. (Heart & Thyroid) 
b) Inferior Nasal Pupil Flatness adjacent to Urinary Lacuna co-sign with Brown Pigment at 142' indicates of reactive problems or an underlying conflict that intensify the tendencies to liver deficiency, urinary infections, renal disturbances, polycystic kidneys (observe kidney lacuna at ciliary zone- 190'), arthritis and gout. If females, observe uterine problems, fibroid, endometriosis or cervical dysplasia. Neuromuscular tension at Lumbar Vertebrae. (Urinary Bladder & Liver)
Psycho-Emotional relates to self-criticism, low self-esteem, fear of failure, guilt and impatience.
c) Ventral Pupil Flatness indicates problems to the Sacrum & Coccyx areas resulting poor circulation to the legs, hip, knees and pelvic that causes of osteoarthritis, varicose veins, migraine headaches and possible of prolapsed uterus or anus. Psycho-Emotional relates to low self-esteem, sexual concerns and  experience of financial worries. (Osteoarthritis)
d) Lateral Temporal Pupil Flatness adjacent to Heart Lacuna at 276' indicates predisposition to circulatory problems, nervous breathing such as asthma, amplify of emotional heart problems, breast problems such as Mastalgia & Fibrocystic Breast Disease. Neuromuscular tension at Thoracic Vertebrae. ( Heart & Breast)
e) Observe Embryological sign / minor ray at pupillary zone - 325' indicate family history of cardiovascular problem. ( Cardiovascular Risk)
f) Observe Kreb's Cycle signs / minor rays & internal lacuna at internal collarette border - 325', 342 & 5' signify Oxaloacetate & Pyruvic Acid imbalance indicates tendencies to excessive oxidation of fatty acids, food allergies, reduced sexual function, low libido, liver deficiency, hepatic steatosis and diabetes mellitus. (Liver & Pancreas)
g) Observe the pancreas lacuna at 235' & 295' indicate predisposition to blood sugar imbalance. (Diabetes Mellitus)
h) Multiple brown pigments located at ciliary zone and limbus areas, indicate predisposition to liver insufficiency. (Liver)
i) Phytobiophysics - Flower & Tree Formulas /Essences ( Refer the above iris assessment results)
1) Heart Power - HP2 Spiritual Calm
- Tri-Cuspid Constitution: The Spiritual Journey, Upper Right Quadrant: Fatherhood, Husband, Male. 
- CNS, Brain, Liver, Gall Bladder, Stomach, Pancreas Meridian
- Vibrates on the Color Frequencies: Ultra Violet, Violet & Yellow
- Tree & Flower Essences: Eucalyptus, Magnolia, Camellia, Yew, Thistle and Dandelion
- Support: The dominant and vital relationship of fatherhood. Family unity, protection, providing father/male love
- Recovery from: 
* Breakdown of family relationship with father/male/husband
* Betrayal, loss of assets, financial worries
* Trauma of change of circumstances
* Sleepless night, anxiety, stress and panic
2) Journey - Emotional 
* 3rd Quarter of life
* Love
* Emotional trauma affects the way the body function
* Manifests in the chest, neck & breasts areas
* Limbic nervous System 
* Damage to the genetic coding in this generation - Heart disease

3) Definition - Mitral - 2 Trauma Events/ Time Risk happened at the age of  : 36.5 & 44.8 that fall into the Mitral quadrant - 142' & 92' 
4) Superfit Tree Formula: 
- SF4, SF5 & SF9(structural- neuromuscular tension at spinal cord)
5) Flower Formulas: HF11, HF12 & HF15 
6) Personal Biological Time for taking HP, SF & HF formulas: 6.24am (SF5 & HF11), 2.48pm (HF12) & 6pm(SF4). These 3 formulas should take together as stated time.

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