Embryological Analysis- 1) Pancreas sign- indicate potential blood sugar imbalance, tendency to diabetes. 2) Kidneys sign- indicates kidneys disturbances 3) Ovary and duodenum- indicates genetic weakness in ovary and suggest indigestion problem. 4) Attention to breast. 5) Open lacuna with an indentation of wreath to thyroid area, indicate thyroid disturbances due to overactivity in hypothalamus. 6) Suggest liver weakness. 7) Pituitary stress.

Rx, Female, 64 1) Hypothalamus stress. 2) Pituitary & Pineal stress 3) Pancreas sign- potential genetic blood sugar imbalance. 4) Double lacunae in heart and bronchus reflex areas. 5) Crypts in thyroid zone.- thyroid deficiency. 6) Crypt in pancreas zone. 7) Crypt in uterus. 8) Crypt in adrenal - Stress axis - hypothalamus+pituitary+adrenal 9) Crytp in ovary. 10) Gall bladder disturbances. 11) Open lacuna with whitish fibers in heart and pancreas areas.
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