Sunday, October 25, 2015

PolyGlandular, Pupil Flatness, Orange Center Heterochromia, Frontal Orange Pigmented Collarette & Pigments - (ssl) - Rx - 1

(Photo Permission by Susan Laing)

a) Identify the pupil flattenings
b) Explain the OCH  and frontal orange pigmented collarette in physical & emotional levels.
c) What are the genetic characteristics of extended collarette and it predominant parental DNA ?
d) Multiple lacunae attached on the border of the collarette - Polyglandular structure - which lacuna is set priority to analyse ?
e) Identify the multiple iris pigments, its shape, color, density and location.
f) Find those iris pigments nearest to the edge of pupil and attached on the border of the collarette and co-sign with lacunae cause they are identified as multidimensional iris signs.
g) You may identify the peripheral signs attached on the limbus areas.

Friday, October 23, 2015

Polyglandular structure, Hypertrophy/ Erratic Collarette & Melanin Pigments - Lx - (ssl) - 4

Multiple lacunae & crypts attached around the external border of the collarette is a typical sign of Polyglandular structure. You may explain the general disease tendencies for this structure and concentrate on explore those smallest signs, co-signs and indented signs which attached on the external border of the collarette. In addition, explain the physical & emotional levels of erratic of hypertrophy collarette structure. Please compare your previous post findings : (ssl) -1, 2 & 3 compile together to achieve more comprehensive iris assessment.

1) In this case, Polyglandular Weakness Type, the possibility genetic weaknesses tendencies as follow:
a) Diabetes Mellitus
b)Hypothalamus stress
c) Pituitary weakness
d) Endocrine system imbalance
e) PCOS (checking for family medical history)
f) Breast (checking for family medical history)
g) Kidney & Adrenal 
i) Liver & Spleen

2) Observe the smallest iris signs ( crypt, lacuna, defect sign), co-sign with melanin pigment & indentation.
a) Double lacunae co-sign with melanin pigment at 95' indicate family history of high cardiovascular risk plus probability involvement with parental emotional conflicts.
b) Lacuna co-sign with melanin pigments attached on the external border of the collarette at 132' indicate with dual organs weakness - pancreas and spleen (pigment attached to spleen topography area).
c) Sharp indentation of the lacuna at 190' contrast with local indentation of the collarette at 180'  signify insufficiency of kidney. 
f) Melanin pigments relate to liver & gall bladder deficiency.
g) Lacunae & crypts encompassed with smaller melanin pigments at 235' & 250' represent pancreatic dysfunction.
h) Moderate indentation of the collarette co-sign with lacuna accompanied with brown pigment at 257' as a vital multidimensional iris sign
       - Physical indicate thyroid dysfunction
       - Negative emotion relate to sadness and pain 
       - Suppression of the emotional experience in connection to the trauma
       - Time Risk at the aged of 19, possible with deep familial conflict
i) Observe lacuna at 280' that relate to heart problem 

3) Explain the erratic & hypertrophy of the collarette structure..

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Embryological & Citric Acid Cycle Signs at Pupillary Zone / Internal collarette Border - Lx - (ssl) - 3

Please analyse the minor radial furrows as an embryological & Kreb's Cycle signs at pupillary zone - 360', 15' & 35' , and local indentation of the collarette at 180'  which classify as multidimensional iris sign. This is a way like peeling an onion from layer to layer, the assessment results for this layer are correlate with the findings in IPB structure & Pupil Flattenings.

Take note : In this case, you have to differentiate a minor ray or radial furrow with rarefaction of iris fibres at pupillary zone.

1) Embryological Hypothalamus stress at pupillary zone - 360' is vital to analyse as it supersede and impaired adaptability in all situations. On the other hand, it also indicate Pyruvic Acid imbalance susceptibility to blood sugar imbalance / diabetes mellitus (include minor ray at 15')
2) Minor ray or radial furrow at pupillary zone/ internal collarette border - 15' indicate stress in pituitary gland.
3) Embryological & CAC sign at 35' indicate family medical history cardiovascular risk, personal predisposition to heart disease and kidney insufficiency.
4) Local indentation of the collarette at 180' which form Stress/ HPA Axis - Hypothalamus-Pituitary - Adrenal glands = The Stress Axis 
5) The Stress Axis indicate this person has substantial low ability to handle stress, experience of  emotional conflicts such as  anxiety, fear, depression, insomnia and betrayal. The emotional level of Orange CH, Frontal Pupil Flatness & Hypothalamus Stress as a deposition to this epigenetic problems.
6) In addition, the local indentation of the collarette at 180' as multidimensional sign, demonstrate as follow:
a) Possible vaccination reaction.
b) Time risk factor / emotional trauma / event at the aged of 29 70 30. 
c) Embryologically relate to family history of  breast problem and hypothalamus stress !
d) In Kreb's Cycle,  it associate with Succinic acid imbalance which represent possibility of anaemia, emotional stress, cardiovascular risk and multitudinous evidences predisposition to blood sugar imbalance !
e) The Chrobiological analyse in this case is under study. 

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Hypertrophy / Indented / Local Absent of the IPB, Pupil Flattenings & Hypothalamus Stress - Lx - (ssl) - 2

1) Explain the genetic weakness tendencies for Hypertrophy of Inner Pupillary Border, this IPB structure is linked to below findings.
2) Combine and analyse the Local Absent of the IPB at 355', Deep Minor Ray/Radial Furrow at pupillary zone - 360' and Frontal Pupil Flatness in physical and emotional levels.
3) Analyse the local indentation of the IPB at 302' with Medial Nasal Flatness, what are the major deficiency by combining these two iris signs ?
4) What is the causation of Inferior Nasal Flatness and Yellow/Orange Central Heterochromia ?
5) What are the possibility areas of neuromuscular tension at spinal cord ?

Please try answer the above questions, the following post will be examine the signs at pupillary zone or internal collarette border.

1) In this case, the Hypertrophy structure of the IPB are relate to blood sugar imbalance, thyroid dysfunction, uric acid imbalance, gastrointestinal disturbances, insomnia and anxiety are possible conditions to observe.
2) Local absent of the IPB at 355' signify as Space Risk 1, embryological sign at 360' and Frontal Pupil Flatness that can give rise to cervical vertebrae tension, limbic system imbalance, emotional conflict, stress & anxiety, insomnia, depression and endocrine gland imbalance such as hypothalamus stress. The hypothalamus stress impaired compliancy in all situation and intensify impressibility to stress.
3) Local indentation of the IPB at 302' represent Space Risk 7 indicate medical history of thyroid imbalance and intensify by Medial Nasal Flatness together with indicate thyroid dysfunction, neuromuscular tension at thoracic vertebrae and checking for family medical history of cardiac risk ! The tendency of hypochondria need to be concerned as numerous findings are propensity to this tendency.  
4) Yellow/Orange Central Heterochromia indicates possibility of gastrointestinal disturbance with candida involvement, tendency to viral infection, anxiety,  blood sugar imbalance (orange pigmented), intestinal dysbiosis (yellow pigmented), probable of parental conflicts & betrayal in the family history. The Orange CH correspond to Inferior Nasal Flatness, susceptibility to pancreatic problem/blood sugar imbalance, need to medical checking for liver & gall bladder problems  family medical history of of polycystic ovary syndrome and  splenic dysfunction that could all be possibilities.
5) I think you could identify each of every pupil flatness that possibility relate to neuromuscular tension at certain areas of spinal cord !

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Mixed Biliary Constitution : Hypertrophy IPB, Pupil Flatness, Embryological Pupillary Zone, Yellowish/Orange Central Heterochromia, Erratic/Thickened/Local Indentation Collarette & Melanin Pigments - Lx - (ssl) - 1

(Photo Permission by Susan Laing)

Observe the pupil flattenings & inner pupillary border tissues, identifying the embryological signs at pupillary zone, the location and size of the melanin pigments, the dynamics of the collarette structure, lacunae attached on the border of the collarette and the yellowish-orange pigmented collarette with central heterochromia. The demonstration of this iris assessment will be following soon...

Susan Laing ~ 
Iridologyforhealth :

Saturday, October 17, 2015

Embryological Sign - Hypothalamus Stress & Pyruvic Acid Imbalance at 360' - (Rx) - (oks) - 3

According John Andrews, the embryological sign at 360' signify as hypothalamus stress and it demonstrate one of the most important iris sign, It will take priority over all other iris signs and it indicates as follow:
a) Impaired adaptability in all situations, such as the genetic weaknesses of thyroid, liver, gall bladder, pancreatic and gastrointestinal imbalance which found in the layers of IPB structure and pupil flatness.
b) Need for longer treatment and recuperation.
c) Greater intensity of detrimental reactions.
d) An elevated sensitivity to stress.
e) This minor ray at pupillary zone - 360' also associate with Pyruvic Avid imbalance that indicates family medical history and tendency to diabetes mellitus and hepatic steatosis.
* Observe a defect sign at internal collarette border - 140' correlate with Succinic Acid imbalance  indicate family history and personal predisposition to diabetes mellitus.( Take note : Space Risk 14 & Inferior Temporal Flatness ) 

IPB Morphologies & Sectional Absent of the IPB - Rx - (oks) - 2

I would like to demonstrate the core inheritance weaknesses by combining the analysis of IPB Morphologies, Space Risk and Pupil Flattenings as follow:
a) Square IPB combination with Medial nasal Flatness indicate tendency tto thyroid gland imbalance.
b) Space Risk 11 at 80' ( local absent of the IPB) combination with Inferior Temporal Flatness indicate gall bladder deficiency.
c) Globular IPB combination with Space Risk 13 at 91' to 97' ( local absent of the IPB) indicate gastrointestinal disturbances.
d) Space Risk 12 at 85' to 91' ( local absent of the IPB) combination with Inferior Nasal Flatness signify liver insufficiency.
e) Space Risk 14 at 97' ( local absent of the IPB) combination with Inferior Temporal Flatness indicate pancreatic problem, blood sugar imbalance tendency.
f) Explain the hypertrophy and multi-bridged of the collarette structure.
g) The possibility of nueromuscular tension at spinal cord is highlighted by identifying the pupil flatness.

Thursday, October 15, 2015

IPB Hypertrophy/ Morphology, Pupil Flatness, CAC & Hypertrophy Collarette - Rx - (oks) - 1

Male, 69
Observe the inner pupillary border structure, shape and morphologies. Identify the multiple pupil flatness and find the most important combination signs of them...

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

The Dynamics of the Pupil Flattenings - Rx/Lx - (ylh) - 1

Female, 63
Coccyx injured, uterine fibroid
Please identify which iris signs at Rx & Lx indicate the above mentioned physical problems ? Which iris sign indicate medical history of splenic dysfunction ? Could you observe any sign which predisposition to headache, migraines and possible of depression problem ?

Crypts at Pupillary Zone - Internal Collarette Border - Lx - (lek) - 1

This is your turn to analyse the multiple crypts located at internal collarette border - 82', 100', 120' and 284' by applying Embryological & CAC Cellular iridology models. Major family inheritance weaknesses are thyroid dysfunction, cardiovascular risk, anaemia and blood sugar imbalance. 

Monday, October 12, 2015

Crypts at Pupillary Zone - Classical, Embryological & Citric Acid Cycle Analysis - Rx - (lek) - 1

Male, 22
Observe multiple crypts located at the pupillary zone and internal collarette border accompanied by extended collarette structure...

a) Multiple crypts located at internal collarette border - at the reflexive areas of duodenum & ascending colon, suggest for medical checking in these areas.
b) Embryological signs at 290', 280' and 248', indicate tendency of thyroid imbalance and sinusitis problem.
c) Embryological sign at 230' combine with multiple collarette bridges, signify family history of blood sugar imbalance.
d) Crypt located internal collarette border - 220' indicate predisposition to duodenum deficiency.
e) Based on the multiple crypts located at internal collarette border it associate with Succinic , Fumaric  and Malic acids imbalance. It have genetic tendency to :
   1) Diabetes mellitus/ Prediabates
   2) Anaemia
   3) Cardiovascular risk ( checking for family medical history)
   4) Food intolerance
   5) Hypertension
f) Crypt at internal collarette border -95' indicate colon stress that under Dirk  Hamer Syndrome model.
g) This person with distended collarette structure in his right iris indicate a predominant of his  physical, physiological and emotional traits with father or paternal family history.
h) Suspect mydriasis..

Sunday, October 11, 2015

The Combination Analysis of Pupil Flatness, IPB Morphology & Space Risk - Lx - (tsc) - 1

a) A singular and isolated of Globular IPB sign located at 260' it demonstrates an important and must priority for analyse and also corresponding to the particular Space Risk at 300' as Space Risk 14, it indicate pancreatic dysfunction, gastrointestinal disturbances at duodenum and neuromuscular tension at thoracic vertebrae. These three genetic weaknesses were also highlighted and found in Rx-iris ( Rx-(tsc) -2)
b) The frontal flatness indicate tendency to headache, insomnia, mental fatigue and possible depression that amplified by hypertrophic IPB and Neurolappen IPB at Rx-iris
c) I suggest to check for her family history of thyroid dysfunction and cardiac problem which found at Lateral Temporal Flatness. Space Risk 7 at Rx-iris also highlighted of this inheritance weakness !
d) Inferior Nasal Flatness indicate predisposition to : 
     1) Osteoporosis, osteoarthritis or rheumatics problem. This problem enhanced by Hypertrophy, Linear &          Depigmented IPB at Rx-iris.
     2) Tendency to renal disturbances, arthritis, gout and polycystic kidneys that you can see kidney lacunae            at both irises and numerous evidences on IPB signs indicate osteoarthritis or osteoporosis problems !
Modern Iridologist should know how to compare, link, combine and correlate the signs or findings in both irises so as to increase the accuracy of the iris assessment and enhance your iris analysis skills !

Thursday, October 08, 2015

IPB Morphologies & Pupil Flatness - Rx - (tsc) - 2

Analyse and explain the potential genetic weaknesses for hypertrophy IPB, linear, depigmented, neurolappen , an extroflession of the IPB at 300' (Space Risk) and pupil flattenings at inferior & superior temporal sections. Combine these information and compare with Lx-iris (coming post) to confirm the major deficiencies  for this person.

This person have deficiencies tendency of :
a) Blood sugar imbalance, insomnia, anxiety, tension and immune system dysfunction leading to the conditions of  gastrointestinal disturbances, uric acid imbalance, polyarthritis or gout. (Hypertrophy) 
b) Inflexibility in emotional expression, articular rigidity, arterial blockage or degeneration of spine. (Linear IPB)
c) Development in osteoarthritis or osteoporosis and oxidative stress. ( Whitened/ Depigmented IPB)
d) Checking family history of thyroid problem and possible nueromusculzar tension at thoracic vertebrae- T12 ( Space Risk 7 at 300' - Extroflession of IPB)
e) Sensitivity with general anxiety and tension and possible depression. ( Neurolappen IPB)
f) Inferior Nasal Flatness : Dysglycaemic, polycystic ovary syndrome, menorrhagia and spinal tension at thoracic and lumbar vertebrae.
g) Superior Temporal Flatness : Vertigo and muscular tension in neck shoulder. 

Refer John Andrews & Dr. Daniele Lo Rito - Inner Pupillary Border, Space Risk & IPB Spinal Reflex Analysis Charts.

Wednesday, October 07, 2015

Hypertrophy, Depigmented, Linear, Neurolappen, Extroflession IPB & Pupil Flatness - Rx - (tsc) - 1

Female, 54
Diabetes, vertigo
In classical iridology, you may analyse an iris sign at ciliary zone, such as a lacuna at kidney zone, the extended collarette structure relate to gastrointestinal disturbance, minor radial furrow at ovary reflex area, cholesterol ring at limbus and a pupil flatness...on the other hand, if you carefully look at the inner pupillary border tissues it shape, structure, thickness and color that have more to reveal...Could you identify any morphologies around these IPB tissues ? Combine the findings and identify the major genetic weaknesses for this person..The analysis of correlations and interrelations of iris signs are important in modern iridological approaches...

Tuesday, October 06, 2015

Pupil Flattenings, Embryological, CAC & Ventral Collarette - Lx - (loke)

a) Explain the Lateral Temporal Flatness & Ventral Flatness in physical & emotional level.
b) Analyse the minor radial furrows - 240', 215' & 150' at pupillary zone, apply embryological & kreb's cycle models.
c) Local indentation of the collarette co-sign with radial furrow at 185', explain it in physical & emotional levels.
d) Kidney lacuna at ciliary zone - 180'.
e) Explain the ventral linear collarette.
f) Find the correlation iris signs which indicate common genetic weaknesses at pupil, pupillary zone, internal collarette border and ciliary zone.  
g) This person predisposition to blood sugar imbalance, kidney insufficiency, tendency to osteoarthritis and cardiac risk.

Diabetes Sign - Classical, CAC, Bridge & Linear Collarette - Rx - (loke)

Male, 48
Observe the pancreas at external border of the collarette at 230', crypt at 174', bridge at 145' and linear collarette, they are indicate personal predisposition to blood sugar imbalance. Please also explain in emotional level...

Monday, October 05, 2015

Embryological, CAC & Pupil Flatness - Rx/Lx - (joth)


Female, 49
Constipation, Hemorrhoid, PCOS, High Cholesterol, Urinary Infection, Uterine Fibroid, Coccyx Injuries and family history of diabetes.
The combination of embryological & Citric Acid Cycle signs at internal collarette border/pupillary zone - 230' & 180'  - Rx  and Inferior Nasal Flatness at Lx indicate the above mentioned  inheritance weaknesses... those deficiencies signs are not located at external border of the collarette/ ciliary & limbus zones !