Thursday, October 22, 2015

Embryological & Citric Acid Cycle Signs at Pupillary Zone / Internal collarette Border - Lx - (ssl) - 3

Please analyse the minor radial furrows as an embryological & Kreb's Cycle signs at pupillary zone - 360', 15' & 35' , and local indentation of the collarette at 180'  which classify as multidimensional iris sign. This is a way like peeling an onion from layer to layer, the assessment results for this layer are correlate with the findings in IPB structure & Pupil Flattenings.

Take note : In this case, you have to differentiate a minor ray or radial furrow with rarefaction of iris fibres at pupillary zone.

1) Embryological Hypothalamus stress at pupillary zone - 360' is vital to analyse as it supersede and impaired adaptability in all situations. On the other hand, it also indicate Pyruvic Acid imbalance susceptibility to blood sugar imbalance / diabetes mellitus (include minor ray at 15')
2) Minor ray or radial furrow at pupillary zone/ internal collarette border - 15' indicate stress in pituitary gland.
3) Embryological & CAC sign at 35' indicate family medical history cardiovascular risk, personal predisposition to heart disease and kidney insufficiency.
4) Local indentation of the collarette at 180' which form Stress/ HPA Axis - Hypothalamus-Pituitary - Adrenal glands = The Stress Axis 
5) The Stress Axis indicate this person has substantial low ability to handle stress, experience of  emotional conflicts such as  anxiety, fear, depression, insomnia and betrayal. The emotional level of Orange CH, Frontal Pupil Flatness & Hypothalamus Stress as a deposition to this epigenetic problems.
6) In addition, the local indentation of the collarette at 180' as multidimensional sign, demonstrate as follow:
a) Possible vaccination reaction.
b) Time risk factor / emotional trauma / event at the aged of 29 70 30. 
c) Embryologically relate to family history of  breast problem and hypothalamus stress !
d) In Kreb's Cycle,  it associate with Succinic acid imbalance which represent possibility of anaemia, emotional stress, cardiovascular risk and multitudinous evidences predisposition to blood sugar imbalance !
e) The Chrobiological analyse in this case is under study. 

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