Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Hypertrophy / Indented / Local Absent of the IPB, Pupil Flattenings & Hypothalamus Stress - Lx - (ssl) - 2

1) Explain the genetic weakness tendencies for Hypertrophy of Inner Pupillary Border, this IPB structure is linked to below findings.
2) Combine and analyse the Local Absent of the IPB at 355', Deep Minor Ray/Radial Furrow at pupillary zone - 360' and Frontal Pupil Flatness in physical and emotional levels.
3) Analyse the local indentation of the IPB at 302' with Medial Nasal Flatness, what are the major deficiency by combining these two iris signs ?
4) What is the causation of Inferior Nasal Flatness and Yellow/Orange Central Heterochromia ?
5) What are the possibility areas of neuromuscular tension at spinal cord ?

Please try answer the above questions, the following post will be examine the signs at pupillary zone or internal collarette border.

1) In this case, the Hypertrophy structure of the IPB are relate to blood sugar imbalance, thyroid dysfunction, uric acid imbalance, gastrointestinal disturbances, insomnia and anxiety are possible conditions to observe.
2) Local absent of the IPB at 355' signify as Space Risk 1, embryological sign at 360' and Frontal Pupil Flatness that can give rise to cervical vertebrae tension, limbic system imbalance, emotional conflict, stress & anxiety, insomnia, depression and endocrine gland imbalance such as hypothalamus stress. The hypothalamus stress impaired compliancy in all situation and intensify impressibility to stress.
3) Local indentation of the IPB at 302' represent Space Risk 7 indicate medical history of thyroid imbalance and intensify by Medial Nasal Flatness together with indicate thyroid dysfunction, neuromuscular tension at thoracic vertebrae and checking for family medical history of cardiac risk ! The tendency of hypochondria need to be concerned as numerous findings are propensity to this tendency.  
4) Yellow/Orange Central Heterochromia indicates possibility of gastrointestinal disturbance with candida involvement, tendency to viral infection, anxiety,  blood sugar imbalance (orange pigmented), intestinal dysbiosis (yellow pigmented), probable of parental conflicts & betrayal in the family history. The Orange CH correspond to Inferior Nasal Flatness, susceptibility to pancreatic problem/blood sugar imbalance, need to medical checking for liver & gall bladder problems  family medical history of of polycystic ovary syndrome and  splenic dysfunction that could all be possibilities.
5) I think you could identify each of every pupil flatness that possibility relate to neuromuscular tension at certain areas of spinal cord !

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