Saturday, October 17, 2015

IPB Morphologies & Sectional Absent of the IPB - Rx - (oks) - 2

I would like to demonstrate the core inheritance weaknesses by combining the analysis of IPB Morphologies, Space Risk and Pupil Flattenings as follow:
a) Square IPB combination with Medial nasal Flatness indicate tendency tto thyroid gland imbalance.
b) Space Risk 11 at 80' ( local absent of the IPB) combination with Inferior Temporal Flatness indicate gall bladder deficiency.
c) Globular IPB combination with Space Risk 13 at 91' to 97' ( local absent of the IPB) indicate gastrointestinal disturbances.
d) Space Risk 12 at 85' to 91' ( local absent of the IPB) combination with Inferior Nasal Flatness signify liver insufficiency.
e) Space Risk 14 at 97' ( local absent of the IPB) combination with Inferior Temporal Flatness indicate pancreatic problem, blood sugar imbalance tendency.
f) Explain the hypertrophy and multi-bridged of the collarette structure.
g) The possibility of nueromuscular tension at spinal cord is highlighted by identifying the pupil flatness.

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