Sunday, October 11, 2015

The Combination Analysis of Pupil Flatness, IPB Morphology & Space Risk - Lx - (tsc) - 1

a) A singular and isolated of Globular IPB sign located at 260' it demonstrates an important and must priority for analyse and also corresponding to the particular Space Risk at 300' as Space Risk 14, it indicate pancreatic dysfunction, gastrointestinal disturbances at duodenum and neuromuscular tension at thoracic vertebrae. These three genetic weaknesses were also highlighted and found in Rx-iris ( Rx-(tsc) -2)
b) The frontal flatness indicate tendency to headache, insomnia, mental fatigue and possible depression that amplified by hypertrophic IPB and Neurolappen IPB at Rx-iris
c) I suggest to check for her family history of thyroid dysfunction and cardiac problem which found at Lateral Temporal Flatness. Space Risk 7 at Rx-iris also highlighted of this inheritance weakness !
d) Inferior Nasal Flatness indicate predisposition to : 
     1) Osteoporosis, osteoarthritis or rheumatics problem. This problem enhanced by Hypertrophy, Linear &          Depigmented IPB at Rx-iris.
     2) Tendency to renal disturbances, arthritis, gout and polycystic kidneys that you can see kidney lacunae            at both irises and numerous evidences on IPB signs indicate osteoarthritis or osteoporosis problems !
Modern Iridologist should know how to compare, link, combine and correlate the signs or findings in both irises so as to increase the accuracy of the iris assessment and enhance your iris analysis skills !

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