Monday, October 12, 2015

Crypts at Pupillary Zone - Classical, Embryological & Citric Acid Cycle Analysis - Rx - (lek) - 1

Male, 22
Observe multiple crypts located at the pupillary zone and internal collarette border accompanied by extended collarette structure...

a) Multiple crypts located at internal collarette border - at the reflexive areas of duodenum & ascending colon, suggest for medical checking in these areas.
b) Embryological signs at 290', 280' and 248', indicate tendency of thyroid imbalance and sinusitis problem.
c) Embryological sign at 230' combine with multiple collarette bridges, signify family history of blood sugar imbalance.
d) Crypt located internal collarette border - 220' indicate predisposition to duodenum deficiency.
e) Based on the multiple crypts located at internal collarette border it associate with Succinic , Fumaric  and Malic acids imbalance. It have genetic tendency to :
   1) Diabetes mellitus/ Prediabates
   2) Anaemia
   3) Cardiovascular risk ( checking for family medical history)
   4) Food intolerance
   5) Hypertension
f) Crypt at internal collarette border -95' indicate colon stress that under Dirk  Hamer Syndrome model.
g) This person with distended collarette structure in his right iris indicate a predominant of his  physical, physiological and emotional traits with father or paternal family history.
h) Suspect mydriasis..

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