Wednesday, October 07, 2015

Hypertrophy, Depigmented, Linear, Neurolappen, Extroflession IPB & Pupil Flatness - Rx - (tsc) - 1

Female, 54
Diabetes, vertigo
In classical iridology, you may analyse an iris sign at ciliary zone, such as a lacuna at kidney zone, the extended collarette structure relate to gastrointestinal disturbance, minor radial furrow at ovary reflex area, cholesterol ring at limbus and a pupil flatness...on the other hand, if you carefully look at the inner pupillary border tissues it shape, structure, thickness and color that have more to reveal...Could you identify any morphologies around these IPB tissues ? Combine the findings and identify the major genetic weaknesses for this person..The analysis of correlations and interrelations of iris signs are important in modern iridological approaches...

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