Monday, July 31, 2006

Sogyal Rinpoche

Biography: Born in Kham in Eastern Tibet, Sogyal Rinpoche was recognized as the incarnation of Lerab Lingpa Tertön Sogyal, a teacher to the thirteenth Dalai Lama, by Jamyang Khyentse Chökyi Lodrö, one of the most outstanding masters of the twentieth century. Jamyang Khyentse supervised Rinpoche's training and raised him like his own son. n 1971, Rinpoche went to England where he studied Comparative Religion at Cambridge University. He went on to study with many other masters, of all schools of Tibetan Buddhism, especially Kyabjé Dudjom Rinpoche and Kyabjé Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche, serving as their translator and aide. With his remarkable gift for presenting the essence of Tibetan Buddhism in a way that is both authentic and profoundly relevant to the modern mind, Sogyal Rinpoche is one of the most renowned teachers of our time.

Rinpoche has been teaching for over 25 years and continues to travel widely in Europe, America, Australia, and Asia, where he addresses thousands of people on his teaching tours and is a frequent speaker at major conferences. In 1993, Rinpoche founded the Spiritual Care Program which, under his guidance, aims to bring the wisdom and compassion of these teachings to professional and trained volunteer caregivers who work in end of life care.

Particular teachings: Spiritual Care Program, the aim of which is to demonstrate practical ways in which the compassion and wisdom of the Buddhist teachings can help those facing illness or death, their families, and medical caregivers. Based on the teachings of Sogyal Rinpoche and The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying, together with insights drawn from hospice experience, we offer an integrated approach for people from diverse cultural and religious backgrounds.

Book: The Tibetan Book ofSogyal Rinpoche is the author of the highly-acclaimed and ground breaking book, The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying. Over 1.6 million copies of this spiritual classic have been printed, in 27 languages and 54 countries. It has been adopted by colleges, groups and institutions, both medical and religious, and is used extensively by nurses, doctors and health care professionals.

Main Website:


" Meditation practice is simply about how to release habitual attitudes, it's not about anything else"
Tsoknyi Rinpoche

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Mastering Healing

All pain and disease is a result of a lack of vibrational harmony in the body. This results in vibrational dissonance. This dissonance may manifest on any, or all levels in the body - physical, emotional, mental, etc.

The chief characteristic of this dissonance is resistance. And what we resist, persists. This resistance causes us to see our bodies, the circumstances of our lives, our environment, our relationships, and the world, from the perspective of being at the effect of these conditions and our perception of reality, rather than seeing ourselves at the cause and the source of our reality.

Mastering healing involves going to the source and core of our awareness so that with complete self-honesty and clarity of intention, we may first identify areas of resistance within ourselves. Then without self-judgement, consciously choose resonance instead of resistance, thereby, taking more empowered action and responsibility for our life, health and happiness. This practice also brings the issues that we then transmute and release from resistance to a higher and healthier, resonant vibration.

Now, in order for this healing process to sustain, build and integrate into our bodies' full awareness, it is vitally important to understand the power of commitment and its relationship to intention and love.

Commitment ot our values, ideals, beliefs, principles, spiritual practices, God and self, creates the foundation on which not only our character, but our vibrational health and awareness is built.

Commitment to our word and to the people in our lives (all of whom mirror every issue that needs healing within us) extends and expands the limitless healing potential of our relationships with ourselves and with others.

This intention to commitment then brings the quality of love within these relationships to the optimal harmony and healing experience.

In summary, our life, love, relationships and healing will be successful in direct proportion to the agreements and commitments that we make and keep with ourselves and others; and according to the level and clarity of our intention.

Saturday, July 22, 2006

Energy Medicine

Energy Medicine is a new concept to many and often is confusing due to varying definitions of the term “energy,” along with limiting understandings of the concept of medicine. The intent of this article is to shed some light on the meaning of energy medicine.

Energy is commonly understood from a scientific point of view, for example understanding how to harness electrical energy or the energy of a chemical reaction, or having sufficient caloric intake to fuel our bodies as we go about our daily activities. In “new age” circles, the term is used frequently but the meaning is often vague and unclear.

Medicine has come to be associated with chemical substances prescribed by medical doctors. Usually it has been used to refer to a pill or liquid to treat a specific illness or health concern. However, medicine is much more than a pill or other chemical substance and energy is much more than the calories needed to function at peak performance and maintain health.

Like with the term “Laughter is the best medicine,” medicine is anything that warms the heart and brings about a sense of wholeness and satisfaction. When I laugh I feel good, and in that moment in which I let go and laugh, I connect to the part of myself that exists beyond whatever stress or thoughts were in my mind beforehand. Medicine can be a walk in the woods, playing with a beloved cat or dog, or singing in the shower. Medicine is anything that can assist in the feeling of contentment by facilitating our connection to that part of ourselves that is happy, at peace and part of the larger picture of life beyond our everyday concerns.

Energy is a term to refer to the building block of life, both of the material world and the Source of the material world which is often unseen. Some may call this Source God/Goddess, some may call it the Great Mystery. I believe we are all gods and goddesses waiting to remember our creative, divine power to manifest. As gods and goddesses we are the mothers and fathers of our reality. Our thoughts, actions, emotions, even our very breath itself are all part of how we create in the world and as such are also energy. Energy is the unseen “stuff” that we create with, and it is also that which we create.

Using these definitions, Energy Medicine can be defined as the use of our creative/manifestation abilities to experience the connection to our wholeness and fulfillment. And because we are all connected via something beyond our everyday sense of self, Energy Medicine also benefits the world around us as we create better lives for ourselves.

Energy medicine, therefore, can include anything that helps us become aware of our ability to create via our thoughts, actions, emotions, etc. and provides a format for us to use our creative ability. Some examples are affirmations, prayer, mantras, meditation, healing modalities such as Reiki & Universal Energy Healing . This is by no means a complete list; the expressions of energy medicine are as endless as our awareness and imagination.

Energy medicine is a wholistic approach in that it goes beyond treating the symptoms of illness or unhappiness to take in the larger picture of health. We are more than just physical bodies with symptoms that need to be suppressed/treated, we are complex beings who exist as part of a larger whole. Our identity includes the whole picture of creation.

Energy medicine helps us to access our wholeness for a greater connection to ourselves and the world around us, opening us up to our innate, infinite healing potential. Healing is remembering and becoming our holi-ness, our wholeness. Energy medicine addresses healing by showing us the path to the empowered healer/creator within.

by Linda White Dove

Negative Energies

Every thought, emotion, chemical, metal, gas, sound, color, planet, toxin, everything in this Universe is energy that is alive and intelligent. Energies from these sources can be positive or negative. Parasites, worms, viruses, infectious bacteria, candida overgrowth, other types of fungus and mold overgrowths can create negative energies within you. Psychic attacks are flows of negative energy that can lodge in your body or energetic system around and in your body. Entities and negative spirits are energies that create blockages in your auras, eventually weakening you and causing physical behavior problems. The earth itself releases negative and toxic energies at times that can have a serious effect on your health.

Each individual can create negative energies within themselves through continued negative thinking, feeling, and behavior. These self-created energies can lodge in the auras or energy systems in physical body.

Once negative energies lodge within your physical and energetic bodies, they just sit there until they are released. However they are alive and will create harm as long as they are lodged in your physical body or energy system.

Negative energies can fill a room, an office, a car, and an individual. They easily flip from one person’s aura into another person’s aura. You can absorb negative energies from others simply by being in a room, meeting or grocery store when those around you have negative energies within them. Negative energies are all around us.

Energy can be positive or life giving and enforcing, or it can be negative and harmful for humans. The positive energies strengthen and energize you. The negative energies create blockages in your auras, chakras and create fatigue, confusion, a slower pace of thinking and acting, depression, weaken you, and eventually create real physical illness. They create blockages in your inner energetic system called the meridian system.

The process of ageing is accelerated through the accumulation of negative energies in your auras, meridian system, and all energy systems within you and around you. Negative energies slow down your physical systems and energetic systems lowering the rates of vibration, which then allows other negative invaders to enter and stay in your body. Keeping yourself free of negative energies will assist you in living a longer and happier life.

Psychic attack energy leaves holes and openings in your auras. Holes in your auras make you feel threatened, mistrustful, uneasy, nervous, fearful, and physically drained and fatigued. If you believe you have holes in your auras, ask an energy healer to close your auras so that they are tight and fully closed.

Friday, July 21, 2006

You Are A Healer

A healer does not heal with their hands, their mind nor with a specific technique. A healer heals with their heart. There are many healing modalities that a person can use to improve their lives and their health. None is more powerful than love.

If you were to learn many of these techniques you would find that love is a pattern that weaves itself through all healing. It is a constant. This is because healing comes from understanding and living all that you are. And at your core, you are made of love. There is a difference between understanding that you are love and living it.

This is known as the 13 inch journey, the journey for the realization to travel from you mind, where you understand it intellectually, to your heart where you feel and live it. When this happens you will know. There is no mistaking the experience. Many people find that they experience this feeling (actually a way of being) for a while and then it disappears, leaving them feeling sad or disappointed. Indeed, there is a big difference in how a person experiences life from the love awareness as opposed to when the feeling subsides.

This subsiding is a gift. It teaches that you have a choice between living in love and living in fear. Living in love is where healing takes place. The key is not how long you can stay in love but that you realize when you have fallen out of it. Then the decision to go back to love or not is yours. And here is where the personal issues start coming up. Sometimes it seems easier or more justified to be angry, hurt, depressed or whatever. Some people will bury this realization in food, compulsive spending, over working, alcohol, unhealthy relationships or in some other way.

I believe that denying who you are, denying what many people call the “I Am” is at the root of all illness be it physical, mental or spiritual. And love is the healer. You already possess within you all that is needed for perfect health. It is simply a matter of peeling back the layers and having the courage to look inside. You will find inside a light so bright and beautiful that you may be frightened at first by its power and love. You may feel undeserving or uncertain about the responsibility of being this light. It may help you to realize that this is who you already are.

Inside, every person has the same light and uncovering it is what healing is all about. All is love.

Written by Linda White Dove

UE Meditation & Stress Relief

Through meditation we strengthen the bond between mind, body and spirit. The physical body is relaxed through the practice of UE meditation, the mind is soothed and quieted, the spirit is rejuvenated. The mental, spiritual and physical health benefits gainedthrough the regular practice of meditation are well documented.

If you’re unfamiliar with the practice of UE meditation then the following exercise should help to gain a better understanding of the methods used.

This exercise focuses on breathing and Crown chakra visualization. Controlled breathing provides an area of immediate connection with the mind and body and also increases the supply of oxygen to the brain.

Begin by finding a comfortable place to perform your meditation. This can be any place of your choosing, provided that you find it comfortable and relaxing. It is not required for you to sit, though you may, if you choose. Many people find it difficult to sit still for any length of time.

Focus your attention on your breathing. Notice the air as it enters your body. Try to breathe in through your nose and exhale through your mouth.

Take slow, deep breaths. Inhale slowly through your nose then exhale slowly from your mouth, not rushed and not sluggish, try to find a pace that feels comfortable, just remember to relax your breathing.

Inhale slowly & exhale slowely, repeat this process three times. With every breath, imagine that you are inhaling precious life giving air and exhaling any
unwanted energies.

After you have repeated this cycle 3 times you can begin your visualization of thinking the Chakra 7 that drawing the universal energy to your body system. Try to maintain the rhythm of your breathing without counting it out in your head. At this point you may notice random thoughts popping into your head, simply acknowledge and dismiss them as they enter your mind, let them slip away easily.

You are aware of the physical body as you breathe and simultaneously conscious of the mental/spiritual place within your visulaization, you exist at one time in two places. Focus your attention now on your breathing, feel the universal energy enter your body through your Chakra 7. You are aware of the physical body as you breathe and simultaneously conscious of the mental/spiritual place within your visulaization, you exist at one time in two places. Focus your attention now on your breathing, feel the air enter your body. Open your eyes slowly after 5 mins, and return to material awareness.

Use this meditation and visualization any time that you feel stressed or in need of a few moments of "down time". You will find with repeated practice that you find less and less things to be stressful about.

Use this meditation and Chakra 7 visualization any time that you feel stressed or in need of a few moments of "down time". You will find with repeated practice that you find less and less things to be stressful about.

An Easy Guide to a Healthy Aura

Most of us are unaware of the health of our auras or life energy. We go about our daily business without ever giving a second thought to a very vital part of our lives. For the majority of people auras are intangible, invisible the notion of life energy is purely an idea or abstract concept, not a thing that can be monitored and measured easily like blood pressure or insulin levels. Yet life energy or auras are just as real and important as any other measurement of our health and well being.

Just because you can't see an aura doesn't mean it isn't there. You can't see a radio wave or an x-ray, but you know they exist. The truth is that auras and life energy can be measured with today's instruments. Modern medicine, being what it is, just hasn't made the technology widely available. Anyone interested in maintaining a healthy aura today must rely on others capable of seeing or sensing life energies. Fortunately there are many practices available which we can utilize ourselves to help insure a healthy and balanced aura.

Most people go through life with their auras extended far beyond a healthy range. Many of us have been lead to believe that a big, extended aura is a good thing. Actually this isn't the case. An extended aura is susceptible to all sorts of negative energies. Your life energy becomes vulnerable to any negative energy it may come into contact with. It's a bit like walking around in cold weather wearing nothing but your underwear. You're just asking for all sorts of problems.

Symptoms of an over-extended aura include; headaches, irritability, depression, stress, anxiety, muscle pain, joint pain, nausea, the list goes on. A quick and easy solution to an extended aura is a few minutes of focused meditation. You do meditate don't you? During meditation, visualize your aura as a vibrating energy field around your entire body. Take some deep breaths and imagine your aura moving in closer to your body with each breath. Do this until you feel that your aura is less than a quarter of an inch from your body surface. Try this exercise anytime that you sense your aura may be too "far out" You will know that this is the case if you start having random negative thoughts or begin to suffer phantom aches and pains.

Your aura at those times is picking up on any illness or negativity in your immediate vicinity. Another easy fix for an extended aura is to soak in a nice long bath. Water has an amazing ability to rejuvenate life energy. Water also happens to compress the aura to its healthiest size. Ever wonder exactly why a hot bath feels so relaxing? Water rebalances our life energy.

It's no accident that we spend the first nine months of life submerged in water. Water sustains us. Your aura may be positioned perfectly and still require some healing. This is often the case when we spend any length of time with truly negative people or suffer from any kind of shock or turmoil.

If you are feeling drained or low on energy take some time to recharge yourself, meditate, drink plenty of water give your body some rest and allow your aura some time to heal naturally.

Another consideration of a healthy aura concerns clothing and color. Color can have a direct affect on the health of our life energy. As a rule of thumb aura energy reacts to color in much the same way as light. Dark colors tend to absorb life energy and lighter colors reflect it. Wearing black or dark colors everyday can attract any type energy, whereas lighter colored clothing reflects the energy of others while keeping our own energy insulated.

If you are in constant contact with large groups of people you should consider a lighter colored wardrobe. Otherwise you are likely to absorb the energy of everyone around you, good, bad and ugly. The dark colored business suit really isn't a good idea where aura energy is concerned.

Maintaining a healthy and well balanced life energy level is a lot less difficult and mysterious than many might think. It requires no more effort than watching what you eat or monitoring your physical reactions to the environment. As with many other aspects of our health, vigilance is the key to a healthy and nurtured aura.

Written by Jeffry R. Palmer

The Nature of Thought Energy

Your thoughts are the currencies with which you exchange energy with the universe.

Do you believe that your thoughts have energy? Do you believe that a place or an object can retain the energy of the people that have come into contact with it? If you have ever entered an old home and sensed the presence of its previous occupants, or held an antique item in your hands and felt the history of it, then you know the answers.

Scientists are just beginning to accept the truth about thought energy, and have begun to study what many have known for centuries. In fact some of today's leading scientists in areas of physics, biology, psychology and many other fields are starting to recognize the importance of thought energy.

Positive thought energy in the form of collective meditation has been scientifically proven to reduce violent crime! In 1993 a study encouraged by one the world's leading physicists was undertaken in Washington D.C to determine if focused meditation could have an effect on that city's crime rate. The results were astonishing. During the weeks that several volunteers meditated, crime rates fell dramatically by 25 percent! This was no accident. This was scientifically validated and proven to be an effective means of countering the criminal inclinations of a very large group of people…an entire city in fact.

All life is energy.

Thoughts have energy. Negative thoughts create negative events. Positive thoughts create positive results. The energy of thought is either stored in physical structures or is transmitted into the universe, it never dies.

Consider what this means. Think about the ramifications.

Where did the clothes you are wearing come from, who made them? Were they manufactured by depressed and impoverished people working in appalling conditions for weeks to make the same amount of money that you spend on a cup of coffee in the morning?

Who built the car that you drive? Was it built by disgruntled and tired factory workers? Where some of those workers alcoholics? Did some of them leave work, go home, beat their wives and children and build your car the next morning?

Who built the house that you live in? Who came into contact with the food that you ate today? Starting to get the picture? Everything we come into contact with can hold the thought energy of other people. Even the air that we breathe carries the thought energy of those it surrounds.What were the thoughts that have been injected into every part of your life?

How much has the thought energy of others affected you? Every thought interacts with the energy of the universe. Negative thought looks for other negatives thought energies to bind with. Eventually a matrix of negative thought energy is created and forms a thought wave. These powerful negative thought waves manifest themselves in our lives in the form of poverty, crime, war, plagues and natural disasters.

Negative energy creates a vacuum, it detracts from the life giving nature of the universe. Negative thought waves come in many sizes and have been known by many names, bad luck, misfortune, disaster, evil, curses, etc. Call them what you will, the source of their energy is the same. The source is us.

Positive thought energy also seeks out other positive energies. If you are a source of positive thought energy, positive and beneficial energy will return to you in many wonderful and unexpected ways. Positive thought energy creates a surplus; it is the surplus of positive thought energy that allows for the creation of life. You are the source and creator of all things.

Everything that happens in your life has a direct connection with the type of energy that you are charging the universe with. You alone are responsible for the type of energy created by your life. Becoming aware of the power of your own thoughts is the most important step in understanding how to handle the adverse influence of the negative thought of others. Knowing the value of positive thought energy allows us to become sensitive to negative energy.

We begin to notice it in our own speech, we see it in our relationships, and we notice it in others. Being aware is the key. Once we are aware of the negative thought energy in our lives we can take measures to eliminate it and replace it with beneficial, healing energy.

It is as simple as noticing it and dismissing it with our minds. A thought enters our mind that we recognize as negative, we simply dismiss it. By dismissing negativity we take away its power by not allowing it to manifest further negativity in our lives. There are of course many other techniques available to combat negative thought energy and create positive abundance in our lives; including UE meditation, UE Healing & among others. The critical first step however is simply being aware of the existence and effects of these energies. Hopefully this brief article has helped you to allow that first step to be taken.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Understanding The Healing Crisis

As you move toward better health with natural healing treatment and better nutrition, healing begins to occur. As part of the healing process the body will begin to discard toxic residues which have built up in your body over the years. The healing process usually does not occur without repercussions. During the initial phase of healing, as your body begins to clean house, (detoxify) and your vital energy begins to repair and rebuild internal organs, you may experience headache, uneasiness, flu like symptoms and fatigue. It is important that you adequately rest during this time. These symptoms will pass as your body begins to normalize to a new level of health. As you continue to improve, you may begin a process called retracing. You may feel worse before you feel better.

In a healing crisis, every body system works together to eliminate waste products and set the stage for regeneration. Old tissues are replaced with new. A disease occurs when the body cannot make it through its natural healing crises for one reason or another. The body is "locked" into a destructive and shut down place, physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually.
Symptoms of the healing crisis may at first be identical to the disease it is meant to heal. But there is an important difference: elimination. A cleansing, purifying process is underway and stored wastes are in a free-flowing state. The body, mind, and spirit are no longer "locked." Sometimes pain and symptoms during the healing crisis are more intense than that of the chronic disease, but it is temporary and necessary.

The crisis will usually bring about past conditions and personal issues. People often forget the diseases, issues, or injuries they have had in the past, but are usually reminded during the crisis so that they can heal their unfinished business. This arises in whatever order the body is capable of handling at that time.

Physical reactions could include skin eruptions, nausea, headache, sleepiness, unusual fatigue, constipation, diarrhea, head or chest cold, ear infections, boils, or any other way the body uses to loosen and eliminate toxins. An initial healing crisis usually lasts around three days but if the energy of the patient is low, it may last a week or more.

Your body needs juices, and especially water to help carry off the toxins. This is a time for rest. Be kind to yourself --- mentally, emotionally, and of course physically.

One crisis is not always enough for a complete cure. The person in a chronic "locked" disease state will often have to go through cycles of healing crises, with each one improving the condition some. It has taken time to develop a chronically diseased state, and time is required to let go of the "locked" energy, piece by piece. It's like peeling the layers off an onion.

Often the crisis will come after one feels their very best and most energized, setting the stage for the elimination. The whole body gets into action. Most people feel an energy boost at the beginning until the toxins start dumping into the blood stream for elimination. Go as slowly as your body needs so your elimination is gradual and comfortable.

With a more serious condition, there may be many small crisis to go through before the system can become healthily balanced. Everything must be considered and given its proper place in the build-up to a healing crisis. One should expect it and work with the body, not resentfully against it.

A healing crisis is also known as the Herxheimer Reaction which occurs when the body is detoxifying too rapidly and toxins are being released faster than the body can eliminate them. A healing crisis can result from any holistic/natural therapy such as UE healing, flower essence therapy, homeopathy, naturopathy, improved diet, etc.

Energy Clearing

After a healing, it is vital that the UE practitioner clears the healing room of any residual negative energy left from the healing. During a healing, the UE practitioner may remove blockages from the patients etheric and/or physical body which have hindered the natural flow of energy. These blockages should not be present in the body and therefore should be removed. If the patient has an illness that has manifested on the physical level, there will be energy given off that may be heavy, sticky or negative .

This tends to stick not only to the UE practitioner, but must also be removed from the client's aura and the healing area itself. During the healing, it is not uncommon for the UE practitioner to become aware of this negative energy clinging to their hands and arms, and they may even have to stop and clean it off with their other hand or a feather. It may feel uncomfortable and perhaps may make the healer ache a little. This is why it is absolutely vital for the UE practitioner to wash their hands right up to their elbows after a healing. They must make sure that they clean off this energy so that it does not remain in their aura and create problems with their own personal energy flows.

At times it may be necessary to have a shower to cleanse your auric field if the healing has brought up a lot of negative energy or you have done many healings in one day. If you have done several healings, there tends to be a build up which needs to be cleansed and cleared both from the healing area and your own energy field. This energy clearing must be thorough, otherwise pockets of negative energy will remain and eventually create unpleasant vibrations. This cleansing process is very important in making sure that you do not take on the negativity of others....their problems, their heartaches or their illnesses.

UE in Sivasanta - Part 4

Patients waiting for doctors

Mr. Sajith performed blood pressure test to patient

From right : Daniel Tan & Lim giving consult & UE healing to patients

UE practitioner : From Left- Lim, Daniel Tan & James

Tuesday, July 18, 2006


That is all I do, and I do it well. I do it very well. I have no support, and I have no financial backing; I have no wealthy people backing me. I do it because I'm a Rinpoche. In Drepung here, with all of your study and all of your hard work, you will all reincarnate with these same qualities. It is in all of your highest teachings. All of those teachings are based on Charity. Wisdom comes from Giving. It is the hardest thing in the world to do. So it's our Bodhicitta, Buddha nature that allows us to do this.

Money can make you greedy; it can make people greedy, money itself. But money is a source of all wealth all prana. It is not inherently negative; it is a vehicle for Giving. If you give it, you receive it. Its magic is so powerful – yet, if you hold onto it, it will take away Buddha nature and it will destroy you. It is made to be given away, to be shared.

Money can be used across all borders, across all languages. It is right now the root of evil, the foundation of evil. It is also life itself, our life-source, the energy of life. It either gives life or it takes life.
It is created by Buddha to end all evil. Money is created by Buddha-mind, by Buddha, in order to end all evil just simply by using it right. Use it right and it ends all evil. To use it right, you have to act right and you have to think right. Money helps you to become good if you use it right. Our job is to help people to let go of money. Money is like a big piece of (self?), a big ego, and you can let go of your ego, you can let go and offer it to Buddha. Buddha creates Dharma and a Sangha. In a Sangha, Buddha brings problems to you, like people who need money, Monasteries who need money, things that need help. You don't go away from it, it actually comes to you and you must deal with it. You feed the poor, you help the hungry, you fix things; that's what Buddhists do.

We have a lot of creative future ahead of us and that future is very different than the present is today. Everybody together, will create a bigger and bigger picture of how this future of Buddhism is going to manifest. We've done this before, expansion where in one Monastery we would have 5,000 Monks. It all depends on mind and seeing that we can actually grow like that.
That's my intention, is to help support the creative minds of all the Rinpoches and all the Geshes to see the future and build it, with extreme support from all of humanity.

Buddhism is not a religion, it is a philosophy. Every human being must become a Buddhist. It's not a religion, it's a fact. What we're doing here is creating human beings. By all of humanity helping your work, they are awakening Buddha nature, Buddha-field; they are going into Buddha-field out of Samsara. Nothing else does it like that. All the Masters of Earth, all become students of Buddha, that's nature. So it is absolutely vital that humanity helps you.

It is absolutely the most important thing for humanity to be aware of Tibetan Buddhism and its purpose and its effect on humanity. And that has been and is my goal, life after life after life.

In this life, everything is going to be much easier than we've ever had it before, because there are many Rinpoches who are fully capable of Giving, really, completely capable of being able to Give. I can prove that because of the way I am treated in Tibetan Buddhism. I am a teacher of Charity, and most Rinpoches find me to be very similar to themselves. They may not have fully awakened all of Buddha nature yet, but they will and through my kindness, they will become just as kind and we will become so very, fortunate, because their teachings will reach the whole world.

So, we are not in a bad time. We have lost a lot of Tibetan process, but we are going to go out into the world and change everything. Just think of it as a group reincarnation. Just think of it as a large group of awakened people reincarnated, rebirthed.

And we just fix things."

Written by His Holiness Buddha Maitreya

Pyramid Healing

It is historically evident that man knew about the beneficial effects of pyramid energy as early as 6000 years ago. The ancient Egyptians used pyramids to preserve their dead. The Mayans used the pyramid for religious ceremonies. The Vedas have references to pyramid geometry. Even temple tops and church steeples were designed in the shape of a pyramid. But why the pyramid? Scientists have focussed attention on this issue for the past century. It was intriguing how flowers grew better and faster, how fruits and food products improved in taste and how dead animals did not decay for weeks within a pyramid. It was found that all life forms and all matter when placed within the pyramid structure, improved in performance, behavior and appearance. Pyramid energy has, from then on, been successfully applied in healing, as well as in relieving fatigue and tension.

UE in Sivasanta - Part 3

Nietyaah- Clinic receptionist.

Azrul, helping of patient registration.

Mr.Nathan is performing a blood sugar test for patient.

The patients have been Transferred energy and performed the UE meditation.

James transfered UE energy to patient.

Caason transfered UE energy to patient.

Monday, July 17, 2006

Karmic Justice and Karmic Rewards

We often hear of Karmic Justice coming to visit us. This is when our bad behaviors catch up with us and we face consequences that are less than joyous. This is fair, we should be held accountable for cheating, lying, thieving, jealousy, lust, etc. Our thoughts and deeds have not gone unnoticed by the Universe. There must be some type of accounting system, surely there is a check and balance in place. But who is keeping score? This is where our individual beliefs come into play.

Some people believe there will be a final Judgment Day at the pearly gates of heaven after they die. Others feel that their higher selves or soul consciousness make amends with the people they have treated badly through future dealings with them. Soul-agreements or karmic pacts are arranged between two souls or groups of souls.

Such agreements or karma contracts are routinely made pre-incarnation, but these types of soul contracts can also be re-negotiated at certain cycles during a person's current lifetime.

Personally, I like the idea of not having to wait until after death or between lifetimes for karmic dues to come looking for us to even the score, or at the very least keep us in check. I just as soon pay off my karmic debts sooner than later. Well, unless sooner is going to throw me into a chaotic karmic tailspin. Nevermind! A mentor of mine once taught me that it is okay to ask for gentle lessons. It is okay to progress by growing our souls at a slower pace. What's the hurry?I've also learned to be cautious in how I say things. Someone asked me once what I would do with a million dollars if I won the lottery. My answer was that I really wouldn't do anything different. I told this woman that I was content with my life and that money wasn't all that important to me. Well, that statement came back to bite me on the butt.

Are You Open To Receiving?

I wasn't being very appreciative of the luxuries and comforts I had. I now realize that I was blocking the flow of karmic rewards. I guess I was too focused on paying my karmic debts by trying to do everything right, working hard, and playing by the rules that I overlooked the fact that I was also accruing good karma. The problem was that I wasn't keeping myself open as a receiver of the good things that were trying to find their way to me.

What is a Karmic Reward?

A Karmic Reward is when something good comes from an unexpected source, but it came your way because you were SUPPOSED to have it to help balance those times when you didn't really get a fair shake. If you don't accept it graciously you will be sending a message to the Universe that you don't feel worthy. By conveying ungrateful or unworthiness messages you will likely be overlooked the next time or at the very least be sent to the back of the line for any future handouts. Remind yourself of the proverb Don't look a gift horse in the mouth. It might feel strange or surprising to have something given to you that you didn't ask for and have an impulse to refuse it. Or, you might be in the bad habit of thinking that whatever did come to you wasn't enough or wishing that it was something different.

It is time to change our negative reactions to receiving the unexpected flow of generosity. Keep your hands, heart, and mind open to receive. Believe that you are deserving of karmic rewards! I AM deserving, and You ARE too.

Meditate With The Double Pyramid

The use of a double pyramid in meditation can excellerate the process bringing feelings of calmness, wellbeing and a more open and positive attitude.

Feelings of warmness, usually in the upper portions of the body
Tranquility, relaxation and freedom from tensions
Deeper, more fulfilling meditations and higher energy levels

Subtle Energy Work

1. Energy Follows Thought Follows Energy.

The first half of this says that, where our will, attention and visualization are focused, energy will follow. If we expect success or failure, health or illness, improvement or worsening, we'll tend to get it. Our most powerful, expectations, of course, are often unconscious! This is what 'channeling healing' is about - energy tends to flow where we imagine it flowing.

The other half is that thought follows energy: our ideas and feelings tend to flow with our energy; so that if this is concentrated around our head, say, or blocked at our heart, we will tend to be correspondingly 'heady' or 'cold-hearted.

The combination of these two makes, not a vicious circle, but a spiral of hope and growth - we have the opportunity at any point to leave the cycle of suffering, since every positive move is amplified by feedback.

2. Energy Isn't Good or Bad, It Just Is.

Energy is natural. Some people think of 'natural' as 'good', which certainly makes more sense than thinking of it as 'bad', but really it's just natural. Illness/unhappiness is not 'bad energy' that has to be 'got rid of'; but it may be energy that is standing still and needs to move again.

3. Energy Moves.

Its playful, passionate pushiness is constantly washing away our walls, erupting under our floorboards, poking us in the bum...In our culture, many people have spent a lot of their lives trying to keep things still, to control this scary spontaneity: if you have a bad time in childhood, often the only salvation seems to lie in immobility and as low an energy level as possible. So symptoms are simultaneously the block to energy, and the energy bursting through.

4. Energy is Infinite.

Living in a scarcity culture, the basic rule says there isn't enough to go round. This is only true of cultural artifacts like money which have scarcity built in. It's not even true of food, only of its distribution; and it's not remotely true of love, breath or energy. Working with energy we are working with ABUNDANCE, with PLENTY - which is itself a powerful healing message. To 'give energy' to someone is not to impoverish ourselves; if we can overcome our fear, we are an open channel, letting energy flow through us from the six directions, absorbing what we need as it flows.

5 .Energy is both/and.

You've already implied this: energy can't be stuffed into rational either/or models of reality - good/bad, plus/minus, this/that. Like the unconscious, it's bigger than us: what Buddhists call Big Mind (and Body and Spirit). Nor is energy a component of our make-up, with feelings, thoughts and physiology as other components. These categories are different ways of looking at a single process; one or another or more of them will be most helpful in a given situation, but that's all.

We can see the four as corresponding to the four elements: Earth for physiology, Air for thought, Water for feeling, Fire for energy. Some will find this useful, some not; there are a great many ways to look through the four element system, and again it's a question of Both/And....

6 .Energy systems are acts, not facts.

For practical healing purposes, this point is the key one. Since energy follows thought, it will follow whatever laws we think apply to it. Which is the essential reason why different people describe different energy structures in the body - chakras, auras, meridians etc. Very few of us are capable of simply perceiving without expectation, even unconscious expectation; and even then, as soon as we reach for words-or symbols to describe what we perceive, we are starting to alter it.

Yet again, though, thought follows energy; our processes of perception and symbolization are essentially natural, since we are part of nature. These are the places to seek a healing system.

Saturday, July 15, 2006


Balance is a "catch-all" term that describes the ultimate goal of the receiver/UE parctitioner relationship in securing wellness. Illness or dis-ease manifests into our physical bodies when there is an imbalance in our mental, emotional or eneregetic make-ups. UE Healing, Chakra Work, Yoga, Breathwork, and UE Meditation are examples of alternative therapies that focus on bringing about and maintaining a balance.

The Basic : Energy & Healing

We’ve heard so much lately about Healing and different kinds of Energy work. Just what is Energy and how can it heal?

Webster’s Dictionary describes Energy as “ a vigorous exertion of power”; okay, but how does it work?

If we go to Quantum Physics, we find that the concept of Energy gets to be quite complicated. Einstein showed us that E=MC , Energy equals Mass times the speed of Light squared. This tells us that Mass and Energy are interchangeable. And that both space and time are not absolute.

The most important consequence of this is that Mass is nothing but a form of Energy. So, everything is a form of Energy, objects at rest have stored Energy. Trees, Rocks, Dogs, Water and People are all made up of Energy, in one form or another.

This means that Energy can exist as either solid matter or as non-solid matter, such as a beam of light. Radio waves, microwaves and X-rays are all forms of pure non-solid Energy.

Where does this Energy come from? It’s all around us, everywhere in all different wavelengths and frequencies. From Energies with very short wavelengths like Cosmic Radiation and X-rays to very long wave lengths such as Radio waves and Infra Red waves.

Everyday our bodies are being hit with these Energies from many different sources. We don’t see it but we know it is there.

When we speak, our voice saying words has released sound waves of Energy causing ripples in the air around us. When we think, our brains release wavelengths of Energy.

To the Scientific community, Energy is something measurable with specific instruments to detect for example, heat, light, or cosmic radiation. The Energy used in Healing is equally real, with the measuring device being that exquisitely sensitive one, the human body. Our bodies are receiving stations for Energy and also transmitters of Energy.

We are made up of a multi-body system, not just the physical body. We have an Etheric Body, an Emotional Body, a Mental Body and an Astral Body. Things don’t just affect us physically; we are affected on all levels. When we think thoughts, these non-solid forms of Energy go out into our multi system body and greatly affect us.

We all have storage centers in our bodies that store Energy and Energy patterns. They are called Chakras. We can have Energy Patterns stored from events that happened yesterday as well as from many years ago. Some of these patterns will be happy memories and some of them will be unpleasant and painful memories of something that happened to us. Sometimes we stash them away deep into some recess in our Chakras and in our Auras (the Energy field around us), and try to forget about them, but they don’t really go away.

Dis-ease is a manifestation of unbalanced Energy. Healing, then is a way of balancing Energy.

Throughout our lives we pick up negative forms of Energy, such as Fear, Doubt, Anger, Judgment, Criticism, Blame and others. Any techniques we find that enable us to let go of these patterns will help to move us toward peace and happiness.

There are many ways to balance your Energy. One approach is A: to become the most complete and loving being you can be. The loving Energy will naturally dissolve the parts of you that are keeping you unbalanced.

Another way of balancing your Energy is through B: 1.Recognition—recognizing the problem. 2. Surrender and Release—putting trust in the highest power, letting go of trying to control how your life will manifest. It is releasing how we think things should be, and knowing that he Divine Source will take control.

If you combine both paths of A: Love and B: the path of Release, you will have the fastest way possible to a balanced, healed state of being.

When a UE practitioner works with you to help balance your Energy, for many, the process of Healing is accelerated.

Friday, July 14, 2006

Be Wary of Energy Suckers

When an attack takes place, the Psychic Vampire receives an energy surge while the victim experiences fatigue.People who "suck" the energy of others are called "psychic vampires." This "sucking" takes place when one's energy is depleted and needs to be replenished so he or she "sucks" the energy of another person. It is not unusual for a person who is ill or feeling inadequate emotionally to draw upon or deplete energized individuals of their life force. These "suckers" are not bad people, most of them are not aware on a conscious level that they are doing what they are doing. Still, their unknowing actions can play havoc with anyone who leaves an energetic opening for this type of thievery. It is important for us to be aware that we may be susceptible to having our energies stolen from us and learn ways to protect ourselves.

The harm in a psychic attack is that there is no fair exchange of energy and therefore one feels depleted while the other becomes energized.

Traits of A Psychic Vampire :

- experiences feelings of abandonment or rejection
- needs constant reassurance
- never feels satisfied
- seeks nurturing
- low energy - fatigued

Symptoms Of Psychic Attack :

- leaky or diminishing aura
- dizziness
- loss of energy
- muscle tension
- mental confusion
- headaches
- chronic fatigue
- sleep disturbances
- irritability
- depressed mood


When we do self-forgiveness, the channel that opens up is inside. We initiate a channel from the basic self through the high-self. Through that channel, we stand in the light and reconcile our belief with the truth of self. In essence, we align with the Holy Spirit and declare to the basic self that the limiting belief or separation is discontinued and replaced with essence of virtue it was blocking. For example, you may forgive yourself for believing you are unlovable. By so doing, you tell the basic self to align with your innate loving as an internal and transcendental source.

The sense that the energy is outside comes from the awareness that the source of transformation is outside the system of the belief, which is the self-concept, or status-quo. The transformative energy is embedded in our depth. In quantum fashion, when we forgive ourselves the inner and outer source act as one. The self-forgiveness tells the basic self to change and invites the high-self to transform the limitation. This action communicates a change in our relationship to the unconditional love that is God. This changes the way we are nested in the personal and universal field. The self-forgiveness changes how our consciousness is nested in the One. So the transformational energy is outside and inside of us. A simple movement of the heart, like kindness, has a similar effect. It is a technique. It is also a remembrance of self. We re-place our selves into the givingness of self that preceded the taking from self.

The Phenomena of UE Energy Healing

- Everything is energy. Universal is energy

- We are “energetic beings”.

- Energy follows & driven by thought.

- “Universal Energy” can be directed through the hands & Chakra 6 to facilitate healing.

- Our attention is a like a beam of energy and affects whatever it is focused on, hence energy healing does not have to be “hands-on” or it works via Distance Healing.

- We have an “energy anatomy” just as we have a physical anatomy.

- The physical body can be considered the densest expression of the “human energy field”.

- Changes in the “human energy field” are expressed in the body in the course of time.

- Greater coherence, flow and balance in the human energy field facilitate healing.

- Free flow of energy is essential to health and well-being.

- An individual with greater coherence in the energy field can positively affect the energy field of someone whose field is less coherent.

- The UE practitioner is able to enhance his/her own energy field sufficiently to positively affect the energy field of the receiver.

-Becoming “centered” and thus creating greater coherence in our energy field not only promotes self-healing but is the basis of using our energy field to support the healing of another.

- UE practitioner can influence the energy field of the healee in a variety of ways – through the medium of the hands, attention, and use of his/her own energy field. A kind of resonance takes place between the two fields, set in motion by mutual intention.

- Various models depict the energy field as being in layers, which include layers which support the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual aspects of life.

- Energy is the common denominator in all levels of human life; therefore energy healing is automatically holistic.

- UE Energy healing involves one or more of the following:
. Increasing the energy available to be used for healing,
. Facilitating the smooth flow of energy throughout the energy field through removal of “blocks” or congestion,
. Altering the quantity and/or quality of energy in various parts of the energy field,
. Creating greater symmetry and balance in the energy field, and/or
. Restructuring the “energy field”.

Thursday, July 13, 2006

An Overview of Bio-Energy Healing

The bio-energy field of a human consists of subtle bodies with their energetic potentials, and which give strength and power to the biological field. Energetic potential depends on the conditions of physical and psychic health, and, perhaps, astrological factors. For example, experienced psychics can feel human energy fields with their hands without touching a body, and, sometimes, even see a glowing aura around individuals. Many views and hypotheses about bio-energy exist nowadays, and some many researchers call it psi-energy. Special experiments in the laboratories enabled researchers to discover waves of energy emitted by humans. With mental activities the waves changed with speed of thought: the thought was followed by energy. Electric charges in the human's head change on different levels of consciousness. The electric field of a human is the unity of positive (+) and negative (-) electric zones. In order to be healthy, the energetic balance must be maintained in the bio-energy system.

Energetic balance and constant freely flowing of energy are important factors in your health and well-being. Bio-energy can be explained as bio-electromagnetic energy surrounding us. You may hear about terms of positive and negative energy in bio-energy healing. The term of bio-positive energy means pure healing energy coming from God. Positive energy flows freely in energy systems bringing vitality and health. Whereas definition of bio-negative energy is trapped, disharmonious, stale, or stagnant energy that blocking pathways and prevent vital energy from freely flowing in energy systems.

Negative energy brings imbalances into energetic systems, and it is connected to illnesses and emotional trauma. There is an undiscovered ability of bio-energy flowing through your hands. Your hands may be "energetic", and you may make everyday use of it. You can develop an ability to feel bio-energy fields with your hands. You can also develop an ability to "regulate" and modulate energy fields around you or other people with your hands, thus influence your physical and subtle energetic bodies with healing energy relieving imbalances in energy fields and bringing health and energetic balance.

Everyone possesses a more or less powerful bio-energy field which interacts with fields of others. Human energy fields of different people may interact with each other also bringing energetic imbalance or discomfort. Nevertheless, you may fix any imbalance energetically. You may also learn how to manage life situations with your bio-energy. The vital energy can be transferred from person to person. With developed bio-energetic ability, you will be able to perform bio-energy healing or energetic management, control any condition, event, or situation in your life energetically. If you choose to help yourself, your loved ones and your pets with the life-supporting energy in your hands, you will maintain an energetic balance in their energy fields which bring them health and vitality.

The idea of human energy transfer for healing is not new. People performed healing by human energy for thousands of years. The knowledge of the energetic method of healing came from ancient India to Egypt, Greece, China, Israel and other countries. Jesus Christ used laying-on of hands as a method of healing. Some healers name the method "ethereal healing," and consider it healing of the ether body, which penetrates the physical body. And some healers consider it as pranic healing because a vital energy is Prana. Vital cosmic energy is called Prana in Sanskrit, and it acts in the transfer of human energy. Prana is breath of life. Healthy people have this energy in abundance. Freely flowing Prana in the human energy systems brings vitality and vivacity into organisms. However, ill people have deficits in this energy. They have gray constricted energy fields with blocked and stagnant energy. Such a condition of the energy fields affects people's health, bringing energetic imbalances and illnesses on the physical level. Old people have deficits of prana. We cannot see prana, only its manifestations. This vital energy penetrates everywhere coming from Great Unknown.

Prana submits to human consciousness, and it can be creative as well. Once you learn how to accumulate this energy, manipulate it, control, and transfer it, you will become an energy healer or bio-energy master. You will enjoy using creative prana for all purposes in your life. Healing with bio-energy requires spending some bio-energy at act of healing. As open energetic system, you may receive our energy from the cosmos, not only with food or sleep. You will especially need to receive extra energy from cosmos, if you perform bio-energetic work. You may refill your bio-energy receiving it from cosmos, and accumulate it in an energetic reservoir - your bio-energy field.

We think bio-energy of healer's hands to bring healing and benefits to the whole energy system - the physical body, the ether body and other human subtle energetic bodies. Human health is a summary of physical, psychic (mental), emotional, spiritual and energetic conditions of person. And people have to live in balance and in energetic unity with all things around. We had developed and systemized classical forms of energy transfer and hands-on healing and, moreover, created our own bio-energy method which may be used as a m ethod of energetic management and balancing in everyday life. Sensitive people with healthy energetic systems can feel biological fields of others. They "activate" hands energetically, bring their hands close to the body surface at a certain distance, examine the field, and feel all characteristics of a person's energetic field. They may experience heat, cold, some density, pressure, shock, tingling, or pulsation. To recognize an illness or an energetic imbalance of a healee, healers use their knowledge of all these sensational feelings, strong memory and their mastery of the art. And, by their bio-energy and mind, healers can normalize energetic imbalances or free stagnant energy from the healee's energy field.

Thereafter, they can prevent an illness on the physical level, comfort ill persons, eliminate pain, accelerate the physical body's healing, heal an illness, improve a physical condition, and maintain a positive emotional and mental state of a healee. The most interesting fact is that everyone can perform healing by energy, not just people with extrasensory perceptions (ESP). Healing by energy requires from healers the development of abilities to control their own energy consciously, calm the mind at will, breathe correctly, gather energy by breathing exercises, have a strong bio-energy field, high level of energy in energetic centers (chakras), have strong and capacious memory, visualize, feel and estimate work of own body, listen to the inner-self, estimate own feeling, and be practically healthy.

People become energy healers when they change the consciousness, a world view, and mental and physical attitude of themselves. We possess incredible strength - our bio-energy. If we employ it consciously, it give us tremendous power, and ability to heal ourselves and others from physical, spiritual and mental problems. It is possible to learn how to control energy consciously and perform energy healing. With power of your own bio-energetic field, and energy in your hands, you can become a healer. Even if you use bio-energetic ability for yourself and your loved ones, you will see how your life will be happier, energetic, and fulfilling.

Why Do We Need Energy Medicine?

When aligned and balanced, the aura is radiant energy, a living light. Because the aura serves the transformational agendas of the soul, it is constructed such that imbalance can be incorporated into the ego structure. Part of our life is to create blocks, which we use as stepping-stones.

Our issues and concerns appear as blocks and distortions in the energy field. Physical and emotional trauma, self-judgment and limiting beliefs, or external psychic pressures from individuals, groups or institutional belief systems cause these blocks and distortions.

Psychological and spiritual wounds condense, even into physical disease, to assist us to complete the soul's imperative to fulfill our nature. Although these patterns in the aura represent energy limitations, each one also holds a key to greater spiritual realization and strengthening. They are adversaries that become allies as we work to transform them.

Each dilemma is linked internally to a solution that awakens our holiness. Our beliefs, judgments, attitudes, and trauma affect the containment and movement of energy within our consciousness. Blocks are an attempt to protect. As such, they become integrated into the sustaining structure of our personality. As we create meaning in response to trauma, we adapt to the meaning as if it were normal. Thus, the trauma and the meaning we constructed in response become normalized into our psyche. We adapt to the level of our injury. While the ego adapts to trauma, the soul continues to pursue transformation.

In the deepest sense, our aura is out of balance as one phase in a process caused by our drive to awaken spiritually and transform the quality of our lives and our experience. In a more conventional sense, any concern, trauma, or issue that brings one to counseling or requires therapy reflects in the aura as an imbalance.

Blocks and imbalances help us answer the age-old questions: Who am I? What am I? What do I want? The more energized and integrated the aura, the faster the process. Transformation and realization can be instantaneous. The aura wants to be in balance. As we grow wiser, we are more attentive to the care and maintenance of ourselves as energy. It is in our nature to seek new experience and then transform that experience into understanding, strength, and awareness. Blocks are a natural increment of human destiny. We are taught that we must do good in order to be good. In truth, we do good because we are good.

To have a perfectly balanced aura, one's development and attitudes on all three of these levels (physical, emotional, and mental-spiritual) must be in perfect attunement with the Infinite. For example, should a man become involved in an intense argument with another person leading to an exchange of physical blows, the disharmonies will show in both the mental and physical auras and the auric fields will be disrupted. The aura carries scars just as the physical body carries its scars. Emotionally and spiritually as the affected person strives for a better balance, the wounds become laced just as a physician will sew up a cut on the physical body. Consequently, as we live, grow, decide what is right and what is wrong, rationalize and compromise, our aura is in a constant state of flux. How the aura is transformed depends upon our ideas, attitudes, endeavors, and the state of consciousness in which we live. There is no doubt that our personality, soul condition, hidden self, and physical condition are revealed clearly through the vibrations and formation of the aura.

The Aura

Aura is a traditional term for the protective psychic and spiritual energy fields that surround and penetrate the physical body. Historically, artists depict halos around the heads of individuals to denote their spirituality. Biblically, writers refer to the raiment or countenance of light in an attempt to describe the field of spiritual energy around angels, men, and women. It is from this invisible atmosphere that we receive our first impression of people. We use common-sense terms such as blue mood, red with anger, green with envy, full of energy, or radiant beauty. Such terms are similar to how individuals with spiritual sight describe the aura.

From this intuitive nature, we form impressions and experience emotions and feelings regarding them and ourselves. Quantum physics describes the universe as energy. Psychology, Eastern therapy, and complementary medicine have terms for life as energy. Yoga psychology views the aura as an energy field surrounding the body, interacting through spiritual and psychological levels via structures called chakras. So we may conclude that the aura is an energy field that surrounds the physical body.

It encircles each of us as the sun's rays encircle the sun or the halo that surrounds the moon. The appearance of the aura, whether attractive or repulsive, depends on one's physical health, mental attitudes, and spiritual development. The human aura is a dynamic matrix that includes the physical, emotional, and mental-spiritual aspects of self. The aura is the self as energy. All the contributing factors in our daily life register in our aura as colors, lines, dots, emanations, and vibrations. Every one of us is different, and our hidden selves are expressed through the aura. Those individuals who live on a strictly physical, mental, and material level have an entirely different emanation than those individuals who are intellectual and spiritual.

Spirit, Relationships, Mind, Emotions, and Body

Wholistic medicine addresses the whole person - spirit, relationships (with other people and with the environment), mind, emotions, and body. Each of these five elements may need attention individually and at the same time each is intimately related with all of the others. Each element can contribute to the development of dis-ease and disease and can provide doorways for treatments.The functions and interactions of these elements is enormously complex.

Spirit is that part of ourselves which incarnates aspects of our soul and serves as our continuous connection with our higher self and the All. Spirit brings with it life purposes and lessons, which are expressed and learned through all of the elements of our being. Spirit is experienced as intuitive knowing of rightness and wrongness in our lives; as inspirations; awakenings; and transcendent awareness that comes through communing with nature, with spiritual teachers, and through meditation and prayer; through synchronicities – those wonderful ‘coincidences' that hint to us of a transcendent choreography in our lives; through challenges in our lives that waken us to ask questions about the meanings of life, to ask for help, and to marvel at the miracles of healings that are given to us.

Spirit participates in relationships with the environment on many levels. Everything in nature is alive and participating in the miracles and lessons of physical existence. Nature spirits and angels guide and nurture the form and functions of everything in existence. Humans can participate with nature in spiritual stewardship of the environment.

Spirit participates in relationships between people as we incarnate from spirit existence into earthly life, bringing us into a family constellation and society in which we are learning personal, individual lessons through our relationships and at the same time are parts of a group soul that is learning and growing as a collective consciousness. Spirit is available for healing as we encounter challenges in relationships and open to the spirit level of awareness.

Spirit participates in mind as intuition, creativity, inspiration, healing of negative thoughts and beliefs, and as collective consciousness.

Spirit participates in emotions through the love and healing we allow into our hearts, to transform the negative emotions in our lives.

Spirit participates in body as we listen to body messages and as we invite energetic and spiritual healing for the hurts that are buried as symptoms within our body. Religious affiliation and practice (presumed to include spirit) are good for our physical health. Spiritual perspectives may make difficult physical problems more tolerable.

Relationships with our environment include the land, waters, air, and all the animal and plant inhabitants thereof. Each of these elements is a conscious, living part of Gaia, the geobiological being that is our planet Earth. When we are in a healing relationship with Gaia, we are stewards of the land and waters and air; wise neighbors to the wildlife, and shepherds to the domesticated animals and plants on our planet. When we act irresponsibly, we are like a virus or a cancer in this environment, even threatening its continued existence as we know it.

Gaia has survived for several billion years and has transcended crises that were apparently greater than the threats that humanity is posing to her existence. She will survive our depredations, even though humanity may not survive – certainly not in the form of the industrial society that is ravaging our planet so irresponsibly.

Environment informs us of spirit, reminding us to that we are intimate parts of a larger collective. In the same manners that we contribute to healing or harming the environment, so we can become aware that we are parts of a vaster reality. As below, so above.

Environment informs us of the importance of relationships with others through requiring that we collaborate in social collectives in safeguarding, maintaining and restoring the land, waters, air and all life-forms on our planet. Environment informs us of ways in which we can think wholistically and conceptualize ourselves as part of the larger systems in which we are an integral part. Nature teaches us patience, persistence, selfless service and timeless healing. Nature invites us to waken to the universal energies in sacred places, trees, and remedies for our ills.

Environment teaches us love as unconditional acceptance, joy in service, and timeless healing.
A healing environment can promote physical health and enhance healing; a toxic environment can be detrimental to the body. Nature teaches us natural healing approaches and offers us remedies for our dis-eases and diseases.

Relationships with each other provide lessons–through each of the five elements–in offering, giving, asking and receiving on all levels of our being. We are born into a family and develop further relationships with others who are friends, colleagues and opponents in this spiritual dance that we call life. Our lessons are endless in their varieties of content and form, but the common denominators are the overcoming of negative, angry, hateful, vengeful relationships and the establishment of positive, loving, caring, forgiving and accepting ones.

Relationships awaken awareness of spirit. Spirit grows in experience and wisdom as we learn ever more deeply about ourselves. Spirit guides us in creating and processing relationships, in concert with other spirits in our soul group and higher levels of guidance, on our paths of learning and serving our higher purposes. Synchronicities in relationships – meeting the right person at the right time or having the perfect solution to our problems arrive unbidden – are invitations to consider the plans of the Infinite Source and our collective consciousness.
Relationships with our environment invite us to work more closely with others for the common good.

Relationships are mirrors, helping us perceive, experience and understand ourselves better.
Relationships stimulate us to emotional responses that arise from habits born of previous relationships. Such exaggerated or inappropriate responses invite us to delve into our emotional past to clear old patterns of responses that are no longer appropriate.

Relationships with other people may influence the body, calming it or stimulating stress reactions. People who are in nurturing relationships with other people and with animal companions heal more quickly from illnesses and injuries and life longer. Touch, massage, emotional support and encouragement contribute to relaxation, body harmony, and healing.

Mind organizes our understanding of the world. Most of mind's basic assumptions are laid down by a child, and these become our default beliefs and operating systems for the rest of our lives.

Mind contributes to spirit through prayers, intent and dedication to healing of the All. Mind seeks to understand what life is about and may learn through linear reasoning or heart wisdom. Spirit informs mind, for the most part through whispered intuitions but sometimes through the thunder and lightning of near death experiences.

Mind and emotions are activated and motivated by relationships–through the feedback of feedback nurturing and positive interactions or hard knocks.

Relationships shape our mind. During childhood, we acquire our rules for living from our family, community and culture. In many cases these rules are healthy and nurturing, but in some cases they are counter-productive and self-defeating. The vast majority of mind's capacity is unconscious. Mind has the observing capacity to realize that its rules for living may be faulty, and to learn new ways of dealing with inner and outer worlds.

Mind works closely with emotions. Mind may help sort out emotional responses for decisions on how much we allow of our feelings into conscious awareness; how much external expression to give them; whether we ask for help in dealing with them; and in learning lessons about ourselves through our emotions.

Mind is strongly linked to the five senses of body and may have a difficult time conceiving of, much less experiencing its connections to the All beyond the body. Body participates in memory, storing responses to experiences in muscles, tendons, the immune system and in other cells and tissues.

While conventional medicine and science view the brain as the origin of mind, and spirit as a product of mind's beliefs, wholistic healing perceives the brain and mind are a radio/ TV transmitter for spirit.

Emotions are responses to inner and outer experiences, particularly our relationships. We may feel hurt, anxious, fearful, angry or sad in response to negative events in our lives; we may feel joy, happiness, peace, compassion and elation.

Wholistic healing can help mind and emotions through counseling/ psychotherapy, self-healing, spiritual healing, homeopathic medications, flower essences, craniosacral therapy/ cranial osteopathy, acupuncture and its derivatives.

Spirit moves us towards quiet awarenesses or to epiphanies of resonation with the transcendent, as we respond through our emotions to inner and outer experiences in our lives. Spiritual upliftment may make difficult emotional problems more tolerable. We tacitly acknowledge this in our language, as the origins of the word heal are in the Germanic and Old English roots of haelen, "to make whole." This is the same root for “holy."

Nature speaks to us of spirit. The beauty of nature and the pathos of erosion of natural resources and environmental devastation stir our feelings and call to us for our healing.
Emotions color our relationships with other people. When we are in harmony with ourselves and others, we experience positive emotions. When we are in disharmony with others, our relationships with others move us to awareness of our emotions and theirs. Strong emotional responses are stimuli to explore our past emotional experiences and our inner rules about relating to people – often exposing inner fears that block us from being in the now; awakening us to see and hear others as they really are; and leading us to reassess how we may be behaving according to inner rules we established long ago for handling our emotions.

Emotions may influence mind to respond according to mind's beliefs and habits. Negative emotions are often buried in our unconscious awareness. Though emotions are buried, our unconscious mind is very much aware of them. The Unconscious acts in ways that distance us from anything that might rattle the emotional skeletons in its closets. For instance, we may stay away from angry men or even from all men as a way to avoid awakening buried feelings of hurt from negative experiences with a man in the past. The challenge for mind is to identify and to deal with distorted or exaggerated emotional responses.

Emotions are also stored in the body. This is why we may literally develop a pain in the neck when we are suffering from a relationship with someone whom we call a pain in our neck, or may develop stomach problems when we are always swallowing down our feelings.

Body is subject to problems from many causes: congenital, infectious, metabolic, traumatic, allergic, toxic, neoplastic, degenerative, emotional, mental and spiritual.

Wholistic care can address the physical body with touch, massage, bioenergy interventions (allopathic (conventional Western) medications, hormones, surgery, and genetic manipulations.
Wholistic care can address the biological energy (bioenergy) body with spiritual healing, acupuncture and its derivatives, homeopathic medications, flower essences, craniosacral therapy/ cranial osteopathy and other bioenergy interventions.

Physical conditions may influence psychological states and alter relationships.
Physical problems often lead us to spiritual awareness through prayer and healing. Peak experiences during sports may open our spiritual awareness. Particularly around the end of physical life, we are moved to seek spiritual explanations for our physical existence.
Our striving for body comforts and physical safety lead us to seek to control our environment.
Body may influence relationships with other people through changes in hormones, pain and other symptoms.

Body speaks to mind through symptoms and illnesses, often calling out for attention to tensions and stresses that are buried in the body and festering.

Body participates in expression and storage of emotions, through the brain and nerves, hormones and musculoskeletal system. Coming in the other direction, body tensions and symptoms alert us to disharmonies of emotions that are outside our conscious awareness.