Thursday, July 13, 2006

Why Do We Need Energy Medicine?

When aligned and balanced, the aura is radiant energy, a living light. Because the aura serves the transformational agendas of the soul, it is constructed such that imbalance can be incorporated into the ego structure. Part of our life is to create blocks, which we use as stepping-stones.

Our issues and concerns appear as blocks and distortions in the energy field. Physical and emotional trauma, self-judgment and limiting beliefs, or external psychic pressures from individuals, groups or institutional belief systems cause these blocks and distortions.

Psychological and spiritual wounds condense, even into physical disease, to assist us to complete the soul's imperative to fulfill our nature. Although these patterns in the aura represent energy limitations, each one also holds a key to greater spiritual realization and strengthening. They are adversaries that become allies as we work to transform them.

Each dilemma is linked internally to a solution that awakens our holiness. Our beliefs, judgments, attitudes, and trauma affect the containment and movement of energy within our consciousness. Blocks are an attempt to protect. As such, they become integrated into the sustaining structure of our personality. As we create meaning in response to trauma, we adapt to the meaning as if it were normal. Thus, the trauma and the meaning we constructed in response become normalized into our psyche. We adapt to the level of our injury. While the ego adapts to trauma, the soul continues to pursue transformation.

In the deepest sense, our aura is out of balance as one phase in a process caused by our drive to awaken spiritually and transform the quality of our lives and our experience. In a more conventional sense, any concern, trauma, or issue that brings one to counseling or requires therapy reflects in the aura as an imbalance.

Blocks and imbalances help us answer the age-old questions: Who am I? What am I? What do I want? The more energized and integrated the aura, the faster the process. Transformation and realization can be instantaneous. The aura wants to be in balance. As we grow wiser, we are more attentive to the care and maintenance of ourselves as energy. It is in our nature to seek new experience and then transform that experience into understanding, strength, and awareness. Blocks are a natural increment of human destiny. We are taught that we must do good in order to be good. In truth, we do good because we are good.

To have a perfectly balanced aura, one's development and attitudes on all three of these levels (physical, emotional, and mental-spiritual) must be in perfect attunement with the Infinite. For example, should a man become involved in an intense argument with another person leading to an exchange of physical blows, the disharmonies will show in both the mental and physical auras and the auric fields will be disrupted. The aura carries scars just as the physical body carries its scars. Emotionally and spiritually as the affected person strives for a better balance, the wounds become laced just as a physician will sew up a cut on the physical body. Consequently, as we live, grow, decide what is right and what is wrong, rationalize and compromise, our aura is in a constant state of flux. How the aura is transformed depends upon our ideas, attitudes, endeavors, and the state of consciousness in which we live. There is no doubt that our personality, soul condition, hidden self, and physical condition are revealed clearly through the vibrations and formation of the aura.

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