Tuesday, July 18, 2006


That is all I do, and I do it well. I do it very well. I have no support, and I have no financial backing; I have no wealthy people backing me. I do it because I'm a Rinpoche. In Drepung here, with all of your study and all of your hard work, you will all reincarnate with these same qualities. It is in all of your highest teachings. All of those teachings are based on Charity. Wisdom comes from Giving. It is the hardest thing in the world to do. So it's our Bodhicitta, Buddha nature that allows us to do this.

Money can make you greedy; it can make people greedy, money itself. But money is a source of all wealth all prana. It is not inherently negative; it is a vehicle for Giving. If you give it, you receive it. Its magic is so powerful – yet, if you hold onto it, it will take away Buddha nature and it will destroy you. It is made to be given away, to be shared.

Money can be used across all borders, across all languages. It is right now the root of evil, the foundation of evil. It is also life itself, our life-source, the energy of life. It either gives life or it takes life.
It is created by Buddha to end all evil. Money is created by Buddha-mind, by Buddha, in order to end all evil just simply by using it right. Use it right and it ends all evil. To use it right, you have to act right and you have to think right. Money helps you to become good if you use it right. Our job is to help people to let go of money. Money is like a big piece of (self?), a big ego, and you can let go of your ego, you can let go and offer it to Buddha. Buddha creates Dharma and a Sangha. In a Sangha, Buddha brings problems to you, like people who need money, Monasteries who need money, things that need help. You don't go away from it, it actually comes to you and you must deal with it. You feed the poor, you help the hungry, you fix things; that's what Buddhists do.

We have a lot of creative future ahead of us and that future is very different than the present is today. Everybody together, will create a bigger and bigger picture of how this future of Buddhism is going to manifest. We've done this before, expansion where in one Monastery we would have 5,000 Monks. It all depends on mind and seeing that we can actually grow like that.
That's my intention, is to help support the creative minds of all the Rinpoches and all the Geshes to see the future and build it, with extreme support from all of humanity.

Buddhism is not a religion, it is a philosophy. Every human being must become a Buddhist. It's not a religion, it's a fact. What we're doing here is creating human beings. By all of humanity helping your work, they are awakening Buddha nature, Buddha-field; they are going into Buddha-field out of Samsara. Nothing else does it like that. All the Masters of Earth, all become students of Buddha, that's nature. So it is absolutely vital that humanity helps you.

It is absolutely the most important thing for humanity to be aware of Tibetan Buddhism and its purpose and its effect on humanity. And that has been and is my goal, life after life after life.

In this life, everything is going to be much easier than we've ever had it before, because there are many Rinpoches who are fully capable of Giving, really, completely capable of being able to Give. I can prove that because of the way I am treated in Tibetan Buddhism. I am a teacher of Charity, and most Rinpoches find me to be very similar to themselves. They may not have fully awakened all of Buddha nature yet, but they will and through my kindness, they will become just as kind and we will become so very, fortunate, because their teachings will reach the whole world.

So, we are not in a bad time. We have lost a lot of Tibetan process, but we are going to go out into the world and change everything. Just think of it as a group reincarnation. Just think of it as a large group of awakened people reincarnated, rebirthed.

And we just fix things."

Written by His Holiness Buddha Maitreya

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