Saturday, July 22, 2006

Negative Energies

Every thought, emotion, chemical, metal, gas, sound, color, planet, toxin, everything in this Universe is energy that is alive and intelligent. Energies from these sources can be positive or negative. Parasites, worms, viruses, infectious bacteria, candida overgrowth, other types of fungus and mold overgrowths can create negative energies within you. Psychic attacks are flows of negative energy that can lodge in your body or energetic system around and in your body. Entities and negative spirits are energies that create blockages in your auras, eventually weakening you and causing physical behavior problems. The earth itself releases negative and toxic energies at times that can have a serious effect on your health.

Each individual can create negative energies within themselves through continued negative thinking, feeling, and behavior. These self-created energies can lodge in the auras or energy systems in physical body.

Once negative energies lodge within your physical and energetic bodies, they just sit there until they are released. However they are alive and will create harm as long as they are lodged in your physical body or energy system.

Negative energies can fill a room, an office, a car, and an individual. They easily flip from one person’s aura into another person’s aura. You can absorb negative energies from others simply by being in a room, meeting or grocery store when those around you have negative energies within them. Negative energies are all around us.

Energy can be positive or life giving and enforcing, or it can be negative and harmful for humans. The positive energies strengthen and energize you. The negative energies create blockages in your auras, chakras and create fatigue, confusion, a slower pace of thinking and acting, depression, weaken you, and eventually create real physical illness. They create blockages in your inner energetic system called the meridian system.

The process of ageing is accelerated through the accumulation of negative energies in your auras, meridian system, and all energy systems within you and around you. Negative energies slow down your physical systems and energetic systems lowering the rates of vibration, which then allows other negative invaders to enter and stay in your body. Keeping yourself free of negative energies will assist you in living a longer and happier life.

Psychic attack energy leaves holes and openings in your auras. Holes in your auras make you feel threatened, mistrustful, uneasy, nervous, fearful, and physically drained and fatigued. If you believe you have holes in your auras, ask an energy healer to close your auras so that they are tight and fully closed.

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