Saturday, July 22, 2006

Energy Medicine

Energy Medicine is a new concept to many and often is confusing due to varying definitions of the term “energy,” along with limiting understandings of the concept of medicine. The intent of this article is to shed some light on the meaning of energy medicine.

Energy is commonly understood from a scientific point of view, for example understanding how to harness electrical energy or the energy of a chemical reaction, or having sufficient caloric intake to fuel our bodies as we go about our daily activities. In “new age” circles, the term is used frequently but the meaning is often vague and unclear.

Medicine has come to be associated with chemical substances prescribed by medical doctors. Usually it has been used to refer to a pill or liquid to treat a specific illness or health concern. However, medicine is much more than a pill or other chemical substance and energy is much more than the calories needed to function at peak performance and maintain health.

Like with the term “Laughter is the best medicine,” medicine is anything that warms the heart and brings about a sense of wholeness and satisfaction. When I laugh I feel good, and in that moment in which I let go and laugh, I connect to the part of myself that exists beyond whatever stress or thoughts were in my mind beforehand. Medicine can be a walk in the woods, playing with a beloved cat or dog, or singing in the shower. Medicine is anything that can assist in the feeling of contentment by facilitating our connection to that part of ourselves that is happy, at peace and part of the larger picture of life beyond our everyday concerns.

Energy is a term to refer to the building block of life, both of the material world and the Source of the material world which is often unseen. Some may call this Source God/Goddess, some may call it the Great Mystery. I believe we are all gods and goddesses waiting to remember our creative, divine power to manifest. As gods and goddesses we are the mothers and fathers of our reality. Our thoughts, actions, emotions, even our very breath itself are all part of how we create in the world and as such are also energy. Energy is the unseen “stuff” that we create with, and it is also that which we create.

Using these definitions, Energy Medicine can be defined as the use of our creative/manifestation abilities to experience the connection to our wholeness and fulfillment. And because we are all connected via something beyond our everyday sense of self, Energy Medicine also benefits the world around us as we create better lives for ourselves.

Energy medicine, therefore, can include anything that helps us become aware of our ability to create via our thoughts, actions, emotions, etc. and provides a format for us to use our creative ability. Some examples are affirmations, prayer, mantras, meditation, healing modalities such as Reiki & Universal Energy Healing . This is by no means a complete list; the expressions of energy medicine are as endless as our awareness and imagination.

Energy medicine is a wholistic approach in that it goes beyond treating the symptoms of illness or unhappiness to take in the larger picture of health. We are more than just physical bodies with symptoms that need to be suppressed/treated, we are complex beings who exist as part of a larger whole. Our identity includes the whole picture of creation.

Energy medicine helps us to access our wholeness for a greater connection to ourselves and the world around us, opening us up to our innate, infinite healing potential. Healing is remembering and becoming our holi-ness, our wholeness. Energy medicine addresses healing by showing us the path to the empowered healer/creator within.

by Linda White Dove

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