Friday, July 14, 2006

The Phenomena of UE Energy Healing

- Everything is energy. Universal is energy

- We are “energetic beings”.

- Energy follows & driven by thought.

- “Universal Energy” can be directed through the hands & Chakra 6 to facilitate healing.

- Our attention is a like a beam of energy and affects whatever it is focused on, hence energy healing does not have to be “hands-on” or it works via Distance Healing.

- We have an “energy anatomy” just as we have a physical anatomy.

- The physical body can be considered the densest expression of the “human energy field”.

- Changes in the “human energy field” are expressed in the body in the course of time.

- Greater coherence, flow and balance in the human energy field facilitate healing.

- Free flow of energy is essential to health and well-being.

- An individual with greater coherence in the energy field can positively affect the energy field of someone whose field is less coherent.

- The UE practitioner is able to enhance his/her own energy field sufficiently to positively affect the energy field of the receiver.

-Becoming “centered” and thus creating greater coherence in our energy field not only promotes self-healing but is the basis of using our energy field to support the healing of another.

- UE practitioner can influence the energy field of the healee in a variety of ways – through the medium of the hands, attention, and use of his/her own energy field. A kind of resonance takes place between the two fields, set in motion by mutual intention.

- Various models depict the energy field as being in layers, which include layers which support the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual aspects of life.

- Energy is the common denominator in all levels of human life; therefore energy healing is automatically holistic.

- UE Energy healing involves one or more of the following:
. Increasing the energy available to be used for healing,
. Facilitating the smooth flow of energy throughout the energy field through removal of “blocks” or congestion,
. Altering the quantity and/or quality of energy in various parts of the energy field,
. Creating greater symmetry and balance in the energy field, and/or
. Restructuring the “energy field”.

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