Thursday, July 20, 2006

Energy Clearing

After a healing, it is vital that the UE practitioner clears the healing room of any residual negative energy left from the healing. During a healing, the UE practitioner may remove blockages from the patients etheric and/or physical body which have hindered the natural flow of energy. These blockages should not be present in the body and therefore should be removed. If the patient has an illness that has manifested on the physical level, there will be energy given off that may be heavy, sticky or negative .

This tends to stick not only to the UE practitioner, but must also be removed from the client's aura and the healing area itself. During the healing, it is not uncommon for the UE practitioner to become aware of this negative energy clinging to their hands and arms, and they may even have to stop and clean it off with their other hand or a feather. It may feel uncomfortable and perhaps may make the healer ache a little. This is why it is absolutely vital for the UE practitioner to wash their hands right up to their elbows after a healing. They must make sure that they clean off this energy so that it does not remain in their aura and create problems with their own personal energy flows.

At times it may be necessary to have a shower to cleanse your auric field if the healing has brought up a lot of negative energy or you have done many healings in one day. If you have done several healings, there tends to be a build up which needs to be cleansed and cleared both from the healing area and your own energy field. This energy clearing must be thorough, otherwise pockets of negative energy will remain and eventually create unpleasant vibrations. This cleansing process is very important in making sure that you do not take on the negativity of others....their problems, their heartaches or their illnesses.

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