Friday, July 21, 2006

UE Meditation & Stress Relief

Through meditation we strengthen the bond between mind, body and spirit. The physical body is relaxed through the practice of UE meditation, the mind is soothed and quieted, the spirit is rejuvenated. The mental, spiritual and physical health benefits gainedthrough the regular practice of meditation are well documented.

If you’re unfamiliar with the practice of UE meditation then the following exercise should help to gain a better understanding of the methods used.

This exercise focuses on breathing and Crown chakra visualization. Controlled breathing provides an area of immediate connection with the mind and body and also increases the supply of oxygen to the brain.

Begin by finding a comfortable place to perform your meditation. This can be any place of your choosing, provided that you find it comfortable and relaxing. It is not required for you to sit, though you may, if you choose. Many people find it difficult to sit still for any length of time.

Focus your attention on your breathing. Notice the air as it enters your body. Try to breathe in through your nose and exhale through your mouth.

Take slow, deep breaths. Inhale slowly through your nose then exhale slowly from your mouth, not rushed and not sluggish, try to find a pace that feels comfortable, just remember to relax your breathing.

Inhale slowly & exhale slowely, repeat this process three times. With every breath, imagine that you are inhaling precious life giving air and exhaling any
unwanted energies.

After you have repeated this cycle 3 times you can begin your visualization of thinking the Chakra 7 that drawing the universal energy to your body system. Try to maintain the rhythm of your breathing without counting it out in your head. At this point you may notice random thoughts popping into your head, simply acknowledge and dismiss them as they enter your mind, let them slip away easily.

You are aware of the physical body as you breathe and simultaneously conscious of the mental/spiritual place within your visulaization, you exist at one time in two places. Focus your attention now on your breathing, feel the universal energy enter your body through your Chakra 7. You are aware of the physical body as you breathe and simultaneously conscious of the mental/spiritual place within your visulaization, you exist at one time in two places. Focus your attention now on your breathing, feel the air enter your body. Open your eyes slowly after 5 mins, and return to material awareness.

Use this meditation and visualization any time that you feel stressed or in need of a few moments of "down time". You will find with repeated practice that you find less and less things to be stressful about.

Use this meditation and Chakra 7 visualization any time that you feel stressed or in need of a few moments of "down time". You will find with repeated practice that you find less and less things to be stressful about.

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