Saturday, April 29, 2006

HH 7th Phakchock Rinpoche Visit Derma SivaSanta Clinic

We, in Penang are fortunate to have His Holiness Phakchok Rinpoche, a lineage of the Profound Treasure of Chokgyur Lingpa, come viswit us for the fifth time since 2003. This year Phakchok Rinpoche will give a series of public talks to share bwith us the perennial wisdom of Buddha Shakyamuni as applied to contemporary living. Rinpoche will teach us the basics of meditation som that we can become calm, peaceful, happy, and healthy. Rinpoche will aslo preside over a series of Vajrayana Buddhist rituals and ceremonies to help promote our well being, peace, prosperity, longevity, and wisdom. Rinpoche will cap off this visit with the important empowerment and instruction on Vajrasatta.

We feel fortunate & honour to invite Phakchok Rinpoche to visit the Derma SivaSanta Clinic, the visit was invited by Mr.Murugiah, the chief co-ordinator of the clinic.

Monday, April 24, 2006

Introduction to Mental Telepathy

Introduction to Mental Telepathy

We all have heard about - or even experienced - the process of sending or receiving thoughts from one person to another. In the past, and even in today's science fiction, a "telepathy" is seen as a rare breed of their species, called upon for special tasks which require their ability to constantly "pick up" the thoughts of other individuals or forces. However, ALL human beings actually have the ability to communicate by the process which has come to be known as mental telepathy.

As with any other ability - such as swimming, playing tennis, memory, and so on - some individuals are born with more natural talent than others. Yet even those born today with a high degree of natural telepathic ability will rarely show any consistent ability. The reason for this is due to the fact that most cultures do not accept telepathy as a common ability - so rather than creating programs to develop telepathic ability - society still debates amongst itself whether this talent exists or not.

Therefore, most known recorded cases of telepathic ability did not occur by one's will, but rather surfaced by "accident", or was forced out due to "special circumstances". In analyzing a collection of documented cases of telepathic ability, several common factors were found which not only illustrate the energy behind mental telepathy, but also how this ability works.

The "Third Eye"

The main reason our mental telepathic powers of communication are not known to us (or used) basically lies in the fact that we are not taught about them. There has been many accounts describing the occurrence of mental telepathy throughout history, and it was originally described as the power of the "third eye" - which humanity later altered to describe seeing elements in the spiritual world. Modern studies and tests have verified that telepathy exists not only in the human, but also in the animal, and plant kingdoms!. These examples of telepathy in other kingdoms we will look at later in the series, but first let us cover the historical data and evidence concerning telepathy.

As far back as 4,000 BC in Egypt and in Mesopotamia there have been descriptions of mental telepathy -some real, and many faked. The questionable accounts are easy to disregard, since these appeared as many of the "mind reading" acts one can see at a circus or carnival today. The "reader" did not actually see the thought of an individual at a particular moment, but usually claimed to "read" something ABOUT the individual by "looking" into their mind (which of course, only revealed a fact about the individual that could be easily found out by earlier questioning)

Many of the legitimate historical accounts sound like the one you hear about today. One case, a hysterical Greek woman around 340 BC, claims she "saw" the death of her brother in a "daydream". Months later the town find out he did indeed die on that day - in battle in a far off land. Many of these accounts had witnesses, or we can see from the technology of the time that these individuals had no other means to learn such news so quickly, so therefore would be difficult to fake.

Telepathy happened most often among identical twins (68%), followed by brothers/sisters less than 5 years apart (13%), then with brothers/sisters more than 5 years apart (9%), then other relatives (mother/daughter, grandfather/grandchild, etc.) (6%), then finally married couples and close friends (and with higher occurrence of friends the same age) (3%). Less than 1% of experiences were with distant friends, strangers, and - yes - even aliens.

"Global" telepathy

Mental telepathy seems to occur in two distinct patterns, depending on whether the sender and receiver are within sight of each other. The first type of mental telepathy, and that which seems to occur most often, is called 'global telepathy'. In this pattern, the subjects are not within sight of each other, and usually a picture, impression, or feeling is received by one party. The distance in this pattern does not seem to be a factor. Data shows global telepathy has occurred from those who were several streets apart, to those who were half way around the world.

Global telepathy appears to transfer thoughts on the spiritual plane, for the feelings one had while picking up the thoughts were often described as being similar to a 'religious experience'. Since the communication appears to travel the speed of light, we can assume light is the medium on which these impulses travel. Also, since these experiences were also accompanied by an accurate "pictures" of the circumstance the sender was going through, light then would be a necessary factor to transfer and see, these "visual images".

Besides the image of the circumstance being "seen", many of the "messages" received also gave one strong impressions, or feelings. Quite often these were described as a 'religious experience', or of having a "dream" while being awake. This would indicate the spiritual body uses the same processes to deliver telepathic experience as it does to communicate the dreams we have at night.

"Sight" telepathy

In sight telepathy, both subjects can actually see each other, and communicate sensible, logical thoughts and instructions, without verbal words. This also seems to be a pattern using light, since the eyes play a big function in sight telepathy (in these cases, the subjects report a strange "warmth" in their eyes when this occurs). While this is the rarest type of telepathy, oddly enough this form is the most common perception by the general public as to what telepathy is all about.

The diagram, by Rene Descartes (1596 - 1650), shows how the eyes were thought to work with the brain several centuries ago. (While this diagram is not fully correct compared to today's knowledge, I personally like it since suggests more than any other picture, that the eyes are an EXTENSION of the brain). Descartes learned an image entered the eyes and was inverted (which is correct). Then he believed the image was sent along the optic nerve to the brain (partially correct), where inside the brain, the soul viewed the image from the optic nerve endings (while I believe one's soul views all images, it probably does not happen as pictured here, a tiny man viewing the optic nerve as one would a television set!).

In reality, when an image enters the eye (which is actually LIGHT that has been reflected off of the image), it is converted to electrical impulses BEFORE it is sent to the brain. This is done by the ganglion cells that link the eye with the optic nerve. It is in these cells that we will later focus our attention for obtaining descriptions concerning mental telepathy, and an how this form of communication actually works.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Distant Energy Healing: An Effective Method for Health Management

Written by Michael Nudel and Eva Nudel, Ph.D.

According to quantum physics, we live in a world of energy. Moreover, physicists discovered that matter is not matter, as people have considered it for many centuries, but energy. Physicists also accepted the view that everything in the universe depends on our consciousness and attention to events and occurrences. Everything is energy and everything may be corrected with energy use. New understanding of the outer world and inner world make us able to control and manage the energy of everything consciously and “energetically.” The most interesting thing is that even ordinary people may do this.

People possess bio-energy (human energy) and have a sixth sense of feeling mental, emotional or other energy. People can develop the ability to control and direct energy because they have an inborn “energetic” ability to feel, determine and control vital energy. They may open up and develop the ability to sense energy, accumulate or transmit it. By learning to control and direct their own energy, or even energy of anyone else, people learn how to achieve optimum health for themselves and others. When specially trained to use their bio-energetic abilities, people can direct bio-energy towards their health and well being. In other words, by developing the ability to sense energetic fields, everyone may perceive the world around them with a more complete perspective that includes a newly developed bio-energetic ability.

Humans are energy beings, and human bodies correspond to energies fluctuating in the cosmos. The roots of human problems are energy problems. Thought is followed by energy. Emotions and feelings may be described as energy actions. When any energy problems are left uncontrolled in the energy system for a long time, all the energetic imbalances may become physical problems or illnesses. Once any problem is corrected and eliminated energetically, the physical state is balanced as well. Humans' energy systems and their energy problems may be corrected with healing energy. The human energy may be cleansed, balanced, normalized and healed. Healing on the energetic level brings physical health.

Any energetic imbalances, even physical, mental or emotional conditions, may be fixed energetically with the energy or distant healing.
The energy healing may be done at close distances balancing the energy field near the healee, or at any long distances. Bio-energy healing is described as healing performed on a healee's field at close distances, whereas distant healing is healing performed mentally when a healee is not present, and is done from anywhere without the healer seeing or knowing the healee. In the world of energy, it is possible to control and transmit healing energies or relieve any energetic imbalances over any distance. This form of healing can be very effective when performed using special techniques and methods. Healers balance and normalize a healee's bio-energy system, relieving blockages or stale energy and promoting the healee's energy to flow freely in the system and balancing it.

There is no need for a healee's direct participation in the process of distant healing. The healees may or may not be aware that this healing has been undertaken for them. Nevertheless, they may attain much benefit from it. The energy work is performed exactly on the determined healee. In distant healing, it is not necessary to know the healee. The healing is often done between people who do not know each other. This way, the information about the healee is perceived through his or her energetic information, name and birthdate, voice or photographs.

Nevertheless, in the world of energy there is no such thing as time or space. Distant healing (absent or remote healing) is a method of bio-energy healing at any long distance. It is based on quantum physics discovery that energy is not restricted to any time and location. Healing by bio-energy at any distance helps you to tap into that and learn to perceive or read energy and work with it. With distant energy healing, energy is controlled and can be guided by mind. Distant healing may be also named “mental healing,” because it is performed mentally with the energy use, control or transfer.

At first, the most important thing in distant energy healing is to release a repressed, weak, ill, congested or stagnant energy or blockages stored in the bio-energy systems and even at cellular levels, and open up the chakras or energy centers . Vital energy is only really vital for humans when it enters cleansed, functional chakras and balanced bio-energy systems. If stagnant or stale energy is not released, people may feel depressed and with low energy. Any pain or tension indicates that something is going wrong with the energy flow somewhere in the body. These areas of energetic tension affect the chakras, causing them to close, and show imbalances in the energetic state. Energy in blocked areas tends to release. In our stressful times, people need to perform chakra and energy cleansing periodically. When they go with it, work with it on an everyday basis, and allow it to continue the energy cleansing, it will not be long until they are feeling very good again. The healers cleanse and balance the energy and chakras at a distance, and heal imbalances in the energy system and in the physical organs and systems as well.

When the chakras are cleansed, opened and functional, they bring as much energy to the bio-energy system as it needs and filter the energy appropriately for the body's use. When an energy system is weakened by energy and physical imbalances, healers may send their healing energy to strengthen it. People can only benefit by discharging blocked or negative energy from their bodies, and from cleansing and healing their chakras on a regular basis. Healthy functional chakras not only give people the possibility of increased self-awareness, emotional stability, mental clarity, and spiritual growth and maturity, but also the ability to heal themselves and others.

As with any energy healing, distant healing works with an individual's etheric “double” body. The etheric “double” energetic body (an energetic matrix of the physical body) contains his or her complete energetic information including all organs, parts and systems of the physical body. Whenever healers perceive energy in the healee's bio-energy field at a close or any long distance, they “deal” with the ether “double” body. Sometimes the healing is called “etheric” healing. Performing bio-energy healing, healers also work with the etheric “double” of the physical body, at first, perceiving its energetic information and imbalances, and then, cleansing, balancing, normalizing, and healing the energy in the etheric and physical bodies. Healing and normalizing imbalances on the etheric level brings health, vital energy and balance to the physical body.

The method of healing by energy at a long distance is performed on a hologram (the mental image) of the person to be healed. The healer needs to imagine the image of that person clearly in their mind (mental picture), and put this before the eyes. When performing a distant energy healing or assessment, healers keep the healee's visualized energetic image before their eyes. In this way, a healer controls over the healee's energy field and conducts the energy cleansing and healing with his or her mental energies. Then, the healer performs mentally the same techniques as for healing a person who is physically present.

To perform healing at a distance, healers must be skilled in all methods of healing using energetic influence and suggestion, or successfully practiced methods of controlling inner and outer energies (telepathy and ability to receive and send information at a distance). You can try the method of distant healing if you have already developed a strong memory, can concentrate your consciousness, fill yourself with the universal or cosmic energy, control the flow of your energy, and have a positive state of mind. Distant healing is performed by advanced healers who may easily achieve a meditative state of mind and control and direct their mental energies. The distant healers must be mastered in meditation and visualization. Healers should open and develop their ability to feel, determine and assess human energy at any distance. They use photographs in the beginning of practice, and then, when mastered, use visualized or drawn healee's images.

Vast amounts of distant energy healing work is done with visualization. Visualization, like intuition, is a type of thinking which is used for making contact with the inner-self, rather than with the outer world. For healing purposes you should use mental imagery, which is different from visualization in that it induces deep physical relaxation in addition to the process of visualization. Becoming relaxed and achieving a meditative state of mind, you may stimulate and facilitate vibrant mental healing images. To achieve the meditative state of mind or ability to stay focused on a single thing that will be needed for your bio-energetic work, you should practice frequently.

Healing by energy at long distances can be very effective. Distant healing promotes the wholeness and balance of the organism and its resistance to illnesses and weakness. Moreover, the energetic balance prevents physical and mental illnesses. Distant healing discharges harmful energy from human energetic systems; normalizes many physical, mental, and emotional conditions; and restores and maintains health. It makes the physical organs and body systems stronger and healthier. After the distant healing, people feel renewed and full of energy. Distant energy healing is as effective as any other types of energy healing. It is a powerful healing tool for your and your relatives health management on an everyday basis.

The distance method has invaluable advantages. When we heal a person face-to-face, we feel in front of us equal energetic systems where the energetic imbalance occurs temporarily, interfering with healing energies. The effectiveness of the energy influence at close distances can be even less than when healing at a distance because of the interfering energy fields. At a distance, we increase our energetic influence greatly, because we mentally put the image of the person in the space at no more than eight inches in height or draw the healee's energetic image and perform healing and balancing, using the same techniques as at a close distance.

Distant healing really belongs to the Integrative Medicine of the future. It may be used to help people to recover quickly after operations, restore people's energy and health in hospitals, and even prevent any illnesses and imbalances. Distant balancing and energy work can be used to balance and heal people and pets. When you master in this method, you will be able to relieve many conditions, such as headaches, any pain, and stress in yourself or your relatives in a few minutes, no matter how far away the healee will be. While our minds effectively control bio-energy at any distance and our thoughts may be healing, let's benefit from the distant healing and balancing in an everyday life.

Monday, April 17, 2006

Patience & Tolerance

Be patient with all. Anger leads one along a blind path. While it irritates and annoys others, it also hurts oneself. Anger weakens the physical body and disturbs the mind. A harsh word, like an arrow discharged from a bow, can never be retrieved even if you would offer a thousand apologies.

Certain creatures cannot see in the day-time whilst some others are blind at night. But a man driven to great heights of hatred does not observe anything, either by day or night.

With whom and with what do you fight when you are angry?, You fight within youself, for you are the worst enemy of youself. The mind is your best friend but it can easily become your worst foe. Some varieties of heart trouble, rheumatic disorders, and skin diseases are traceable to chronic resentment, hatred and jealousy. Such destructive feelings poison the heart. They foster the development of latent disease by reducing the body's natural defences againts microbes.

Written By k.Sri Dhammananda

Sunday, April 16, 2006


The Four Powers Of Purification

The purification practices found within Buddhism are not unlike the practices applied in many other religions. The most essential mental factor that one requires is sincerity or honesty with oneself. When one wants to purify past negative karma, one has to do some action with the correct motivation.
This is summarised in the following Four Powers of Purification:

1. Power of the Object: One should practice thinking of all sentient beings one may have hurt. Traditionally, one remembers all sentient beings and the Three Jewels of Refuge (Buddha, Dharma and Sangha), by generating compassion for all sentient beings and taking refuge.

2. Power of Regret: This should not be senseless guilt or self-recrimination, which are said to be useless emotional torture. What is intended here is to examine oneself and one's actions and to recognise that negative actions done in the past were very unwise.

3. Power of Promise: As a logical consequence of the above, one should promise not to repeat these negative actions. It is good if one can promise to avoid a negative behaviour for a specific time, or at least promise that one will put effort in avoiding repetition. Not being honest at this stage makes the practice useless or even harmful to oneself.

4. Power of Practice: Basically any positive action with a good motivation can be used as practice. Traditionally in Buddhism, one can practice e.g. making prostrations (throwing oneself to the floor - as a means to destroy pride), making offerings (to counteract greed), reading Buddhist texts (to counteract ignorance and negative thoughts), reciting mantras etc.

It is often explained that one needs to clear a field by purifying it from rocks and weeds, then planting seeds by study and meditation, giving water and fertiliser by doing positive actions, and automatically new harvest will grow.

Practical Consequences Of Karma

To begin with, I need to understand that I cannot immediately change my present situation, but I should understand that:

- The reason why I am experiencing this is only due to my own actions in the past, my mind filled with delusions or positive thoughts, and the right circumstances for the karma to ripen.

- I can chose to have a selfish reaction to my situation and create my own suffering in the future.

- I can chose to have a reaction considering others' welfare and create happiness for myself as well in the future.

- If I react without thinking, it is easy to create negative results for the future, and even make that a habit.

- The others whom I like to blame for hurting me, are merely the circumstances that make my negative karma ripen.

- Understanding karma means that I have full responsibility for everything that happens to me in the past, present and future.

- Positive thinking and acting will do others and myself much more good than being negative and acting that way.

"Karma is not something complicated or philosophical.Karma means watching your body, watching your mouth, and watching your mind.Trying to keep these three doors as pure as possible is the practice of karma."

Lama Thubten Yeshe, "The Bliss of Inner Fire"


The Four Laws Of Karma

1. Results are similar to the cause. Simply said, when I cause other people harm, I will harvest suffering myself. It is important to note here, that "positive" actions are defined as actions that have happiness as a result; "negative" actions are defined as actions that lead to suffering as a result.

2. No results without a cause. As is obvious within science, things do not just appear out of nothing.

3. Once an action is done, the result is never lost. Similarly as above, things do not just disappear into nothing.

4. Karma expands. Once we have an imprint of an action in our mind, it tends to be habit-forming. As is often said in wars for example, killing the first enemy is tough, but after a handful, one quickly loses count and it becomes "normal". Also psychology often stresses a similar point when e.g. explaining actions of adults from their childhood experiences.

What is needed For Karma To Ripen ?

1. A previous action, or karmic potential.

2. Conditions: the circumstances must be available before I can undergo a specific result.

3. A deluded mind. Without delusions in our mind, we will never experience the results of previous actions. This happens to Arhats and Buddhas; their minds have been purified from delusions, and they are beyond the realm of karma.

It should be realised that without any karma to ripen at all, we could never experience anything unpleasant - most likely, when this occurs, we are in a blissful state of nirvana or full enlightenment.

What Decides The Severity Of The Results ?

The severity of the results of our actions depends on various factors:

1. Our intention or motivation - the intention is the most important aspect by far, as karma is mainly connected to the intention of the action, be it positive or negative.

2. The nature of the action: obviously, gossiping is less severe than killing.

3. The actual deed: whether we kill in self-defence or sadistically torture someone to death does make a difference, usually this directly related to intention.

4. The basis or object: it does make a difference whether we kill our mother or an ant.

5. Repetition; how often do we repeat the action, which reinforces the habit, and makes even killing feel less negative.

6. Doing the reverse: if we always behave negatively to others and never try to do any good, consequences will be severe.

How we experience the result of an actions does depend on our other actions in life. For example, if we experience the result of being hungry for a day, there is a huge difference whether we experience this as a malnourished person in a hopeless situation, or as a healthy fast for an obese person.

What Can I Do To Remove Previous Negative Karma ?

Nobody likes to suffer, so we all like to rid ourselves of negative karmic potential. There are several possibilities, and in fact we may need to try and apply all of these methods as much as we can:

- To avoid having negative thoughts that lead to negative actions in the future, we need to observe and control our own thoughts and behaviour, and destroy our negative attitudes.
- Similarly, we can observe/study (meditate) our own mind and encourage positive thoughts that lead to positive actions.
- We can avoid negative karmic seeds to ripen by purifying it, using the four powers of purification . Although this does not eliminate the negative karmic actions, it can avoid the results to occur.
- Ultimately, when we realise emptiness directly, and remove all our delusions, we are not under the control of past karma anymore.


"Countless rebirths lie ahead, both good and bad. The effects of karma (actions) are inevitable, and in previous lifetimes we have accumulated negative karma which will inevitably have its fruition in this or future lives. Just as someone witnessed by police in a criminal act will eventually be caught and punished, so we too must face the consequences of faulty actions we have committed in the past, there is no way to be at ease; those actions are irreversible; we must eventually undergo their effects."

His Holiness the Dalai Lama, from 'Kindness, Clarity and Insight' KICLIN

The Sanskrit word Karma (or kamma in Pali) literally means action. In Buddhism however, karma mainly refers to one's intention or motivation while doing an action. The shortest explanation of karma that I know is: 'you get what you give'. In other words; whatever you do intentionally to others, a similar thing will happen to yourself in the future. Our largest obstacle to understanding or even believing in karma may be time.

The 're-actions' or results of our actions show up with a time delay, and it becomes extremely hard to tell which action caused which result. Actions done in a previous life can create results in this life, but who can remember their past life? For ordinary humans, the mechanisms of karma can be intellectually understood to some extent, but never completely "seen".

Why Believe in Karma ?

Simply said, if we chose to ignore the workings of karma, we tend to create many problems for ourselves. For example, if we like to have something expensive, but we cannot afford it, it becomes very tempting to steal. If we are smart and attentive enough, we may never be caught stealing. However, by stealing, we create problematic situations for ourselves in the future, like poverty, or being the victim of robbers. Therefore, if we chose to ignore karma, the results of our actions will still haunt us.

Every mainstream religion teaches us about the consequences of our actions. The explanations may differ, but does it really matter in the end whether the law of karma causes us trouble or God himself in his final judgement?

Watch your thoughts, for they become words.
Watch your words, for they become actions.
Watch your actions, for they become habits.
Watch your habits, for they become character.
Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny.

Two of my personal favourite reasons to believe in karma, are that it represents ultimate justice as everyone will harvest the results of their actions, and even if karma would not exist, as long as I try to avoid negative actions, the world would be a better place to live in for everyone anyway.

How Karma Works

A very good and succinct explanation by Geshe Tashi Tsering in his book The Buddha's Medicine for the Mind: Cultivating Wisdom and Compassion:

Intention is the most important of all mental events because it gives direction to the mind, determining whether we engage with virtuous, non-virtuous, or neutral objects. Just as iron is powerlessly drawn to a magnet, our minds are powerlessly drawn to the object of our intentions.

An intention is a mental action; it may be expressed through either physical or verbal actions. Thus, action, or karma, is of two types: the action of intention and the intended action.

The action of intention is the thought or impulse to engage in a physical or verbal act. The intended action is the physical or verbal expression of our intention. Karma actually refers to the action of intention but in general usage it includes the intended action and the seeds that are left in the mind as a result.

How do we accumulate karmic seeds? Every physical and verbal action is preceded by mental activity. Goodwill motivates a kind gesture; ill will motivates nasty words. Ill will is the intention to cause mental, emotional or physical harm. Thus, before and during a bad action, ill will is present in our mind. The presence of ill will before and during this act has an impact and influence on the mind due to which a certain potential is left behind.

This potential is a karmic seed, a seed planted in our mind by physical, verbal or mental action. The strength or depth of this seed is determined by a number of factors, including how strong our intention is, whether we clearly understand what we are doing, whether we act on our intention and whether the physical and verbal action is completed.

Seeds will remain in the mind until they ripen or are destroyed. Seeds left by negative mental events and actions can be destroyed by the four opponent or antidotal powers. The most important of these four powers are regret for the negative act and a firm resolve not to act that way again in the future. Seeds left by positive mental events and actions can be destroyed by anger.

Even if we do not act on a negative intention, a karmic seed of diminished potency is still left in the mind. This incompleted seed is easier to remove. If it is not destroyed, a negative seed will eventually produce an unpleasant and negative effect while a postive seed will produce a pleasant and positive effect. Karmic seeds do not go to waste even after one hundred aeons. They will come to fruition when the time comes and the conditions assemble.


A praise of compassion by Lama Zopa Rinpoche:

"Live with compassion
Work with compassion
Die with compassion
Meditate with compassion
Enjoy with compassion
When problems come,
Experience them with compassion."

The definition of compassion is: wanting others to be free from suffering. So compassion is the definition of the highest scope of motivation. It is said that to generate genuine compassion, one needs to realise that oneself is suffering, that an end to suffering is possible, and that other beings similarly want to be free from suffering.

The Dalai Lama:

"Nirvana may be the final object of attainment, but at the moment it is difficult to reach. Thus the practical and realistic aim is compassion, a warm heart, serving other people, helping others, respecting others, being less selfish. By practising these, you can gain benefit and happiness that remain longer. If you investigate the purpose of life and, with the motivation that results from this inquiry, develop a good heart - compassion and love. Using your whole life this way, each day will become useful and meaningful."

"Every human being has the same potential for compassion; the only question is whether we really take any care of that potential, and develop and implement it in our daily life. My hope is that more and more people will realise the value of compassion, and so follow the path of altruism. As for myself, ever since I became a Buddhist monk, that has been my real destiny - for usually I think of myself as just one simple Buddhist monk, no more and no less."

"Sometimes we think that to develop an open heart, to be truly loving and compassionate, means that we need to be passive, to allow others to abuse us, to smile and let anyone do what they want with us. Yet this is not what is meant by compassion. Quite the contrary. Compassion is not at all weak. It is the strength that arises out of seeing the true nature of suffering in the world. Compassion allows us to bear witness to that suffering, whether it is in ourselves or others, without fear; it allows us to name injustice without hesitation, and to act strongly, with all the skill at our disposal. To develop this mind state of to learn to live, as the Buddha put it, with sympathy for all living beings, without exception."

Kenchen Thrangu Rinpoche:

...everbody thinks that compassion is important, and everyone has compassion. True enough, but the Buddha gave uncommon quintessential instructions when he taught the methods for cultivating compassion, and the differences are extraordinarily important.

Generally, everyone feels compassion, but the compassion is flawed. In what way? We measure it out. For instance, some feel compassion for human beings but not for animals and other types of sentient beings. Others feel compassion for animals and some other types of sentient beings but not for humans. Others, who feel compassion for human beings, feel compassion for the human beings of their own country but not for the human beings of other countries. Then, some feel compassion for their friends but not for anyone else. Thus, it seems that we draw a line somewhere. We feel compassion for those on one side of the line but not for those on the other side of the line. We feel compassion for one group but not for another. That is where our compassion is flawed. What did the Buddha say about that? It is not necessary to draw that line. Nor is it suitable. Everyone wants compassion, and we can extend our compassion to everyone.

Saturday, April 15, 2006

What UE Practitioner & Patients Are Looking For Treating The illness

When a person is in pain or sick, the connection with the caregiver can affect them in powerful ways- in the way the UE Practitioner looks, how they speak, and what they do. When the UE practitioner is especially kind in that situation, it makes a really big difference.

When patients are seriously ill, their physical situation may be amplified by a lot of anguish and fear. They develop a great deal of hope that the doctor will be able to help them, what UE practitioner should do about it ?, what patients are looking for ?

  • a caregiver or UE Practitioner, giving a compassionate care by transferring UE energy with love & compassion.
  • a good listener who patiently listen to their problems & relief their emotional pain.
  • sharing their pain & sufferring by psychologically giving them a hope, respect & encouragement.
  • a self-confidence of transfer energy healing to patients without having a mind of proving own healing skills.
  • perform a councelling, adopt a warm, friendly, and reassuring manner with helping them to diminish the fear of illness & dealth.
  • cultivate own compassionate attitude by feeling their pain & suffering.
  • Possible working & seeking advice with the patient's doctor

Think if you .......

always bringing & sharing the joyful & delight moment to your family, friends or u's patients, the suffering of oneself emotional & psychological pains ( depressed, anger, anxiety & sadness) is cleanse by performing UE meditation with the first thought of the precious joyful moments and the ignorance of desires & dissatisfaction.

The chasing of endless desires & satisfaction that constantly feeling of being unfulfilled , this continuous cycle of desire and dissatisfaction makes people emotional disturbance , and is itself a cause of suffering.

The healing energy is governed by your thought of emptiness & with the heart of love & compassion.

The Objectives of Universal Energy Healing

  • reducing & minimizing of stress , depression & anxiety.
  • improving the positive bio-energy & enhancing the physical health & the wellness state of mental & emotional.
  • giving feeling of calmness & peacefulness
  • releasing & cleansing the negative energy & emotions
  • obtaining the clarity of intelligence & the power of positive UE energy
  • experiencing well relaxation of our minds
  • receiving greater joy and confidence
  • gaining greater enthusiasm and ease in daily living
  • expanding your sense of well-being & self actualization

Friday, April 14, 2006

UE Means.....

The Energy Of The Universe

The Energy of Love & Compassion

The Hope of Light

The Force of Miracle

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Q&A - UE Distance Healing

Questions from a patient of receiving UE distance healing

a) How do I know that I am receiving the energy?
b) What should I perform in order to fully received the energy?
c) Is it possible to perform it over such a long distance?


The UE healing energy as a complementary therapy for supplementing to your core medication treatment. Both parties ( giver & receiver ) must have a level of trust & confidence in remotely transfer the UE energy.

1) You don't have to know whether you are receiving the energy. The patient should always updating his/her latest treatment conditions as it's very importance for a UE practitioner to re-adjust their UE treatment. When transferred energy, some of the patient may sensitive having a feeling of "heat" on their affected areas, which was the energy circulated in their body system,. The others may feel calm, relax and peace. All these sensations are good for promoting the patient's health & fast recovery from the illness.

If you feel nothing, it doesn't mean of not receiving or the energy was not transferred to the patients chakras or affected areas .Thr receiver must believe & trust then only the energy will works in their body system.

The foundation of trust & confidence for both giver & receiver is vital, so as the healing energy is transmitting & channeling to cure the patient's illnesses.

2)The patient should always in relaxation & maintaining the inner self of calmness. The UE energy will working perfectly when in the state of relaxing & calm.

3) The UE energy is an universal Energy with have no consciousness on distance, by sending energy via Chakra 6 to the receiver's inner believe system. UE energy is borderless, the energy is acting with consciousness and not limiting by distance.

The Chakras Vs Endocrine System

The endocrine glands play a vital role in the everyday health and well being in the body. The hormones released directly into the bloodstream by the glands govern all aspect of growth, development, and daily physical activity.

Dysfunction by any of the endocrine glands will have serious physical consequences. Physical malfunction is itself the result of a breakdown that becomes lodged within the energy network of nodes and chakras.

The pineal gland is located in the center of the brain and shaped like a pinecone. It has many important hormonal functions in the body. Only recently have scientists uncovered the role it plays in the aging process. The pineal gland, like the pituitary gland, regulates the endocrine functions.

Through the interaction with various glands of the body, the pineal gland plays a role in degenerative disease and aging. The pineal gland regulates other glandular functions through its inhibitory mechanisms. This important gland regulates all blood pressure, body temperature, growth motor function, the reproductive system, and sleep habits. We do not know about the pineal gland much. It was considered as a rudimentary organ and no role in human physiology.

Today it is known that the pineal gland at least partially controls the following bodily functions: the passage of calcium into and out of all cells, carbohydrate metabolism, catecholamine production, cellular production, collagen synthesis, DNA synthesis, enzyme activity, lymphocyte production.

Regulated by sunlight, one of the important structural elements of the Universal energy, and geomagnetic fields, the pineal gland plays an integral role in body cycles, controlling metabolism behavior, and physiological function. It has an intimate relationship with the pituitary gland and has a direct effect upon the adrenal glands when the body is under stress and threatened. Its effect on the parathyroid and on calcium metabolism is not yet understood.

In addition, the pineal gland has an inhibitory action on the thyroid gland and is important in the hormonal functions of the thymus. This important gland also stimulates the release of prostaglandin, which affects circulation and cardiovascular disease. It plays a role in the regulation of temperature as well.

Because large toxic molecules can enter into the pineal gland, they are a potential threat. The blood barrier prevents these toxic substances from harming other areas on the brain. Dangerous toxins, free radicals, and viruses entering through the pineal gland effect changes in the other gland that can result in abnormal growths, such as cancer cells, or degeneration, such as in arteriosclerosis. Some degenerative diseases that are characteristics of aging are: Alzheimer’s diseases, arteriosclerosis, arthritis, cancer, diabetes, menopause, osteoporosis, Parkinson’s disease.

Any theory concerning aging must include the pineal gland, which plays a dominant role. According to Bradford Research, administering pineal gland extract to animals can increase their life span by 25%. Excessive amounts of stress and nutritional deficiency can markedly reduce the functioning capacity of the pineal gland. Vitamin A deficiency is particularly detrimental. Degenerative disease and aging will also result from the reduction of oxygen level that occurs when viruses and toxins surround or enter the pineal and pituitary glands.

The Universal energy, working through the pineal and pituitary glands and the hypothalamus, is extremely important in the longevity of life.

Part of the mystery of aging is related these three body parts. According to Bradford Research, studies indicate that the hypothalamus is the primary site responsible for aging. The hypothalamus regulates autonomic responses - those that require no conscious effort, such as hormone and enzyme secretions, fluid regulation, sleep patterns, heart contractions, temperature control, and perspiration. The hypothalamus coordinates the activities of the endocrine system.

We should try to stimulate the endocrines glands as often as possible, by allowing the flow of Universal energy to reach the pineal and pituitary glands.

The chakras function as transmitters of energy from one level to another, distributing Universal energy (pranic energy) to the physical body. Each of the chakras is also related to a major gland.

1) The chakra 1 (base chakra) is related to the adrenal glands.
2) The chakra 2 is related to ovaries in women and the prostate gland in men.
3) The chakra 3 is related to the pancreas.
4) The chakra 4 is related to the thymus gland.
5) The chakra 5 is related to the thyroid and parathyroid glands.
6) The chakra 6 is most often assigned to the pituitary gland.
7) The chakra 7 is most assigned to the pineal gland. On the physical level, the chakra 7 is tied to the activity of the cerebral cortex and general nervous system functioning.

In addition, the proper activation of the chakra 7 influences the synchronization between the left and the right hemispheres of the brain.

The chakra 7 is also linked with the pineal gland. For this chakra to be fully awakened, there must first occur a balancing of body, mind and spirit. In the individual who has the chakra 7 open, this chakra is represented by an energy polarity between the pineal gland and the right and left cerebral hemispheres. Abnormalities in energy flow at the level of the chakra 7 may manifest as various types of cerebral dysfunction, including psychosis.

The chakra 6 is referred to as the “third eye”. When the chakra 7 is activated, the chakra 6 is represented by an energy polarity between the pituitary and pineal glands. When the chakra 7 remained unopened, the chakra 6 was represented the pituitary and the medulla oblongata (In the part of the brainstem).

So, physically, the chakra 6 is associated with the pineal gland, the pituitary gland, and the spinal cord, as well as the eyes, ears, nose, and sinuses.

Difficulties associated with energy blockages at the level of the chakra 6 can physically manifest in major endocrines imbalance, due to the association of the center and the pituitary gland.

How Universal energy can stimulate the pineal and pituitary glands:

Universal energy healing is an ancient art, which has been practiced for thousands of years in different cultures. Because everything in the Universe is made up of energy, healing energy can have profound effect. The channeling of healing energy takes place when we allow ourselves to become a vehicle, or channel, through which the energy can flow. This energy can cure physical diseases by releasing the stress and long-held emotional traumas that are the root cause of disease.

As the pineal and pituitary glands play very vital roles in the endocrine system, by stimulating these two glands with Universal energy treatment, we can regulate their functions. Modern biological science explains this as a chemical change produced by the endocrine glands (ductless glands) whose secretions mix into the body’s bloodstream directly and instantaneously.

On a spiritual field, Universal energy activates the centers of transformative energy (chakras) and elevates our intellectual knowledge to an experience of spiritual growth. This energy moves through the chakras to produce different psychic state.

A regular transfer of energy with Universal energy through the chakras 7 and 6 will stimulate the pineal and pituitary glands in the endocrine system and allow these glands to function at their highest capacity to delay apparition of degenerative diseases and aging.

Writen by Vo Thi Minh Hiep PhD

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

The Psychological Function of Chakras

The Pictorial of Human Chakra

Source : Hands Of Light, Barbara Ann Brennan

As a human being matures and the chakras develop, each represents the psychological patterns evolving in the individual's life. Most of us react to unpleasant experiences by blocking our feeling and stopping a great deal of our natural energy flow. This affects the development and maturation of the chakras, resulting in inhibition of a fully balanced psychological function.

Whenever a person blocks whatever experience he is having, he in turn blocks his chakras, which eventually become disfigured. The chakras become "blocked", clogged with stagnated energy, spin irregularly, or backwards (counter-clockwise) and even, in the case of disease, become severely distorted or torn.

When the chakras are functioning normally, each will be "open", spinning clockwise to metabolise the particular energies needed from the universal field . A clockwise spin draws energy from the universal energy field into the chakra.

When the chakra spins countercloskwise, the current is flowing outward from the body, thus interfering with metabolism. The energies that are needed are not flowing into the chakra when it is spinning counterclockwise, thus the chakra as "closed" to incoming energies.

The Human Chakras

The chakras are main specialized energy centers and transformers, which link man to the universe. They are centers of activity of subtle, vital force termed subtle prana. The chakras take in the subtle energy and distribute it to the major glands, nerve centers, and organs of the body.

The human body is viewed as the perfect instrument for the expression of consciousness. This perfection is realized through the development of the psychic centers, the chakras.

The chakras extend to all levels of a person’s being. They contain valve like structures, which are open or closed according to a person’s stage of development. This determines how many levels of energy can enter a chakra.

Since most energy, input comes in the form of psychological material the chakra mechanisms ensure that we are only conscious of incoming energies with which we can deal.

Located with the cerebrospinal system, the chakras are the stage upon which the interaction between higher consciousness and desire is played out. Consequently, it is through understanding and utilizing the energies of the chakras that we ultimately reach an enlightened state of being.

Each chakra corresponds to certain physical systems and the related organs. There is a direct relationship between the condition of the chakra and the corresponding physical organs.

A chakra can be overvitalised, undervitalised or in a state of balance. It can be open or blocked.

The physical symptoms will be mirrored by dysfunction within the related energy network and the chakra itself.

Creating change to restore the related energy system to a state of balance will create change at the physical level.

Written by Vo Thi Minh Hiep Ph. D

Monday, April 10, 2006

The Benefit of Meditation in U.E.

Written by Dr. Lynn Tran

The methods of treatment in energy healing had indicated that the mind is the basic and very important element in the work of healing and in the preservation of health. These studies are always teaching the patient the breathing exercise and the theory of composure when the practitioner is not in meditation. For example, the relaxation, the calmness to neutralize a conflict or a stressful situation is one of these theories.

Science explained that when we are relaxed, the brainwaves of the Beta level would automatically drop to the Alpha level (electroencephalogram recorded the vibration from 14-22 Hertz down to 4–14 Hertz). Science has proved that when the brain is at the Alpha level or at the state of relaxation, people can study complicated subjects such as: mathematics, physics, science, or subjects that required brainwork easier than when we at the Beta level...When we are calm and relax we will be more intelligent and brighter.

The brain that contains full of criticisms is just like an electrical current try to pass through an obstruction within a wire, cannot flow smoothly, it will be shorted and burn up. The brain that contains much confusions, full of negativity cannot absorb new messages, cannot see new things. Two groups with opposite concepts cannot be neutralized, must go outside of the competition in order to find a common denominator. They must be calm and relax, when their minds at peace then everything will be fine. When the mind is still in confusion, still in criticism, then nothing can be solved. Another example: fears of rumor (public opinion). Although it is a low-level, do not under estimate it. Fear of rumor is an inner illness that very dangerous for the development of personality. “Rumor is a King of the world!“ said Pascal. It is an extraordinary power, from a high and richest person all the way down to an ordinary person are always subordinate under its commands. To be freed from rumor’s slavery, we must establish ourselves an independent spirit. Whoever has an independent spirit, do-not like famous, is a person who stands above all. His thoughts, ideas, and decisions under any perspectives are always priority and the public opinions are always behind. Scientifically speaking, fear is a force that has ability to stop the development of the cellular system, and decrease its activities.

Therefore, calmness, relaxation, and joyfulness are the formulas that help the cellular system in the brain to develop properly and assist the operation capacity to be more positively.

Spiritually speaking, fear is a curtain of darkness that obstructs and delays our explorations and studies on the path of evolution.

With the above conditions, we see that people who practice merging body-mind and Universal Energy correctly will have high composure and also overcome disturbances, or recover from illnesses within a shorter time than the people who don’t practice Yoga.

According to Spiritual Human Yoga technique in the perspective of science and medicine, our bodies have organized by billions of cells, and these cells are composed by millions of atoms that we call “electron” and “proton”. These atoms have such quality relatively to electromagnetic, and characters like wave and light. When we clearly understand this, then we know certainly that our bodies are already have the source of energy that can also be called “universal energy” or “human energy” to protect the survival and to maintain the immunity to resist all viruses that might invade and destroy our physical bodies.

This is a very important element that we must understand thoroughly so we would not be too abstracted or too deify about this method of treatment. We place the primary foundation of the research and study in the reality of science, and depending on the permanent post of knowledge and ability of each individual so we can continue on the development and progression for the evolution.

UE: Medicine, Philosophy & Life

Written by Dr.Thai Tan Truyen

Source: MEL-OZIE

UE is still a rather a new branch of study to a lot of people. In general, UE is understood as a medical study of healing without medicine, affiliated to Complementary Medicines, member of the International Congress of Alternative Medicine, member of Alternative Medicine Institute, Colombo, Sri Lanka.

Medicine, in general, is a branch of study on diseases, preventive methods, the protection of human health. Oriental Medicine, represented by Chinese Medicine for the last few thousand years, uses mainly herbal medical substances for the treatment of sickness, diseases. Western Medicine, studied by western scientists, is based mainly on the chemical medicine and added later on, surgery, energy. At present, Western Medicine plays a superior role in the treatment of sickness, diseases, accepted by many western countries as the mainstream medicine; but this does not mean only Western Medicine can successfully treat sickness, diseases, can protect human health; in reality, other Complementary Medicines such as Chi Kung, Acupuncture, Yoga, UE, etc, in many cases, have successfully treated sickness, diseases, prevented illness, protected human health.

Medical study or medicines, Oriental or Western medicines, herbal or chemical medicine can all treat diseases for human; but human health does not depend only on drugs, medicines but it also depends on many other factors; apart from the visible materialistic factors, human health also relies on other factors such as psychology, thought, sentiment, spirituality, metaphysics, etc. This is obvious and also extremely practical, we do not have to explain or to prove anything at all; but in fact, not many people pay attention to this and it is really absurd if we only accept the values of Western Medicine, disregard other medicines and do not combine other branches of studies in the treatment of sickness, diseases and the protection of human health.

UE is, in fact, not only a complementary medicine, a method of treatment of sickness, diseases by Universal Energy as shown in its Name or understood by many people, but UE is, in reality, a branch of study combining other branches of studies, and Medicine is only one essential study of UE, because mankind interest especially in the study of diseases treatment only; everybody wants to be healthy, sick people or people with diseases all want to be healed, especially the so called difficult-to-cure diseases, which cannot be treated by Oriental and Western Medicines. UE was born under those special backgrounds, in the civilized and modern era and in the most civilized countries in the word such as USA, France, Germany, Italy, etc. There were some patients, some diseases that could not be cured by any modern medical facilities and had called on UE for healing, swiftly, easily and not costly.

Million of people had studied or been treated by UE in the last 15 years; they are well-founded proofs on the effectiveness of UE treatment methods, by Universal Energy, according to science and it can be proved by science, or by Spiritual Energy according to Spirituality to the people who believe in the values of spiritual factors in human life. At present, UE has entered new periods, with UE advanced level classes, Master Dang has gradually guided his students in learning Philosophy, especially the Oriental Philosophy, not only to treat sickness, diseases for human beings, but also to play very important roles in human life, in materialistic life, in mental life as well as in spiritual life.

Being sick, in fact, is only a small matter for human beings, for human life; On this earth, nobody can keep away from being sick, whether a patient is treated or not, that patient still can overcome sickness. Being sick is not the most important thing yet, in fact, even death is not the most important thing, but suffering is an important matter in the life of a person; suffering is what people worry and concern about. A sick person may not suffer, but a healthy person may still suffer; therefore even we have medicine, we have drugs, we still need UE, we still require Philosophy to escape suffering; we not only need good health but also want to have happiness which no medical study, no medicine can provide, only Philosophy can eliminate human suffering and bring us happiness, that is the reason why finally we have to study Philosophy when learning UE.

Philosophy to many people is a literature word difficult to understand, consisting of profound and impractical areas of research and study; in reality, Philosophy is always close to, familiar and present permanently in human life, in everyday life, in thought, in feeling, in action of everybody. In the past, present or future, any one, regardless of rich or poor, noble or common, civilized or not, intellectual of illiterate, in fact where there is life, there is Philosophy and our life is always controlled by the Philosophies we have absorbed or received, accepted or refused, conscious or unconscious.

To be clearer, if talking about research, study, reasoning, etc then Philosophy may be the areas exclusive to highly educated people, people with profound knowledge, scholars, sages, religious and spiritual leaders, etc., but on practical aspects, almost everyone behaves, talks, acts under the influence of either this Philosophy or that Philosophy. Nobody can steer free from the influence of philosophical thought existed in our region, our country, our society, only whether we observe it or not, whether we recognize it or not. Philosophy always presents in our life as the air always circulates in our lungs, our heart, and our blood that we seldom pay any attention to.

We can start learning Philosophy by studying Thought, the most simple meaning and uncomplicated area of Philosophy; when we start to have thought, we begin to have Philosophy and it is thought which controls our life, controls our feeling, our sentiment, controls all our actions; Only people without thought have no philosophical life; and for anyone, once a person has thought, that person has philosophical life and because each person, each community, each people, each country, in a certain time, at a certain place, has different thought, therefore we always have different Philosophies, different lives, different civilizations, different happiness, different suffering.

Everyone of us has thought and freedom of thought, however in reality, human being is always controlled by a number of great thoughts that people call Philosophy, especially thought on spirituality that people call creed or religion. Thought can help people to progress, to be civilized, but at the same time, thought can lead people to errors, to disasters, therefore we must be very careful when accepting any thought, any Philosophy, Eastern or Western, Past or Present, materialistic or spiritual. Any Philosophy has its own good and bad points, has only relative values, we can not disregard or think too highly of any Philosophy, all materialistic things can change, so can thought, how do they change, when do they change, those are the things we have to learn, to study.

Why do we have to learn, to study Philosophy, especially the Oriental Philosophy? Because as we have said Philosophy is thought and Philosophy controls human life, righteous thought will guide people to a better life, maintain good individual life, good society, good country; on the contrary, erroneous thought will lead us to a terrible life, will harm individual, family, society, country and mankind. In the past, mankind had gone through too many destructive and bloody wars, even today in the world, there are many conflicts, fighting, massacres, resentment; Terrorist wars, which had took place and continue to occur everywhere on this earth, are caused by the differences in thought, they can only be solved by clearing, eliminating all hated thought in human beings. In future, the world would never stop fighting, resentment; Science and technologies are necessary for progress and civilization but only Philosophy can solve the resentment, the conflicts between human beings, leading mankind to a peaceful and happy world.

Back to the concrete and practical matters, people’s diseases and health, let forget about the normal causes of diseases, sickness, hygienic conditions, environment, air, drinking water, germs, etc, the latest medical reports reckon that human health, longevity depends on human will, thought; a strong will to live is a marvelous medicine, which helps people fighting most effectively against diseases; an optimistic, life loving spirit will help people live longer; Suffering, sorrow, resentment are diseases without cure, etc. All the things we have been talking about are the areas of Philosophy; the very name of UE:”Mankind, Enlightenment, Love” is a philosophical name with three main objectives of study: Mankind, Enlightenment, Love; they are the solutions for suffering, happiness of human beings; they are the important matters everyone needs and should learn, study and should implement and practice.

Love is a commonly used word, almost everybody knows it, talks about it, but hardly anyone recognizes its practical values; every time falling sick, everybody thinks of medicine, nobody thinks about love; in fact, many sickness, diseases can be cured by love alone without any medicine at all. This is not an empty theory or just beautiful words but very practical ones. For example, we can cite a lot of evidence, if we love our own body so that we would not let it overworked, we eat when our body hungry, drink when our body thirsty, wear warm clothes when our body cold, rest when our body tired, etc then we can avoid a lot of diseases; we need only to love our spirit, our feeling, we should not hate, not worry, not feel angry, not wish for anything, then we shall certainly have less diseases, sickness.

Love oneself is beneficial for one own body, that is obvious, but love others is also certain to bring benefits to ourselves, our family, our society, our country; but love must always goes together with enlightenment; if love without enlightenment, instead of benefits, love may bring disastrous things. Enlightenment has a clear philosophical characteristic and studying it normally requires lengthy and hard work; Enlightenment is the word and objective of religious people, but in reality not many people can attain enlightenment, even very high ranking religious people; ordinary people, without mental power, without sagacity to cultivate and progress, will be more difficult to attain enlightenment; and without enlightenment, human cannot avoid sickness, diseases, cannot be free from suffering and can never have happiness. Therefore, Enlightenment is an objective of study, a main application of UE, we must have enlightenment in everything, every business, human should be enlightened in every circumstances, in everything, at any time, in any place.

The world today, including the poorest countries also builds numerous schools, even specific school of Philosophy, but in reality, in the last few thousand years of mankind history, there is not a single school which can teach human practicable Philosophy, sublime as well as practical, as the UE school, Love is practical, Enlightenment is sublime, simple but profound, uncomplicated but complete. The UE Love is not love in theory but a concrete and beneficial one, UE Love is not an empty love but love with abilities, almost any UE student also has some spiritual ability to fulfill love by transferring energy to save oneself or save others.

UE students need not to say they implement, practice love without self-interest, this is not practical and not suitable for human psychology; by natural instinct any human could be longing for profit, If no profit, nobody wants to do anything, nobody wants to pursue it patiently, the important thing is those profits must be conformable to reason and sentiment of people, of society, of laws, of Spirituality, etc. The profits of love that UE students are longing for are good health, joyfulness, happiness, body and soul, they are are justifiable, we have the right to wish for, this is a practical and useful Philosophy of the UE School.

The word Enlightenment in UE School has the similar meaning as that in Buddhism and other religions, but the meaning and substance of Enlightenment that the UE School learns, studies, implements and practices has no characteristic of any religion at all. Enlightenment is the most honest and profound perception of each person toward everything, every matter; the perception of each person’s mental cognition according to the teaching of invisible High Divine Beings, not of anyone else, not from any books, any prayer’s books of mankind at all.

Therefore we cannot say UE belongs to any branch of study, any religion at all. Enlightenment is the release from all the binding of customs, habits, thought of other people. The Western World always thinks very highly of Freedom, but only Freedom of Thought is the real freedom. The core of UE Philosophy is the free Philosophy; Enlightenment must be a free enlightenment, not Enlightenment according to any particular thought, not the Enlightenment of any religion, of any creed or any culture.

To have this true and correct Enlightenment, this genuine Philosophy, UE classes of Master Dang consist of two parts, In the first part, Master Dang Transfers energy for students, science calls this Universal Energy; people who strongly believe in spirituality call this Spiritual Energy; in the second part, Maser Dang answers questions, explains queries from students, there is no limit on the topics of life, materialistic things or spirituality. In reality, it was proved that Master Dang has been enlightened spiritually, therefore any question from students, in any area, Master Dang can answer and answer immediately, He needs no time to think, no book to study, Without a high level of spiritual enlightenment, Master Dang could not achieve that; the most important thing is Master Dang teaches his students so that all of them will also attain the level of wisdom and enlightenment, and especially they will also have spiritual abilities, spiritual capabilities.

Spiritual abilities and spiritual capabilities are the most special areas of UE, the greatest difference separating UE from other branches of human life study, but many people do not understand, misunderstand or criticize those areas. Since Spirituality is the world of metaphysical energies, it is very difficult for us to make other people understood and when we try to present the matters we can not stop other people from distorting our presentation; however we need to have enough courage to present the existence and the essence of spiritual energies in human life, in worldly life of human beings.

The strange thing is that while main religions in the world, Christianity, Buddhism, Islam, Hinduism, etc, are teaching people believe in and pray to The Divine Beings, a lot of people still do not accept the believe in Spirituality of other people. UE has the belief in spirituality and teaches their students always having faith on and pray to the High Divine Beings just like other beliefs of other Religions; moreover UE also advises its students to believe and pray to the High Divine Beings of their own religions; Buddhist UE students should pray to Buddha, Christian UE students should pray to the Lord; therefore, all the criticism on the spiritual belief of UE students is really absurd and unfair.

UE Students not only have the belief in Spirituality just like other normal human beings, but UE students also have the ability to feel the presence of The High Divine Beings by the feeling of metaphysical spiritual energies on their body; thanks to this, prayers of UE Students to The High Divine Beings normally bring concrete results, many serious sickness were cured quickly without the need of any medicine, especially many cases of mental illness caused by spiritual reasons are cured rapidly; strange phenomena like fairy tales happened when energy was transferred to rice fields, farm produce, animal husbandry, etc.

Wisdom and Enlightenment are normally spoken in general, in reality, it does not matter how one studies, each person will have a different Spirituality, thus each person will have a different level of Wisdom and Enlightenment and will apply in each particular circumstance, therefore, in each class, Master Dang has different explanations and each one of them is only an initiation, an example, not an affirmation, because Master Dang used to say the Truth is changing, Wisdom is changing, Enlightenment is also changing, therefore we cannot affirm any thing, any matter at all; a saying can be correct today but can be incorrect tomorrow and vice versa, this lesson of philosophy rather conforms with the Relativity Theory of Albert Einstein.

The UE School and Master Dang only put forward just three objectives for learning and studying: “Mankind, Enlightenment, Love”, but if we can implement, practice them completely and correctly, we do not have to query what branch of study the UE School is, whether it is a branch of medical study or not, whether it is a mainstream medicine or complementary medicine, We do not query whether UE is a branch of religion, thought or philosophy study. What we need to know is that UE can bring us what we, human being, individual, family, society, and country always dream to have: happiness, luck, good health, joyfulness, etc.

UE Present in Medical Campaign at Clinic Derma SivaSanta

At the UE booth,our UE Pratitioners is providing UE healing services to the public

Registration desk for patients to visit specialist doctors & UE treatment

Sister Tan is giving healing to the patient

UE councelling & healing

Daniel Tan is transferring UE energy to the patient

James is performing a healing to the patient

Caason is transferring UE energy the patient

To effectively transfer UE energy is based on both giver & receiver's trust, relax & confidence

The pool of love & compassion energy is circulating at the surrounding areas

The spreading of UE energy is regardless of different races, religions & status but with the energies of love & compassion.