Saturday, April 29, 2006

HH 7th Phakchock Rinpoche Visit Derma SivaSanta Clinic

We, in Penang are fortunate to have His Holiness Phakchok Rinpoche, a lineage of the Profound Treasure of Chokgyur Lingpa, come viswit us for the fifth time since 2003. This year Phakchok Rinpoche will give a series of public talks to share bwith us the perennial wisdom of Buddha Shakyamuni as applied to contemporary living. Rinpoche will teach us the basics of meditation som that we can become calm, peaceful, happy, and healthy. Rinpoche will aslo preside over a series of Vajrayana Buddhist rituals and ceremonies to help promote our well being, peace, prosperity, longevity, and wisdom. Rinpoche will cap off this visit with the important empowerment and instruction on Vajrasatta.

We feel fortunate & honour to invite Phakchok Rinpoche to visit the Derma SivaSanta Clinic, the visit was invited by Mr.Murugiah, the chief co-ordinator of the clinic.

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