Monday, April 24, 2006

Introduction to Mental Telepathy

Introduction to Mental Telepathy

We all have heard about - or even experienced - the process of sending or receiving thoughts from one person to another. In the past, and even in today's science fiction, a "telepathy" is seen as a rare breed of their species, called upon for special tasks which require their ability to constantly "pick up" the thoughts of other individuals or forces. However, ALL human beings actually have the ability to communicate by the process which has come to be known as mental telepathy.

As with any other ability - such as swimming, playing tennis, memory, and so on - some individuals are born with more natural talent than others. Yet even those born today with a high degree of natural telepathic ability will rarely show any consistent ability. The reason for this is due to the fact that most cultures do not accept telepathy as a common ability - so rather than creating programs to develop telepathic ability - society still debates amongst itself whether this talent exists or not.

Therefore, most known recorded cases of telepathic ability did not occur by one's will, but rather surfaced by "accident", or was forced out due to "special circumstances". In analyzing a collection of documented cases of telepathic ability, several common factors were found which not only illustrate the energy behind mental telepathy, but also how this ability works.

The "Third Eye"

The main reason our mental telepathic powers of communication are not known to us (or used) basically lies in the fact that we are not taught about them. There has been many accounts describing the occurrence of mental telepathy throughout history, and it was originally described as the power of the "third eye" - which humanity later altered to describe seeing elements in the spiritual world. Modern studies and tests have verified that telepathy exists not only in the human, but also in the animal, and plant kingdoms!. These examples of telepathy in other kingdoms we will look at later in the series, but first let us cover the historical data and evidence concerning telepathy.

As far back as 4,000 BC in Egypt and in Mesopotamia there have been descriptions of mental telepathy -some real, and many faked. The questionable accounts are easy to disregard, since these appeared as many of the "mind reading" acts one can see at a circus or carnival today. The "reader" did not actually see the thought of an individual at a particular moment, but usually claimed to "read" something ABOUT the individual by "looking" into their mind (which of course, only revealed a fact about the individual that could be easily found out by earlier questioning)

Many of the legitimate historical accounts sound like the one you hear about today. One case, a hysterical Greek woman around 340 BC, claims she "saw" the death of her brother in a "daydream". Months later the town find out he did indeed die on that day - in battle in a far off land. Many of these accounts had witnesses, or we can see from the technology of the time that these individuals had no other means to learn such news so quickly, so therefore would be difficult to fake.

Telepathy happened most often among identical twins (68%), followed by brothers/sisters less than 5 years apart (13%), then with brothers/sisters more than 5 years apart (9%), then other relatives (mother/daughter, grandfather/grandchild, etc.) (6%), then finally married couples and close friends (and with higher occurrence of friends the same age) (3%). Less than 1% of experiences were with distant friends, strangers, and - yes - even aliens.

"Global" telepathy

Mental telepathy seems to occur in two distinct patterns, depending on whether the sender and receiver are within sight of each other. The first type of mental telepathy, and that which seems to occur most often, is called 'global telepathy'. In this pattern, the subjects are not within sight of each other, and usually a picture, impression, or feeling is received by one party. The distance in this pattern does not seem to be a factor. Data shows global telepathy has occurred from those who were several streets apart, to those who were half way around the world.

Global telepathy appears to transfer thoughts on the spiritual plane, for the feelings one had while picking up the thoughts were often described as being similar to a 'religious experience'. Since the communication appears to travel the speed of light, we can assume light is the medium on which these impulses travel. Also, since these experiences were also accompanied by an accurate "pictures" of the circumstance the sender was going through, light then would be a necessary factor to transfer and see, these "visual images".

Besides the image of the circumstance being "seen", many of the "messages" received also gave one strong impressions, or feelings. Quite often these were described as a 'religious experience', or of having a "dream" while being awake. This would indicate the spiritual body uses the same processes to deliver telepathic experience as it does to communicate the dreams we have at night.

"Sight" telepathy

In sight telepathy, both subjects can actually see each other, and communicate sensible, logical thoughts and instructions, without verbal words. This also seems to be a pattern using light, since the eyes play a big function in sight telepathy (in these cases, the subjects report a strange "warmth" in their eyes when this occurs). While this is the rarest type of telepathy, oddly enough this form is the most common perception by the general public as to what telepathy is all about.

The diagram, by Rene Descartes (1596 - 1650), shows how the eyes were thought to work with the brain several centuries ago. (While this diagram is not fully correct compared to today's knowledge, I personally like it since suggests more than any other picture, that the eyes are an EXTENSION of the brain). Descartes learned an image entered the eyes and was inverted (which is correct). Then he believed the image was sent along the optic nerve to the brain (partially correct), where inside the brain, the soul viewed the image from the optic nerve endings (while I believe one's soul views all images, it probably does not happen as pictured here, a tiny man viewing the optic nerve as one would a television set!).

In reality, when an image enters the eye (which is actually LIGHT that has been reflected off of the image), it is converted to electrical impulses BEFORE it is sent to the brain. This is done by the ganglion cells that link the eye with the optic nerve. It is in these cells that we will later focus our attention for obtaining descriptions concerning mental telepathy, and an how this form of communication actually works.

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