Wednesday, April 12, 2006

The Psychological Function of Chakras

The Pictorial of Human Chakra

Source : Hands Of Light, Barbara Ann Brennan

As a human being matures and the chakras develop, each represents the psychological patterns evolving in the individual's life. Most of us react to unpleasant experiences by blocking our feeling and stopping a great deal of our natural energy flow. This affects the development and maturation of the chakras, resulting in inhibition of a fully balanced psychological function.

Whenever a person blocks whatever experience he is having, he in turn blocks his chakras, which eventually become disfigured. The chakras become "blocked", clogged with stagnated energy, spin irregularly, or backwards (counter-clockwise) and even, in the case of disease, become severely distorted or torn.

When the chakras are functioning normally, each will be "open", spinning clockwise to metabolise the particular energies needed from the universal field . A clockwise spin draws energy from the universal energy field into the chakra.

When the chakra spins countercloskwise, the current is flowing outward from the body, thus interfering with metabolism. The energies that are needed are not flowing into the chakra when it is spinning counterclockwise, thus the chakra as "closed" to incoming energies.

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