Thursday, April 13, 2006

The Chakras Vs Endocrine System

The endocrine glands play a vital role in the everyday health and well being in the body. The hormones released directly into the bloodstream by the glands govern all aspect of growth, development, and daily physical activity.

Dysfunction by any of the endocrine glands will have serious physical consequences. Physical malfunction is itself the result of a breakdown that becomes lodged within the energy network of nodes and chakras.

The pineal gland is located in the center of the brain and shaped like a pinecone. It has many important hormonal functions in the body. Only recently have scientists uncovered the role it plays in the aging process. The pineal gland, like the pituitary gland, regulates the endocrine functions.

Through the interaction with various glands of the body, the pineal gland plays a role in degenerative disease and aging. The pineal gland regulates other glandular functions through its inhibitory mechanisms. This important gland regulates all blood pressure, body temperature, growth motor function, the reproductive system, and sleep habits. We do not know about the pineal gland much. It was considered as a rudimentary organ and no role in human physiology.

Today it is known that the pineal gland at least partially controls the following bodily functions: the passage of calcium into and out of all cells, carbohydrate metabolism, catecholamine production, cellular production, collagen synthesis, DNA synthesis, enzyme activity, lymphocyte production.

Regulated by sunlight, one of the important structural elements of the Universal energy, and geomagnetic fields, the pineal gland plays an integral role in body cycles, controlling metabolism behavior, and physiological function. It has an intimate relationship with the pituitary gland and has a direct effect upon the adrenal glands when the body is under stress and threatened. Its effect on the parathyroid and on calcium metabolism is not yet understood.

In addition, the pineal gland has an inhibitory action on the thyroid gland and is important in the hormonal functions of the thymus. This important gland also stimulates the release of prostaglandin, which affects circulation and cardiovascular disease. It plays a role in the regulation of temperature as well.

Because large toxic molecules can enter into the pineal gland, they are a potential threat. The blood barrier prevents these toxic substances from harming other areas on the brain. Dangerous toxins, free radicals, and viruses entering through the pineal gland effect changes in the other gland that can result in abnormal growths, such as cancer cells, or degeneration, such as in arteriosclerosis. Some degenerative diseases that are characteristics of aging are: Alzheimer’s diseases, arteriosclerosis, arthritis, cancer, diabetes, menopause, osteoporosis, Parkinson’s disease.

Any theory concerning aging must include the pineal gland, which plays a dominant role. According to Bradford Research, administering pineal gland extract to animals can increase their life span by 25%. Excessive amounts of stress and nutritional deficiency can markedly reduce the functioning capacity of the pineal gland. Vitamin A deficiency is particularly detrimental. Degenerative disease and aging will also result from the reduction of oxygen level that occurs when viruses and toxins surround or enter the pineal and pituitary glands.

The Universal energy, working through the pineal and pituitary glands and the hypothalamus, is extremely important in the longevity of life.

Part of the mystery of aging is related these three body parts. According to Bradford Research, studies indicate that the hypothalamus is the primary site responsible for aging. The hypothalamus regulates autonomic responses - those that require no conscious effort, such as hormone and enzyme secretions, fluid regulation, sleep patterns, heart contractions, temperature control, and perspiration. The hypothalamus coordinates the activities of the endocrine system.

We should try to stimulate the endocrines glands as often as possible, by allowing the flow of Universal energy to reach the pineal and pituitary glands.

The chakras function as transmitters of energy from one level to another, distributing Universal energy (pranic energy) to the physical body. Each of the chakras is also related to a major gland.

1) The chakra 1 (base chakra) is related to the adrenal glands.
2) The chakra 2 is related to ovaries in women and the prostate gland in men.
3) The chakra 3 is related to the pancreas.
4) The chakra 4 is related to the thymus gland.
5) The chakra 5 is related to the thyroid and parathyroid glands.
6) The chakra 6 is most often assigned to the pituitary gland.
7) The chakra 7 is most assigned to the pineal gland. On the physical level, the chakra 7 is tied to the activity of the cerebral cortex and general nervous system functioning.

In addition, the proper activation of the chakra 7 influences the synchronization between the left and the right hemispheres of the brain.

The chakra 7 is also linked with the pineal gland. For this chakra to be fully awakened, there must first occur a balancing of body, mind and spirit. In the individual who has the chakra 7 open, this chakra is represented by an energy polarity between the pineal gland and the right and left cerebral hemispheres. Abnormalities in energy flow at the level of the chakra 7 may manifest as various types of cerebral dysfunction, including psychosis.

The chakra 6 is referred to as the “third eye”. When the chakra 7 is activated, the chakra 6 is represented by an energy polarity between the pituitary and pineal glands. When the chakra 7 remained unopened, the chakra 6 was represented the pituitary and the medulla oblongata (In the part of the brainstem).

So, physically, the chakra 6 is associated with the pineal gland, the pituitary gland, and the spinal cord, as well as the eyes, ears, nose, and sinuses.

Difficulties associated with energy blockages at the level of the chakra 6 can physically manifest in major endocrines imbalance, due to the association of the center and the pituitary gland.

How Universal energy can stimulate the pineal and pituitary glands:

Universal energy healing is an ancient art, which has been practiced for thousands of years in different cultures. Because everything in the Universe is made up of energy, healing energy can have profound effect. The channeling of healing energy takes place when we allow ourselves to become a vehicle, or channel, through which the energy can flow. This energy can cure physical diseases by releasing the stress and long-held emotional traumas that are the root cause of disease.

As the pineal and pituitary glands play very vital roles in the endocrine system, by stimulating these two glands with Universal energy treatment, we can regulate their functions. Modern biological science explains this as a chemical change produced by the endocrine glands (ductless glands) whose secretions mix into the body’s bloodstream directly and instantaneously.

On a spiritual field, Universal energy activates the centers of transformative energy (chakras) and elevates our intellectual knowledge to an experience of spiritual growth. This energy moves through the chakras to produce different psychic state.

A regular transfer of energy with Universal energy through the chakras 7 and 6 will stimulate the pineal and pituitary glands in the endocrine system and allow these glands to function at their highest capacity to delay apparition of degenerative diseases and aging.

Writen by Vo Thi Minh Hiep PhD

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