Wednesday, April 12, 2006

The Human Chakras

The chakras are main specialized energy centers and transformers, which link man to the universe. They are centers of activity of subtle, vital force termed subtle prana. The chakras take in the subtle energy and distribute it to the major glands, nerve centers, and organs of the body.

The human body is viewed as the perfect instrument for the expression of consciousness. This perfection is realized through the development of the psychic centers, the chakras.

The chakras extend to all levels of a person’s being. They contain valve like structures, which are open or closed according to a person’s stage of development. This determines how many levels of energy can enter a chakra.

Since most energy, input comes in the form of psychological material the chakra mechanisms ensure that we are only conscious of incoming energies with which we can deal.

Located with the cerebrospinal system, the chakras are the stage upon which the interaction between higher consciousness and desire is played out. Consequently, it is through understanding and utilizing the energies of the chakras that we ultimately reach an enlightened state of being.

Each chakra corresponds to certain physical systems and the related organs. There is a direct relationship between the condition of the chakra and the corresponding physical organs.

A chakra can be overvitalised, undervitalised or in a state of balance. It can be open or blocked.

The physical symptoms will be mirrored by dysfunction within the related energy network and the chakra itself.

Creating change to restore the related energy system to a state of balance will create change at the physical level.

Written by Vo Thi Minh Hiep Ph. D

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