Monday, April 10, 2006

The Benefit of Meditation in U.E.

Written by Dr. Lynn Tran

The methods of treatment in energy healing had indicated that the mind is the basic and very important element in the work of healing and in the preservation of health. These studies are always teaching the patient the breathing exercise and the theory of composure when the practitioner is not in meditation. For example, the relaxation, the calmness to neutralize a conflict or a stressful situation is one of these theories.

Science explained that when we are relaxed, the brainwaves of the Beta level would automatically drop to the Alpha level (electroencephalogram recorded the vibration from 14-22 Hertz down to 4–14 Hertz). Science has proved that when the brain is at the Alpha level or at the state of relaxation, people can study complicated subjects such as: mathematics, physics, science, or subjects that required brainwork easier than when we at the Beta level...When we are calm and relax we will be more intelligent and brighter.

The brain that contains full of criticisms is just like an electrical current try to pass through an obstruction within a wire, cannot flow smoothly, it will be shorted and burn up. The brain that contains much confusions, full of negativity cannot absorb new messages, cannot see new things. Two groups with opposite concepts cannot be neutralized, must go outside of the competition in order to find a common denominator. They must be calm and relax, when their minds at peace then everything will be fine. When the mind is still in confusion, still in criticism, then nothing can be solved. Another example: fears of rumor (public opinion). Although it is a low-level, do not under estimate it. Fear of rumor is an inner illness that very dangerous for the development of personality. “Rumor is a King of the world!“ said Pascal. It is an extraordinary power, from a high and richest person all the way down to an ordinary person are always subordinate under its commands. To be freed from rumor’s slavery, we must establish ourselves an independent spirit. Whoever has an independent spirit, do-not like famous, is a person who stands above all. His thoughts, ideas, and decisions under any perspectives are always priority and the public opinions are always behind. Scientifically speaking, fear is a force that has ability to stop the development of the cellular system, and decrease its activities.

Therefore, calmness, relaxation, and joyfulness are the formulas that help the cellular system in the brain to develop properly and assist the operation capacity to be more positively.

Spiritually speaking, fear is a curtain of darkness that obstructs and delays our explorations and studies on the path of evolution.

With the above conditions, we see that people who practice merging body-mind and Universal Energy correctly will have high composure and also overcome disturbances, or recover from illnesses within a shorter time than the people who don’t practice Yoga.

According to Spiritual Human Yoga technique in the perspective of science and medicine, our bodies have organized by billions of cells, and these cells are composed by millions of atoms that we call “electron” and “proton”. These atoms have such quality relatively to electromagnetic, and characters like wave and light. When we clearly understand this, then we know certainly that our bodies are already have the source of energy that can also be called “universal energy” or “human energy” to protect the survival and to maintain the immunity to resist all viruses that might invade and destroy our physical bodies.

This is a very important element that we must understand thoroughly so we would not be too abstracted or too deify about this method of treatment. We place the primary foundation of the research and study in the reality of science, and depending on the permanent post of knowledge and ability of each individual so we can continue on the development and progression for the evolution.

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