Friday, April 30, 2010

Sclerology + Foot Glyphology Analysis

1) Advanced pituitary stress with enclosed black dot near the rim of the iris. An encapsulated stress with nerveous tension stomach. The person work in the fast pace, stress condition and difficult to settle down. Learning living with slow pace and require plenty of rest.

1) Originate from bladder stress.
2) Congestion stress in adrenal reaction field, the stress line curving down to encapsulate or hardening the adrenal tissues. Possible adrenal infection which caused by emotional stress and tension.
3) Advanced congestion stress line moving to small intestine.
4) The stress level was affected the pancreas functions, possible digestive enzyme deficiency and sugar level imbalance.
5) The colon or bladder stress expands to liver and gall bladder reaction area.

The above stresses indicate that the patient was having deficiency and disturbances in digestion, absorption, assimilation, detoxification and sugar imbalance problems.

1) Lymphatic congestion and stagnation. Toxicity accumulated in the body system. Lymphatic drainage massage, strengthen the spleen and liver cleansing.

1) Congestion stress in parathyroid area.
2) Stress in thoracic vertebrae and spinal nerves.

1) Mental tension stress line.
2) Congestion stress line stemming from the nerve fray area linking to thyroid reaction fields.
3) Secondary involvement with congestion stress.

1) Pocket stress in adrenal and kidney areas.
2) Possible of bladder infection with parasites involvement.
3) Spleen stress stemming from the colon.
4) Stress in the digestion and absorption.
1) Bundle branch stress line approaching to heart reflex area. checking of heart pumping and palpitation problems.
2) Spleen stress line crossing to heart region.

1) Tracer line from brain reflex area- Thyroid stress.
2) Nerve stress in spinal cord areas.

1) Digestion stress line from stomach zone.
2) " Star-Mark" located in the heart zone indicate heart stress with infections and possible parasites involvement. Pancreas line extending to heart zone.
3) Pancreas line extends toward to the liver and gall bladder region, indicate digestive enzyme - lipase deficiency, insufficient of digesting fat.
4) Liver stress.
5) Lipase deficiency affecting the function of liver and gall bladder's bile to manage fats, weaknesses in digesting fats.
6) The major stresses originated from the deficiency in colon and small intestines.

1) Stomach stress line.
2) Stomach stress line extending to heart indicate possible of overeating that cause palpitations.
3) Lung stress.
4) Spleen stress originating from stomach's digestive disorder.
5) Deep stress line crossing small intestines and colon reflexive areas.

Whitish areas indicate lymphatic congestion.

Whitish areas or callous indicate lymphatic stagnation and poor circulation.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Sclerology Analysis -33

1) Pocket infection in the frontal rim of the sclera, potential of sinus infection.
2) Pituitary stress with second involvement , the advanced congestion stress heading to thymus and linking to lower abdomen refex areas, possible linking with adrenal gland. Weakness in endocrine system and possible glandular fatigue.
3) Another branched off encapsulated pituitary stress.
4) Possible tension headache stress stemming from the forehead zone.

1) Lymphatic congestion and stagnation.
2) Linking stress line with pituitary down to lower abdomen areas indicate sluggishness in lymphatic drainage.Lymphatic massage therapy is recommended.

1) A tendency of emotional stress and brain fatigue. Checking of sinus congestion.

1) Adrenal and Kidney stress.
2) Congestion stress line stemming from colon to spleen reaction field, indicate deficiency in spleen, lymphatic stagnation and immune system insufficiency.
3) Critical stress in ovary reflex area. Possible of menstrual problmes or cramps.

1) Cardiovascular stress with secondary involvement. Cardiovascular risk.
2) Congestion stress in heart reaction field indicate deficiency in blood circulation.
3) Bundles bracnch stress lines.
4) Spleen stress line crossing over to heart region, indicate spleen VS heart syndrom, potential of chronic stage in heart problems. The spleen stress line was nearly touching to the rim of the iris which the heart region was seated and curving back joinning with cardiovascular line.

1) Thyroid congestion line.
2) Pocket stress line encompassed the thyroid and larynx reflex areas. Deficiency in thyroid function and metabolism.

Sclerology Analysis -32

1) Pituitary stress with encapsulation formation, indicate endocrine fatigue and nerve stress with hardening of tissue. Pocket stress in the outer frontal area, indicate sinus infection.
2) Emotional imbalance and mental stress of dissatisfaction perception on every matters.
3) Possible of tension headache. Further consultation on emotional status is needed.
1) Bladder infection. Checking any symptoms of frequent, choking, burn or dribbling urination condition.
2) Adrenal stress.
3) kidney stress.
1) Lymphatic congestion.
1,2, 3) Encapsulation stress - Possible of sinus infection and chronic congestion. Nerve stress and nerve energy depletion.
1,2) Pocket infection line in bladder reflex zone.
3) Pocket infection in colon area.
4) Adrenal stress tracing to thyroid area.
5) kidney stress line.
6) Advanced stress line stemming from splenic flecture concentrated in teste reflex area and lespreading to spleen zone. Checking testicle condition.
7) Spleen stress stemming from splenic flecture zone. Possible immune system deficiency and lymphatic congestion.
1) Critical spleen stress from splenic flecture running toward to heart area.
2) An advanced spleen stress with Y fork formation.
3) Bundle branch stress.

1) Thyroid congestion with the condition of hardening tissue.

Remidies Suggestion ~
Flower remedy for spleen and heart blood circulation.
Flower remedy for thyroid, adrenal and kidney.
Medical checking for bladder, prostate and teste condition.
Sinus and Tonsile therapy.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Sclerology Analysis - 31

1) Congestion stress line with encapsulated formation near to the stomach area. Indicate brain stress, brain fatigue, nerve impingement, low energy and libido, emotional imbalance, mentally stress and possible nerveous stomach with disturbance in digestion.

1) Congestion stress in adrenal and kidney travelling toward to thyroid area. Indicate adrenal exhausted with stress, and possible fatigue in glandular functions of adreanl and thyroid. Kideny stress also have to be addressed.
2) Advanced stress stemming from colon to pancreas, gall bladder and liver. Checking of glucose level, digestive enzymes (amalases, proteases and lipases ), digestive condition and detofixication functions.
3) Stress line toward to gall bladder and liver reflex zone.

1) Network lines crossing the left breast zone, indicate lymphatic congestion.
2) Liver stress line.

1) Congested traser line stemming from the adrenal gland joinning with thyroid area. The congestion line was curved down with encapsulation formation along the spinal nerves region. Possible glandular imbalance and impinged on spinal nerve stress.
2) Thyroid congestion line expanding toward to the rim of iris, indicate possible chronic condition.
3) Possible of scapula stress with lymphatic congestion.

1) Pituitary stress line approaching to thyroid zone.
2) Thyroid congestion line.

1) Medium stress line stemming from colon crossing to spleen zone, indicate deficiency in lymphatic circulation and drainage condition. The body immune system is concerned.
2) Advanced stress line in small intestine.
3) Impingement on spinal nerve.

1) Advanced stress line from left liver lobe toward to heart treflex area. Allergies and lipid level are concerned.

1) An advaned congestion line in thyroid reflex zone.

In summary, remedies and nutritional therapy to be taken as to restore the client health ~

a) Glandular fatigue in thyroid and adrenal - Phytobiophysics formulas
b) Lymphatic massage - Phytobiophysics lymphative massange technique
c) Energy psychotherapy ~ EFT ,UE healing, Heart Lock technique for brain stress, emotional imbalance and nerve depletion.
d) Spleen stress remedy by applying flower energy HF formula.

Iridology Analysis - 44

Right iris
a) High resiliency with tight fiber structure around the humoral, musculature, body structure, lymph and skin zones. High resistance in diseases and illness.
b) Even shape and distance in between of IPB & collarette, indicate normal digestion, absorption, and assimilation system.
c) Mild sodium ring formation around the outer layer rim of the iris.

1) Contraction furrows formation in the ciliary zone. Prioritize in emotional issues.
2) Closed lacuna in the thymus reflex area, indicate deficiency in immune system. The closed lacuna was located in the region of heart and thymus reflex zone, further consult with client in his medication condition is needed.
3) Closed lacuna located in the adrenal zone.
Closer view on the closed lacuna located in the collarette boundary aside with the thymus and heart reflex areas.

Frontal Diverging Ellipse in the left iris, concern in ~
1) Nerveousness, anxiety states.
2) Muscle spams
3) Cardiovascular risk

Iridology Analysis -43

Right iris
1) A mild accumulation of lipids surrounded in layer 7, indicate fats content in the blood stream.
2) Crypt attached in the urinary bladder. Checking of urination condition, such as how frequent of urination, burning or choking off urination, pain after urination and problem of dribbling. Prostate also have to be attention.
3) Deep ray stemming from the inner pupillary border, collarette toward to ciliary zone of liver and gall bladder reflex areas, indicate of liver stress. The deep ray was part of radii solaris formation in the lover abdomen.
4) Stress rings formation. Stress emotion, aggresiveness, proactive and self-motivated.
5,6) Radial furrows formation in the brain areas, indicate brain stress with nerve depletion, possible sinus congestion, headache and potential of mental and emotional imbalance. Some iridologist claimed that high potential of parasites involvement in the GI- Tract.

Left iris
1) Initially seem like scurf rim but confirmed with the client with no skin disorder problem.
2) Contraction furrows formation alwalys concentrated in the lung zone.
3) Ptential of prostate and urinary bladder deficiency.
4) Deep rays - radii solaris formation in the brain zone.

Inferior Nasal Flatness - Right iris
a) Look for prostate of testicular changes.
b) Potential stress in scaral, lumbar and coccyx areas.

Foot Glyphology analysis highlighted that an iris under the Radii solaris formation that potentially that the GI tract is affected by parasites. The soul of the foot in the colon reflex region showing some parallel line tracks with parasite movement in the colon areas.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Iridology Analysis - 42

1) Radii solaris was formed in the brain zone indication of nerve stress and depletion, possible of headache, diziness, loss of concentration and emtionally disturbances.
2) Open and closed lacunae scattered around the layer of 6 & 7. Possible a deficiency in detoxification and elimination system.
3) Closed lacuna in the thyroid reflex zone, potential of thyroid deficiency - hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism. Metabolism imbalance.
4) Radii solaris was symmetrically formed in the lower abdomen areas, indicate disturbance in digestion, absorption, assimilation, detoxification and elimination functions problem. Possible of parasites involvement in the bowel function.
5) Closed lacuna situated in the urinary bladder reflex area.
6) Closed lacuna situated in the ovary gland.
7) Sodium ring - Lipids content in the bloodstream.
8) Ray or semi-open lacuna located in the subtle heart reflex area.

Closer view on open and closed lacunae at the outer rim of detoxification and elimination layer zone - right iris
1) Small closed lacunae or crypts located in the region of urinary bladder and vagina reflex areas. ( Patient : female ).
2) Closed located in the liver and pancreas reflexive areas. Potential of liver and pancreas stress in detoxification, digestive enzyme deficiency or glucose level imbalance.
3) Cholerestrol ring.
4, 5) Potential of sinus, headache and emotional stress problems.

Closer view on open and closed lacunae at the outer rim of left iris.

Iridology Analysis - 41

Right iris
1) Topoliable of brown pigments indicate liver stess involvement.
2) Anxiety tetanic lines formation in the lower abdomen areas.
3) Formation of lipemic diathesis in the layer 6 & 7.
4) Closed lacuna located in bronchioles reflex zone, attention of bronchitis poblem.
5) Radii solaris formation in the brain zone. Suggestively, the consulting of emotional and mental issues is priority.

Left iris

1) Small lacuna or crypt attached in the region of heart and left side of bronchioles reflex areas. Suggest checking the heart's arteries and vein blood circulation, plaque condition and cholesterol levels in the body system and respiratory condition.
2) Crypts are located in the region fo spleen reflex area. Lymphatic circulation and immunoligical issues are set to be concerned.
3) Attention to testes gland functions.
4) Loose fiber structure in the kidney zone indicate a low resiliency and illness resistance .