Friday, April 30, 2010

Sclerology + Foot Glyphology Analysis

1) Advanced pituitary stress with enclosed black dot near the rim of the iris. An encapsulated stress with nerveous tension stomach. The person work in the fast pace, stress condition and difficult to settle down. Learning living with slow pace and require plenty of rest.

1) Originate from bladder stress.
2) Congestion stress in adrenal reaction field, the stress line curving down to encapsulate or hardening the adrenal tissues. Possible adrenal infection which caused by emotional stress and tension.
3) Advanced congestion stress line moving to small intestine.
4) The stress level was affected the pancreas functions, possible digestive enzyme deficiency and sugar level imbalance.
5) The colon or bladder stress expands to liver and gall bladder reaction area.

The above stresses indicate that the patient was having deficiency and disturbances in digestion, absorption, assimilation, detoxification and sugar imbalance problems.

1) Lymphatic congestion and stagnation. Toxicity accumulated in the body system. Lymphatic drainage massage, strengthen the spleen and liver cleansing.

1) Congestion stress in parathyroid area.
2) Stress in thoracic vertebrae and spinal nerves.

1) Mental tension stress line.
2) Congestion stress line stemming from the nerve fray area linking to thyroid reaction fields.
3) Secondary involvement with congestion stress.

1) Pocket stress in adrenal and kidney areas.
2) Possible of bladder infection with parasites involvement.
3) Spleen stress stemming from the colon.
4) Stress in the digestion and absorption.
1) Bundle branch stress line approaching to heart reflex area. checking of heart pumping and palpitation problems.
2) Spleen stress line crossing to heart region.

1) Tracer line from brain reflex area- Thyroid stress.
2) Nerve stress in spinal cord areas.

1) Digestion stress line from stomach zone.
2) " Star-Mark" located in the heart zone indicate heart stress with infections and possible parasites involvement. Pancreas line extending to heart zone.
3) Pancreas line extends toward to the liver and gall bladder region, indicate digestive enzyme - lipase deficiency, insufficient of digesting fat.
4) Liver stress.
5) Lipase deficiency affecting the function of liver and gall bladder's bile to manage fats, weaknesses in digesting fats.
6) The major stresses originated from the deficiency in colon and small intestines.

1) Stomach stress line.
2) Stomach stress line extending to heart indicate possible of overeating that cause palpitations.
3) Lung stress.
4) Spleen stress originating from stomach's digestive disorder.
5) Deep stress line crossing small intestines and colon reflexive areas.

Whitish areas indicate lymphatic congestion.

Whitish areas or callous indicate lymphatic stagnation and poor circulation.

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