Saturday, May 01, 2010

Iridology + Sclerology Analysis

Gender: Female, Right iris analysis - ( Analyzed by using Bernard Jensen Iridology Chart )
1) Hematogenic Constitution - Dark brown with dense pigmented anterior border layer.
2) Polyglandular Sub-Type - Mixture of open, semi-open, closed lacunae, crypts positioned in the boundary of autonomic nerve wreath or in the formed of daisy pattern or geometric pattern around the collarette. Genetically inhereted with a deficiency in glandular functions. The endocrine imbalance or breakdown communication in between the glands of pineal, pituitary, thyroid, parathyroid, adrenal, pancreas, gonalds and thymus gland.
3) Lipemic Diatehsis - Indicate accumalation of fatty tissues or cholesterol in the blood stream and it might affected the blood circulation and heart function. Potential of cardiovascular risk and heart disease. Reduce fatty, heated oily animal and acidic food, take garlic, omega-3, lecithin, milk thistle and dandelion.
4) Detail analysis of the lacunae deficiencies positioned in certain affected areas as below :
a) Potential of Pancreatic Syndrome- closed lacuna in lung zone + closed lacuna in pancreas head + beak lacuna cut into the collarette in the bronchus zone.
b) Semi-open lacuna in liver, gall bladder and kidney reflex areas indicate may cause a problem at that present and easier to get heal or nutrients in and expel toxins out.
c) Closed lacunae located in the pancreas region of 4.00, 7.50,10.00 and 1.80. It represents a high tendency of glucose imbalance or irregular of sugar levels. Potential of diabetic.
d) Closed lacunae in ovary and uterus reflex zones indicate an inhereted potential of disturbances in that affected areas.
e) Potential sinus congestion in the humoral region of 10.50 in crypt signed and 1.00 with beak lacuna penetrate inside the collarette, potential deficiency in nervous system and lack of nerve energy.
f) Pontential of Cardio-Renal Syndrome - Closed lacuna in lung and heart region at 9.40 + open lacuna in kidney zone at 5.60.
5) Gastrointestinal Tract analysis :
a) Thick and raised collarette ~ Potential of :
1) Excessive energy in the digestion system and imbalance of peristalsis.
2) The formation of these type of collarette have a tendency of high reactivitiy and fast moving of colon with diarrhea, colic., spams and motor disturbances.
3) Digestive disorders with fermenting and possible overacidic condition.
b) Angle of Fuchs wreath ~ Potential of :
1) Deficiency in pancreatic functions - insufficiency in digestive enzymes.
2) Endocrine disturbances and imbalance.
3) Disposition to diabetes mellitus.
c) Tendency of Atonic, Floppy and Distended collarette ~ Potential of :
1) Usually a Polyglandular constitution, collarette is wedely distended and appears flowery patterns.
2) Primary inherited weakness of intestinal glands and general atony in the intestinal tract.
3) Potential of constipation, poor peristalsis and slow motility as well - consultation with a cient about the digestion condition is a must !
d) Crypts found inside the collarette also indicate of poor digestion, absorption and assimilation.

Left iris analysis ~
1) Polyglandular sub-type, it represents the inheritence from endocrine fatigue and miscommunication within the glands.
2) Lipemic Diathesis in the formed of whitish arch around the layer 6 & 7.
3) Cardio-Abdominal Syndrome ~
a) Closed lacuna in the heart + Closed lacuna in the descending and sigmoid colon + Crypt in the spleen.
b) The collarette is very distended in the splenic flecture or descending colon. Abdominal distention.
c) Predisposed to ulcer or tissue degneration.
d) Potential of cardiac risk sign.
e) Gases or flatulence in the digestive tract.
4) Cardio- Renal Syndrome ~
a) Closed lacuna in heart + Closed lacuna in kidney.
b) Abdominal distention.
c) Fatigue, irritability and unrest.
d) Easily chilled, appetite loss.
5) Pancreatic Syndrome ~
a) Closed lacuna in lung + bronchus and pancreas body.
b) Potential of breathing problems, chronic bronchitis.
5) Big lacuna in lung zone indicate deficiency in respiration.
6) Closed lacuna located in the frontal sinus region indicate potential sinus congestion.
7) Tendency of distended collarette indicate constipative pattern.
8) Angle of Fuchs or raised thickened portion adjacent to the reflex regions of heart, aorta, bronchioles, lung and shoulder , potential of deficiency and weakness. Also found in the urinary bladder region at 7.00
9) Closed lacuna located in the region of temple forehead indicate potential of tension headache.
10) Crypts located around the collarette and rarefication of fibers structure in the collarette indicate low resilence and resistance to disease. Potential of diverticulosis.
11) Closed lacunae in uterus and ovary. Potential deficinecy in menstruation.

1) Vital force stress line with secondary involvement at 12.00 extends to the iris rim it represents a tendency for nerve energy deficiency, low energy & libido, emotional imbalance, headache and loss of concentration.
2) Possible of tonsils stress and sinus congestion at 2.00.

1) Possible bladder stress at 6.00 extends horizontally in the colon areas.
2) Pancreas stress line with curved down to the lower rim of the sclera. Check sugar level and digestive enzymes.
3) Medium stress line set beside the pancreas line that moving toward to gall bladder.

Lymphatic congestion and stagnation. The stress line located at 9.00.

1) An advanced thyroid congestion stress line at 2.30, indicate metabolism imbalance.
2) Potential of chronic cough problem and esophagus infections.

1) Tension stress line at 12.30 extends to Aorta reflex area. Indicate a potential deficiency in blood supply or circulation to the brain.
2) Pituitary stress at 11.45 curving to nasal quadrant. The stress line connected with the emotional stress line at 11.00 and extends to the outer rim of iris. It represents a potential of mental and emotional stress and disturbances.

1) Spleen stress line stemming from the splenic flecture at 5.20 spreading to the autonomic nerve reflex area at 5.00 ( spleen reflex zone ). Lymphatic circulation deficiency.
2) Critical stress line at 6.00 extends toward to the ANR area, potential of ulcer problem.
3) Pocket infection emcompassed the adrenal and kidney zone at 6.30.

1) Cardiovascular stress line joinning the linking line from the brain to the splenic flecture area indicate lymphatic congestion with possible of heart disease.

Closer view on the splenic stress connected with the cardiovascular stress area. Immediate checking of heart function is recommended. Lymphatic congestion, Spleen & immune system deficiency , insufficiency of blood circulation to the brain and cardiovascular stress were the major factors that caused the potential in heart disease.

1) Potential of back muscle tension and spinal nerve stress in cervical and thoracic vertebrae.

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