Thursday, April 29, 2010

Sclerology Analysis -32

1) Pituitary stress with encapsulation formation, indicate endocrine fatigue and nerve stress with hardening of tissue. Pocket stress in the outer frontal area, indicate sinus infection.
2) Emotional imbalance and mental stress of dissatisfaction perception on every matters.
3) Possible of tension headache. Further consultation on emotional status is needed.
1) Bladder infection. Checking any symptoms of frequent, choking, burn or dribbling urination condition.
2) Adrenal stress.
3) kidney stress.
1) Lymphatic congestion.
1,2, 3) Encapsulation stress - Possible of sinus infection and chronic congestion. Nerve stress and nerve energy depletion.
1,2) Pocket infection line in bladder reflex zone.
3) Pocket infection in colon area.
4) Adrenal stress tracing to thyroid area.
5) kidney stress line.
6) Advanced stress line stemming from splenic flecture concentrated in teste reflex area and lespreading to spleen zone. Checking testicle condition.
7) Spleen stress stemming from splenic flecture zone. Possible immune system deficiency and lymphatic congestion.
1) Critical spleen stress from splenic flecture running toward to heart area.
2) An advanced spleen stress with Y fork formation.
3) Bundle branch stress.

1) Thyroid congestion with the condition of hardening tissue.

Remidies Suggestion ~
Flower remedy for spleen and heart blood circulation.
Flower remedy for thyroid, adrenal and kidney.
Medical checking for bladder, prostate and teste condition.
Sinus and Tonsile therapy.

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