Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Iridology Analysis - 44

Right iris
a) High resiliency with tight fiber structure around the humoral, musculature, body structure, lymph and skin zones. High resistance in diseases and illness.
b) Even shape and distance in between of IPB & collarette, indicate normal digestion, absorption, and assimilation system.
c) Mild sodium ring formation around the outer layer rim of the iris.

1) Contraction furrows formation in the ciliary zone. Prioritize in emotional issues.
2) Closed lacuna in the thymus reflex area, indicate deficiency in immune system. The closed lacuna was located in the region of heart and thymus reflex zone, further consult with client in his medication condition is needed.
3) Closed lacuna located in the adrenal zone.
Closer view on the closed lacuna located in the collarette boundary aside with the thymus and heart reflex areas.

Frontal Diverging Ellipse in the left iris, concern in ~
1) Nerveousness, anxiety states.
2) Muscle spams
3) Cardiovascular risk

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